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DotSoft MapWorks v11.0.0.0 Software
DotSoft MapWorks v11.0.0.0

DotSoft MapWorks v11.0.0.0

MapWorks is Civil/Survey Mapping & GIS software for AutoCAD and BricsCAD. It is a modular system covering the major areas of alignments, design, geotech, parcels, points, sections, surfaces, and more.

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Mobatec Modeller v4.15192 Software
Mobatec Modeller v4.15192

Mobatec Modeller v4.15192

The process modelling methodology implemented in Mobatec Modeller is based on the hierarchical decomposition of processes into networks of elementary systems and physical connections. This process modelling software combines two approaches to modelling: equation based modelling and flowsheeting. This makes it an advanced process modelling software which is best described as an Equation Based Flowsheeter.

Equation based (white box) modelling is flexible, as users can create custom tailored models to their own needs resulting in a high fidelity simulations. Conventionally equation based modellers require a programming language, used by the user to transform (code) the model equations into lots of lines of code in order for solver to solve the model. This code is not transparent, and even experienced users need time to use, modify or improve existing models. With Mobatec Modeller no knowledge of code (programming) is required, equations are written almost as on paper and the code is generated automatically by the software.

Some of the things that give it an edge over other softwares:
  • Huge reduction of model developing time and overall effort.
  • No process modelling expert is needed to set up, modify, or even understand your process models.
  • Even beginning users can quickly setup complex models that are transparent for others.
  • Model builders don’t have to be computer programmers that need to worry on how to translate mathematical equations into a solvable computer syntax. Mobatec Modeller takes care of this. Mobatec Modeller makes modelling more accessible and fun.
  • The models are transparent and also easy to understand by users who were not involved with the model development.
  • Construct models of industrial, lab-scale or pilot plant processes (either continuous, semi-continuous, batch or semi-batch, either complete process or only parts).
  • Perform dynamic and realistic simulations of your chemical-physical processes with an outstanding 2D interface and easily connect to 3D interfaces and/or third party DCS software.
  • Compatible with other softwares, easy export function to any other modelling environment or software.
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Snowden Technologies Snowden Supervisor v8.13.1.1 Software
Snowden Technologies Snowden Supervisor v8.13.1.1

Snowden Technologies Snowden Supervisor v8.13.1.1

Supervisor is an invaluable tool for resource estimation professionals because it helps to solve practical geological issues in the shortest possible time. If you use biased data or invalid domains in your resource estimation process, you will get an unreliable result. This will have dramatic implications downstream in the mining value chain. Billions of dollars get invested based on resource estimates, so it is critical that they are as accurate as possible. Supervisor has a range of advanced features that leverage decades of research and experience in geological data analysis and geostatistics. It’s intuitive and easy to use because we’ve built it around how geologists need to work. This is why Supervisor is recognised as an industry leader in geological data analysis.

Supervisor has a range of data analysis tools that will allow the user to rapidly understand the characteristics of an orebody. Tools include: histograms, log probability plots, cumulative distribution functions, correlation matrices, Q-Q plots, box and whisker plots, mean and variance plots, as well as the application of top cuts and declustering.

Variograms represent the grade continuity within your deposit and are a key input to the kriging process. Supervisor’s easy to use variogram analysis is interactive, allowing the user to view and model variograms for all directions at once and view them in 3D.

Optimise block size and estimation parameters with an interactive and simple to use KNA interface to ensure a better quality estimate and reduce conditional bias (oversmoothing). KNA tests various block sizes, number of samples, search parameters and discretisation to ensure conditional bias is minimised.

Ensure the accuracy of your estimate against the input data in a fraction of the time and test the theoretical grade tonnage curve using global change of support. Model validation generates grade trend plots, histograms, log probability plots, statistics and global change of support to assess the quality of an estimate.

Determine the optimal drill hole spacing for your deposit by creating various theoretical drilling patterns and generating statistics for kriging efficiency and slope of regression. These statistics can then be compared for various drilling patterns and search parameters to determine which give the optimal results.

Test your variograms before running your estimate by using Supervisor’s cross validation module. This is done by comparing the ‘true’ sample grade with the estimated grade at each sample point and generating a scatterplot and associated statistics for analysis.
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Weise Project-Manager 2022.0.0.7 Software
Weise Project-Manager 2022.0.0.7

Weise Project-Manager 2022.0.0.7

Mit der Ressourcenplanung lassen sich jetzt neben Bauzeiten auch der Einsatz von Personal, Geraten, Fahrzeugen oder anderen Betriebsmitteln projektubergreifend planen. Anhand ubersichtlicher Grafiken sieht man auf einen Blick, wer, wo und wann mit welcher Auslastung, auf welcher Baustelle eingeplant ist, welche Arbeiten wann beendet sein mussen und welches Gerat wann wieder zur Verfugung steht. Das hilft, die richtigen Mitarbeiter zur richtigen Zeit und ihren Fahigkeiten entsprechend einzusetzen, passende Teams zusammenzustellen und schnell zu reagieren, sobald ein Mitarbeiter ausfallt. Zu personellen Ressourcen lassen sich Auslastungsgrade, Abwesenheitszeiten und Urlaubszeiten definieren. Ressourcen konnen eine konkrete Person, eine abstrakte Personengruppe oder Betriebsmittel und Material sein.Um die Kosten einer Ressource zu berechnen, kann man entweder auf bestehende Kostendaten zugreifen oder diese neu eingeben. Bei Planungsanderungen verschieben sich alle abhangigen Elemente automatisch mit, so dass die Konsequenzen sofort erkennbar sind. Sollte es dabei zu Konflikten mit anderen Gewerken oder Baustellen kommen, werden diese angezeigt. Dank umfangreicher Auswertungsmoglichkeiten und Reports haben Projektverantwortliche alle Personal- und sonstigen Unternehmensressourcen stets im Blick. Ausgewertet werden Ressourcen, deren Auslastung und Kosten sowie Abwesenheitszeiten in Form von Diagrammen, Wocheneinsatzplanen und Jahresubersichten, Kostenubersichten und Kostenverlaufen, Meilensteinlisten oder Soll/Ist-Vergleichen.

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Weise Fluchtplan 2022.0.0.17 Software
Weise Fluchtplan 2022.0.0.17

Weise Fluchtplan 2022.0.0.17

Mit der Software Fluchtplan können Architekten und Ingenieure, Brandschutz- und Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Arbeitssicherheitsfachkräfte, Gutachter oder Facility Manager Flucht- und Rettungspläne gemäß DIN ISO 23601 und DGUV 9 mehrsprachig erstellen. Darüber hinaus lassen sich auch Feuerwehrpläne nach DIN 14095 inklusive normgerechter Symbolik und Feuerwehrlaufkarten generieren. Die Pläne können ganz einfach von Grund auf neu generiert werden oder auf Grundlage von DXF-, DWG- oder PDF-Dateien eingelesen werden. 

Dieses Modul ermoglicht es Brandschutzvisualisierungsplane (LP 1 bis LP 4), Brandschutzausfuhrungsplane (LP 5) und Brandschutzdokumentationsplane (LP 9) nach den Vorgaben der VDI Richtlinie VDI 3819 (Entwurf) zu erstellen. Es stehen dabei zahlreiche Symbole fur Bauteile und brandschutzrelevante Anlagen und Einrichtungen zur Verfugung.
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INDUCTA Products Suite 2022 Software
INDUCTA Products Suite 2022
FTG v1.2.2, PanelsPlus v3.2.18, PTD v2.1.25, RCB v2.2.13, RCC v1.2.4, SLB v2.1.32

INDUCTA Products Suite 2022

FTG is a software for the design check of a pad footings and strip footings. Through a simple user interface footings are checked for bearing, bending, beam shear and punching shear as applicable, all with the click of a button.

PanelsPlus is a finite element software package for the lifting analysis, design and detailing of precast and tilt-up concrete panels. Panels of any shape can be modelled with standard lifting configurations automatically created by the software.

PTD is a finite element analysis and design software for post-tensioned concrete slabs. Slabs of any shape can be analysed including suspended slabs and slab-on-ground. It has been developed in close coordination with leading Australian structural engineers specialising in post-tensioned slab design with the aim of not just providing a powerful analytical tool but speeding up the entire post-tensioned design and detailing process.

RCB is a finite element software package for the 3D modelling, analysis and design of reinforced concrete buildings. It provides a comprehensive solution for concrete building design including vertical and horizontal loading, wind and earthquake calculators, frequency analysis, spectral analysis, soil structure interaction, detailed stress design, column / wall design and scheduling, construction stages and column / wall axial shortening.

RCC is a tool for the design check of a reinforced concrete section to AS3600. Through a simple user interface columns of rectangular, circular or free shape can be input, and checks for strength, fire, core confinement and shear can be performed with a click of button.

SLB is a software product for the analysis and design of suspended reinforced concrete slabs and slab-on-ground. It uses finite element analysis to analyse and design slabs of any shape with two-way action automatically considered.
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Bentley MAXSURF Multiframe Advanced CONNECT Edition V23 Update 05 Software
Bentley MAXSURF Multiframe Advanced CONNECT Edition V23 Update 05

Bentley MAXSURF Multiframe Advanced CONNECT Edition V23 Update 05

Multiframe Structural Engineering Software provides linear and non-linear analysis, static and dynamic options and buckling calculations. These analysis options are complemented by a full range of analysis-related modeling tools like master-slave, prescribed displacements, springs, thermal effects, offset members, additional masses and much more. Other modules allow you to draw section shapes and install them in the sections library and perform design checks for a range of design codes.

Multiframe Advanced features:
  • 3D frame, truss and plate analysis.
  • Linear and Second Order analysis.
  • Section properties calculation.
  • Design check and optimization for steel frames.
  • Modal and Time History dynamic analysis.
  • Includes all design codes (ASD, AIJ, LRFD, BS5950, AS4100, NZS3404, AS4600, AISI, EC/3 & User defined)
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Seequent Leapfrog Geo v5.0.1 Software
Bentley Seequent Leapfrog Geo v5.0.1 (ex. Zaparo, ARANZ) 
incl. tutorials and offline help files

Seequent Leapfrog Geo v5.0.1

Leapfrog is the leading 3D geological modelling software for the mining, exploration, groundwater contamination, and geothermal energy industries. Leapfrog is a completely new way of processing, viewing and interpreting drill-hole data. With Leapfrog, you can immediately visualise mineralisation patterns in 3D through a single interactive processing environment.

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Softree TerrainTools9 v9.0.463 Software
Softree TerrainTools9 v9.0.463 + Tutorials

Softree TerrainTools9 v9.0.463

Ideal for 3D site design, handling survey data, stockpile volume calculations, mine surveying, quantity takeoffs, pad and pond design, geological mapping, surface contouring and visualization, and landfill site design. Includes functions for: surveying, coordinate geometry, image manipulation, digital terrain modeling, contouring, volume and earthwork calculations, design, grading, visualization and report generation.

LiDAR Import & Thinning Control
Create surface models from large LiDAR and UAV datasets. Have complete control over your point data thinning functionality. Thinning to polygons, corridors, coordinates regions, or exterior regions. 

Survey Data Management
Import and management of a variety of survey and file formats, including: total station, LiDAR, ASCII, DWG, DGN, USGS DEM, LandXMl and image formats (TIFF, BMP, JPG). Total station data can be included with automatic control of linear features, breaklines and symbology. Import georeferenced background imagery from our Live Maps tool.

Digital Terrain & Surface Modelling
A complete set of functions for creating a 3D surfaces and Digital Terrain Model (DTM), including break lines and boundary areas. Contours can be generated at user specified intervals with full control of color, line types and labels. Contours can be updated at any time.

Site Design and Grading
Site design made easy with intuitive grading functions, feature creation and design of polygonal shapes such as ponds, pads, pits etc.

Volume Calculations & Reporting
Calculate stockpile volumes using average end-area method. Easily calculate volumes between entire surfaces. Set a boundary feature and determine the polygon's surface properties (surface area, volume, average slope and aspect). Calculate volumes between surfaces or enclosed within a single surface.

Feature Tools
Format features with annotation, line-type, symbols and hatching control. Manipulate features by moving, sizing, rotating, breaking, joining. Easily manage feature properties: modelled, displayed, draped, breakline, connected, and boundary. 

3D Display
3D window shows a perspective display of features and TIN surfaces. Includes drive-through mode for use with linear features.

Output Sheet Creation
Create your own customized output sheet with plan, profile windows, title blocks, legends and more. Export your output sheet for use with Avenza PDF Maps. 

Watershed & Hydrology Tools
Easily determine catchment areas of the TIN model and create corresponding features. The automatic calculation of watershed areas is based on a regular grid. The user can choose the grid cell size. An additional drainage area feature allows users to determine the drainage area associated with a specific point, useful in culvert design projects (new Version 10 feature).

Cable Logging Planning
In the forest-industry version, includes complete functionality for cable planning analysis. Analyze payload, clearance, and line tensions. Evaluate different types of equipment and logging configurations. Plot various carriage positions for a given midspan deflection (third point method). 

CAD Engine Not Required
Terrain Tools does not require a CAD engine to run. It is a stand-alone program designed for engineering over drafting. It is compatible with AutoCAD and Bentley products and can be saved in standard output formats: LandXML, DXN, DGN, DWG and more.
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Softree Optimal9 v9.0.463 Software
Softree Optimal9 v9.0.463 + Tutorials

Softree Optimal9 v9.0.463

Optimize Your Geometric Road Design. Estimate & Reduce Your Earthwork Costs. Design roads, highways, and corridors that cost less to build. Adding optimization software to your geometric design process allows you to deliver the lowest-cost design. It also allows you to design faster.

Softree Optimal is a patented alignment optimization program. It can optimize an alignment vertically and horizontally. Generate the lowest cost vertical alignment based on the ground surface, the preliminary horizontal alignment, and the design parameters and constraints entered by the user. Utilize new horizontal alignment optimization functionality to further refine and improve your design.

Optimize Your Corridor Design: Vertically and Horizontally
Consistently find the lowest-cost vertical alignment design that satisfies your design constraints & standards. Vertical optimization on its own typically brings down construction costs by 10-30% or more, depending on the project. Horizontally optimization works within a defined range of IP movement. Resulting improvements over 50% cost reduction are not uncommon.

Design Time Costing
Built-in costing models allow you to calculate your alignment's subgrade construction costs as you design. Quantitively compare multiple alignments and design variables based on construction cost. Know your cost & reduce it.

Optimized Material Movement Schedule
Our Opti-Haul graphic is a detailed plan for visually analyzing optimal material movement. Similar to a mass haul, but with more detail, it includes movement by material and by direction. Opti-Haul graphic (and data export) gives users a prescriptive plan to reduce their haulage costs and make construction jobs more efficient.

Stand-Alone Software or Embedded into RoadEng
Softree Optimal is sold as it's own stand-alone program or is embedded within the full framework of RoadEng. In both options, you can benefit from the patented alignment optimization methods. A Direct interface for exporting cross-sections (assemblies) is available for Civil 3D.

Check Feasibility
Define your design standards and constraints ensure your alignment automatically meets your criteria. Check the feasibility of proposed designs and constraints. View your constraints through the visual feedback of the profile window (including display of the vertical band)

Automatically Balance Mass Haul with Smart Pits
Softree Optimal will look to internally balance your corridor. If not possible, Softree Optimal with leverage Smart Pits. Define available pit locations capacities, distance from the alignment, and preparation cost and Optimal will select the most appropriate ones.
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