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CSoft WiseImage Pro v21.0.3615.1970 for Autodesk AutoCAD Software
CSoft WiseImage Pro v21.0.3615.1970 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2018-2022

CSoft WiseImage Pro v21.0.3615.1970 for Autodesk AutoCAD

WiseImage for Windows is the new generation of 2D standalone, raster to vector conversion software with raster editing and drawing revision features. WiseImage allows you to make fast changes do editing and correction or automatic and semi-automatic raster-to-vector conversion of technical drawings, scanned maps, plans, drafts, sketches and other graphics. WiseImage is acquainted for its greater editing and cleanup tools outside the CAD surroundings. It combines raster and vector with CAD functionality and image processing skills effortlessly, everything in single cost-cutting software.

WiseImage — мощный интеллектуальный редактор и векторизатор цветного, полутонового и монохромного растра. С его помощью можно повышать качество сканированных чертежей, эскизов, карт и другой графической информации, редактировать их и преобразовывать в векторный вид. Благодаря реализованной в WiseImage технологии интеллектуального растрового и гибридного редактирования этот продукт стал признанным лидером в своей области. Редактирование растра с использованием САПР-технологий позволяет обрабатывать растровые объекты теми же способами, которые применяются для работы с векторами в традиционных системах автоматизированного проектирования. Полная поддержка многостраничных файлов, механизм интеллектуального растрового выбора, настройка интерфейса в стиле Windows XP, поддержка прямого сканирования и печати, а также открытая архитектура делают WiseImage оптимальным выбором для обработки растровых изображений, векторизации и двумерного черчения.
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CSoft WiseImage Pro Standalone v21.0.1720.1842 Software
CSoft WiseImage Pro Standalone v21.0.1720.1842 x32+x64

CSoft WiseImage Pro Standalone v21.0.1720.1842

WiseImage for Windows is the new generation of 2D standalone, raster to vector conversion software with raster editing and drawing revision features. WiseImage allows you to make fast changes do editing and correction or automatic and semi-automatic raster-to-vector conversion of technical drawings, scanned maps, plans, drafts, sketches and other graphics. WiseImage is acquainted for its greater editing and cleanup tools outside the CAD surroundings. It combines raster and vector with CAD functionality and image processing skills effortlessly, everything in single cost-cutting software.

WiseImage — мощный интеллектуальный редактор и векторизатор цветного, полутонового и монохромного растра. С его помощью можно повышать качество сканированных чертежей, эскизов, карт и другой графической информации, редактировать их и преобразовывать в векторный вид. Благодаря реализованной в WiseImage технологии интеллектуального растрового и гибридного редактирования этот продукт стал признанным лидером в своей области. Редактирование растра с использованием САПР-технологий позволяет обрабатывать растровые объекты теми же способами, которые применяются для работы с векторами в традиционных системах автоматизированного проектирования. Полная поддержка многостраничных файлов, механизм интеллектуального растрового выбора, настройка интерфейса в стиле Windows XP, поддержка прямого сканирования и печати, а также открытая архитектура делают WiseImage оптимальным выбором для обработки растровых изображений, векторизации и двумерного черчения.
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Bentley OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 9 Software
Bentley OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 9 ENG

Bentley OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 9

Bentley OpenPlant Isometrics Manager - ПО для генерирования изометрических чертежей трубопроводов из данных 3D модели.

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DesignSense GeoTools v22.23 Software
DesignSense GeoTools v22.23 for AutoCAD & BricsCAD

DesignSense GeoTools v22.23

GeoTools is an add-on program for AutoCAD and Bricscad which provides you with a number of useful productivity tools that are designed exclusively for the geographic data user. It is a heterogenous collection of CAD tools that are useful for users in the mapping, surveying, GIS, facilities planning, real estate and infrastructure management industry. 

GeoTools is a time-saver productivity tools built for geo-data using CAD users who want to work smart and not hard. In the AutoCAD version of GeoTools, there are a large number of AutoCAD Map tools as well that making working with object data a breeze. 

GeoTools functions are arranged in easily categorized pull-down menus, toolbars and also as tabbed ribbons in AutoCAD 2013 and later versions. Some of the borad category of tools you will find in GeoTools are Polyline, Annotation, Drawing Cleanup, Digitizing, AutoCAD Map, Inquiry and so on.

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DesignSense CADPower v22.23 Software
DesignSense CADPower v22.23 for AutoCAD & BricsCAD

DesignSense CADPower v22.23

CADPower is an add-on software to help you increase your productivity with AutoCAD and Bricscad. It helps you work smarter, faster and eliminates various bottleneck you might face using just your CAD software. In short, CADPower adds more value and power to your CAD software. CADPower is a collection of frequently asked tools for various CAD operations. The tools are categorized in easily accessible categories like Polyline, Blocks, Attributes, Draw, Selection, Inquiry, Miscellaneous and so on. They are available as pull-down menus, toolbars, tabbed ribbons (AutoCAD 2012 and later), as well as from the command-line as directly callable commands. Most of the commands also offer command-line versions (without dialog boxes) which can also be used in automated processing using scripts.

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CSI Perform3D v8.0.0 build 1134 Software
CSI Perform3D v8.0.0 build 1134 x64

CSI Perform3D v8.0.0 build 1134

Perform3D is a structural-engineering software useful for the performance assessment of structural systems. State-of-the-art constitutive-modeling capabilities enable characterization of material nonlinearity, including strength and stiffness degradation during component-level hysteresis. Analysis capabilities also extend to geometric nonlinearity and effects associated with P-Delta behavior. Advanced modeling tools enable a sophisticated simulation of structural behavior. Components may be grouped according to type, location, and limit state before evaluation proceeds in terms of strength or deformation-based demand-capacity ratio. The dynamic display of D-C usage is available through color-coordinated time-history animations.

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CSI Detail v18.2.0 build 11040 Software
CSI Detail v18.2.0 build 11040 x64

CSI Detail v18.2.0 build 11040

CSiDetail is an integrated and interactive software product for generating detailing output, such as detailed views, drawings, bills of materials (BOM), and bills of quantities (BOQ) from ETABS models. CSiDetail creates a detailed model of the structure, based on its analysis model and the design process carried out in ETABS. It automatically generates views and drawings that can be used as the basis for preparing final engineering drawings, as well as BIM files for use in BIM tools. Detailing can be carried out both for concrete and steel buildings. CSiDetail generates reinforcement details for slabs, beams, columns, and walls, grouping similar beams and columns in the process. Reinforcement details are presented in the form of tables and schedules for groups of components, as well as drawn in plans, elevations, and sections for individual elements. The rebar cage of individual components or the entire structure can be viewed in an interactive 3D model, showing individual rebars in true 3D coordinates. Detailing is carried out based on an extensive set of preferences and rules to control bar-size selection, spacing, curtailment, and placement. Preferences and rules can be user-defined, conforming to various design codes and local practice. This provides full customization capability for controlling how detailing is carried out and output is generated. CSiDetail has extensive capabilities for editing reinforcement. Generated views can be edited or formatted as needed. Drawings can be generated automatically for selected floors and components or created individually by combining required views. Both drawings and individual views can be exported as DXF files to CAD programs or printed directly. Framing plans, framing elevations and sections are generated automatically, and presented in tabular format. Elevations and sections of individual beams and columns are also available if needed.

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CSI SAFE 2020 v20.0.0.1701 Software
CSI SAFE 2020 v20.0.0.1701 x64

CSI SAFE 2020 v20.0.0.1701

CSI SAFE - программный комплекс для проектирования железобетонных перекрытий, фундаментов и фундаментных плит. Каждый аспект процесса проектирования конструкций, от создания геометрии конструкции до выпуска чертежей, интегрирован в одну простую и интуитивно понятную рабочую среду ПК SAFE.  Создание модели производится с использованием интеллектуальных инструментов рисования, или с использованием опций импорта из CAD-системы, электронных таблиц или базы данных. Плиты или фундаменты могут быть любой формы и могут иметь круглые и криволинейные очертания. Как в плитах, так и в балках, может быть смоделировано пост-напряжение (натяжение на бетон). Плиты перекрытий могут быть плоскими, а также иметь ребра в одном или в обоих направлениях. В модель могут быть включены колонны, связи, стены и наклонные плиты, соединяющие перекрытие с верхним и нижним перекрытиями. Стены могут быть смоделированы как прямолинейными, так и изогнутыми в плане.

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AFT xStream v1.0.1101 build 2021.06.15 Software
Applied Flow Technology xStream v1.0.1101 build 2021.06.15

AFT xStream v1.0.1101 build 2021.06.15

AFT xStream is a powerful fluid dynamic simulation tool for high-speed, acoustic transients that occur in steam and gas piping systems. Uncertainty in design and operations costs money and time. Now you can accurately simulate how your steam and gas systems will respond to potentially harmful transient events.

Primary Features of AFT xStream:
  • Built-in steady-state solver to automatically initialize system before the transient
  • Automatic pipe sectioning based on steady-state acoustic velocities
  • Compound transient event logic to model complex control sequences
  • Scenario Manager to track all design variants and operational possibilities in a single model file
  • Integrated graphing and reporting
  • Animation tools for visual interpretation of complex transient interactions
  • Generates force imbalance files that can be automatically read into CAESAR II, ROHR2, AutoPIPE and TRIFLEX pipe stress dynamic models
  • 2D flow diagram or isometric view interface
  • Built-in libraries of fluids (including NIST REFPROP and ASME Steam Tables) and fittings which can be extended and customized
  • Chempak add-on utility provides a thermophysical database of almost 600 gases - allows you to define non-reacting pre-mixtures and simulate dynamic flow mixing
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AFT Arrow v8.0.1121 build 2021.07.15 Software
Applied Flow Technology Arrow v8.0.1121 build 2021.07.15

AFT Arrow v8.0.1121 build 2021.07.15

Applied Flow Technology Arrow - отличная программа для гидравлического расчета различных разветвленных сетей со сжимаемыми средами (включает также расчет теплопотерь). Осуществляет анализ системы при скоростях вплоть до звуковой (также включен анализ сети при звуковом ударе).

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