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MathWave Technologies EasyFit v5.6 Software
MathWave Technologies EasyFit v5.6

MathWave Technologies EasyFit v5.6

EasyFit allows to automatically or manually fit a large number of distributions to your data and select the best model in seconds. It can be used as a stand-alone application or with Microsoft Excel, enabling you to solve a wide range of business problems with only a basic knowledge of statistics.

Benefits of EasyFit:
  • save time: reduce your analysis times by 70-95% over manual methods
  • save money: prevent analysis errors and make better business decisions
  • ensure the high quality of your projects
  • get started fast: EasyFit is extremely easy to learn & use
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nanoSoft nanoCAD Plus v11.1.4837.9824 Software
nanoSoft nanoCAD Plus v11.1.4837.9824 x64

nanoSoft nanoCAD Plus v11.1.4837.9824

nanoCAD – российская САПР-платформа, содержащая все необходимые инструменты базового проектирования. Знакомый интерфейс, прямая поддержка формата *.dwg и расширяемость делают nanoCAD лучшей на сегодня альтернативой при выборе инженерной платформы для любой отрасли. Российская универсальная САПР-платформа, содержащая все необходимые инструменты базового проектирования, выпуска чертежей и разработки приложений с помощью открытого API. Знакомый интерфейс, непосредственная поддержка формата *.dwg и расширяемость делают ее альтернативой №1 при переходе на новые базовые решения. Платформа nanoCAD постоянно развивается и совершенствуется. При разработке восьмой версии основное внимание было уделено повышению точности математического аппарата и удобства работы с программой, развитию корпоративных функций и интеграции с BIM-системами.

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Applied Flow Technology Impulse v7.0.1122 build 2020.01.30 Software
Applied Flow Technology Impulse v7.0.1122 build 2020.01.30

Applied Flow Technology Impulse v7.0.1122 build 2020.01.30

Applied Flow Technology Impulse - набор инструментальных средств предоставляющих возможность работы с моделью в интерактивном режиме через графический интерфейс, инструментарий включает встроенную библиотеку экспертных знаний по проблеме гидроудара. Applied Flow Technology Impulse позволяет создавать проект-дизайн системы трубопровода с большей степенью защищенности, надежности и безопасности исключая потенциально опасные эффекты гидроудара и других нежелательных неустановившихся режимов.

Primary Features of AFT Impulse 7
  • Advanced transient solver based on Method of Characteristics.
  • Built-in steady-state solver to automatically initialize waterhammer transient.
  • Detailed pump inertial modelling for trips and start-ups including state-of-the-art, four quadrant methods.
  • Built-in library of fluids and fittings.
  • Models liquid column separation caused by transient cavitation.
  • Extensive cavitation modelling.
  • Scenario Manager to track all design variants and operational possibilities in a single model file with data linkage.
  • Comprehensive relief valve modelling.
  • Integrated graphing and reporting.
  • Animation features to dynamically graph transients.
  • Create video files from animations to share your results.
  • Generates force imbalance files that can be automatically read into CAESAR II and TRIFLEX pipe stress dynamic models.
  • Built-in intelligence to guide you in building better models.
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Video tutorials
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Applied Flow Technology Arrow v7.0.1207 build 2019.12.11 Software
Applied Flow Technology Arrow v7.0.1207 build 2019.12.11

Applied Flow Technology Arrow v7.0.1207 build 2019.12.11

Applied Flow Technology Arrow - отличная программа для гидравлического расчета различных разветвленных сетей со сжимаемыми средами (включает также расчет теплопотерь) Осуществляет анализ системы при скоростях вплоть до звуковой (также включен анализ сети при звуковом ударе)

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Applied Flow Technology Fathom v11.0.1103 build 2020.03.19 Software
Applied Flow Technology Fathom v11.0.1103 build 2020.03.19

Applied Flow Technology Fathom v11.0.1103 build 2020.03.19

Applied Flow Technology Fathom - программно-аналитический комплекс моделирования потока в трубопроводе. Удобный графический интерфейс, встроенная библиотека оборудования, арматуры и флюидов, широкие аналитические возможности, схематическое изображение создаваемого объекта, все это реализовано в AFT Fathom и предоставляет инженеру проектировщику возможность системного подхода в реализации проектов любой сложности. AFT Fathom обладает большим спектром возможностей не являясь при этом компромиссом между функциональностью и сложностью в освоении и использовании.

  • Advanced hydraulic solver
  • Detailed modeling for centrifugal and positive displacement pumps
  • Scenario Manager to track all design variants and operational possibilities in a single model file
  • Pump vs. system curve generation including individual head curves and composite efficiency
  • Thermal analysis including piping heat transfer and heat exchanger modeling
  • Supports Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, including non-settling slurries
  • Optional ChempakTM add-on utility provides a thermophysical database of almost 700 fluids
AFT Fathom add-on modules:
  • Settling Slurry (SSL) - models the effects of pumping fluids containing settling solids using the Wilson/GIW method
  • Extended Time Simulation (XTS) - models dynamic system behavior
  • Goal Seek and Control (GSC) - identifies input parameters that yield desired output values and simulates control functions
  • Automated Sizing (APS and ANS) - automate the process of sizing pipelines and piping networks based on required conditions, such as maximum pressure or minimum flow, to reduce cost or weight
New features

Video tutorials
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CADprofi 2020.03 build 200321 Software
CADprofi 2020.03 build 200321

CADprofi 2020.03 build 200321

CADprofi HVAC & Piping - параметрическое CAD-приложение для проектирования технического оборудования зданий. Поддерживаются все виды технических установок: отопление, вентиляция, кондиционирование воздуха, трубопроводы и воздуховоды.

CADprofi Mechanical содержит широкий набор унифицированных деталей, стальной арматуры, стальных профилей и других компонентов, соответствующих стандартам DIN, EN, ISO и национальным нормам. Библиотека включает в себя болты, винты, шайбы, гайки, соединения, заклепки, шпильки, уголки, и детали, используемые в конструкции теплообменников и других устройств. Отличный редактор схем и проектов значительно облегчает создание чертежей гидравлических и пневматических систем.

CADprofi Architectural может быть использовано чтобы создать строительные планы, поперечные сечения и вид с фасада. Удобные функции приложения облегчают проектирование многослойных стен, архитектурное определение размеров, и быстрое создание описания конструкций. Модуль включает в себя полную библиотеку окон, дверей, мебели, и других объектов обстановки. Как дополнительная особенность, приложение может использоваться, чтобы проектировать планы эвакуации и пожаротушения.

CADprofi Electrical может быть использовано для проектирования сложных объектов, таких как электроснабжения, освещения, низковольтных систем, телекоммуникации, систем безопасности и антенных установок. Приложение содержит несколько тысяч электрических элементов и символов (светильники, распределительные устройства и многое другое) Приложение предоставляет легкий способ проектировать проводку и кабельные каналы. Среди наиболее полезных функций автоматическая нумерация (адресация) электрических цепей, и удобное проектирование и редактирование схемы подключения проводов.

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AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v3.1.0 Software
AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v3.1.0

AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v3.1.0

SimSci SimCentral Simulation Platform is a new platform to manage how processes are engineered across their entire lifecycle. With this platform, users can streamline process utility design, collaborate for process improvement and simplify modeling complexity. Benefits include reduced time and cost, an appealing user experience for the next generation of engineers and accelerated process simulation and design.

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DNV GL Maros v9.03 + Taro v5.03 Software
DNV GL Maros v9.03 + Taro v5.03

DNV GL Maros v9.03 + Taro v5.03

Improve performance and reduce cost with Maros and Taro advanced tools for RAM (Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) studies.

Maros is an advanced RAM analysis software tool specifically developed for analysing reliability, availability, maintainability for the upstream oil and gas industry. It includes extensive features for modelling flow networks, maintenance strategies, typical oil and gas upstream operations, transport logistics and storage tanks. Optimizing production and minimizing costs is a constant challenge. Key players in the oil and gas industry rely on Maros to make informed decisions about their assets. Our software development team has a history of over 30 years of working closely with super users. If you are facing a modelling challenge, most likely we have faced it and solved it.

Maros now introduces the concept of Rate Operations – previously available in our refinery design tool Taro. This new feature allows users to control the rate of the different units/nodes in the network based in level of a storage tank. This feature ensures that the right operation of storage tanks is modelled, empowering users to replicate real-life scenarios of bottlenecks and managing the inventory.
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Civil and Structural Computer Services MasterSeries 2019.13 Software
Civil and Structural Computer Services MasterSeries 2019.13 x64

Civil and Structural Computer Services MasterSeries 2019.13

MasterSeries is the UK's leading range of integrated structural analysis, design, drafting and detailing software with over 10,000 users worldwide. From the industry leading multi-material BIM enabled modelling and design environment to a collection of powerful stand-alone modules, MasterSeries features the most extensive range of technically advanced structural engineering software you'll find under one roof. For you, this means you get more done in one package, avoiding the need to swap between different incompatible software and entering the same data multiple times. No two businesses are the same, so why should their software be? That's why the MasterSeries product range is modular in nature, providing an extremely flexible and scalable software solution. In this way you aren't forced to buy a costly single large product, perhaps with many features you don't need. You simply combine the modules you need to create the ideal software solution to meet the demands of your business. And if those demands change and grow over time, you can update your software package to match it. What's more, with our multi user network based licencing system, you only need to increase the number of users on the modules where the demand is; saving you significant cost on potentially unnecessary duplicated software. No more of what you don’t need, everything that you do. MasterSeries is all about helping you get the job done. For over thirty years we've been working on the fine details to ensure the software has the depth of technical analysis and design capability you need to achieve your design objectives. Just look at the range and complexity of the client projects showcased on this website, and you can see that MasterSeries is delivering for the diverse needs of our customers in the most incredible and inspiring ways. We are fully committed to BIM and we see our customers saving time and reducing errors every day, through fast and reliable exchange of information to and from MasterSeries with other BIM products. MasterSeries is capable of integrating with other modelling software, including Revit, AutoCAD, and any other application that meets IFC standards. It’s a no-brainer: MasterSeries will save you time. A lot of time. Hand calculations that previously took the best part of a day to complete and check, can be zipped out in seconds with MasterSeries. Reviewing and revising output is a breeze. All in the knowledge that your designs are efficient and accurate. With over thirty years of providing structural engineers with the tools they need to create incredible design, MasterSeries has become an industry standard. From consulting engineers to steel fabricators, local authorities to design and build contractors; MasterSeries has been transforming the way engineers design and making businesses more profitable.

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Schlumberger Flaresim v6.0.0.64 Software
Schlumberger (ex. Softbits) Flaresim v6.0.0.64

Schlumberger Flaresim v6.0.0.64

Softbits is one of the leading specialist companies worldwide in the field of flare simulation. Based in Hampshire in the south of the UK, we develop and maintain Flaresim – the sophisticated, state-of-the-art, industry-standard flare design application for the oil, gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and refining industries.

Flaresim is our highly developed and sophisticated flare simulation/design application. Designed by professional engineers, for professional engineers, it models thermal radiation and noise footprints generated by flare systems for offshore platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants, and predicts the temperature of exposed surfaces within range. The application can analyse installations of any complexity, with unlimited multiple flare tips on multiple vertical, horizontal or inclined flare stacks. Users can model pipe flares, sonic flares and liquid burners using a range of algorithms. They can also enter and report data in units of their choice, and can convert data to other units at any time.

Flaresim provides full 3D flame-shape analysis with complete flexibility in the location and orientation of multiple stacks, and rapid evaluation of flare systems under different wind speeds and directions. Shield options can be included. Working from the opposite perspective, Flaresim allows you to size stack or boom length to meet specific radiation, noise or surface-temperature limits at defined receptor points. Flaresim includes gas dispersion models for both jet dispersion of flammable gases close to the stack and Gaussian dispersion of pollutants at longer distances. The output from Flaresim is highly customisable, and you can select either summary or detailed output. Flaresim has a user-friendly interface and incorporates context-sensitive help at every stage for user guidance.

New Features
Integration of VMG Thermo with over 20,000 component database and 70+ property methods
Link to Symmetry to support integration of Flaresim results within Symmetry Flare program
Updated licensing technology, supports read access to files with Symmetry license
Branding updates to reflect acquisition of Flaresim Ltd by Schlumberger

New Casestudy variables for Tip purge gas input and results

Fixed incorrect Casestudy variable result for SealDrum - Dipleg Height
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