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Bentley Seequent GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.2 Software

Bentley Seequent GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.2.0.298


GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio - программный комплекс для решения инженерно-геологических задач и моделирования грунтовых конструкций. Данны пакет состоит из 8 продуктов: SLOPE/W - анализ устойчивости откосов; QUAKE / W - динамический анализ землетрясения; AIR / W - анализ потока воздуха; SEEP / W - анализ просачивания грунтовых вод; TEMP / W - геотермальный анализ; VADOSE/W - анализ зон аэрации и анализ почвенного покрова; SIGMA / W - анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния; CTRAN / W - анализ загрязнений транспорта.

GeoStudio is a product suite for geotechnical and geo-environmental modeling, broad enough to handle all your modeling needs. The suite consists of 8 products: SLOPE/W for slope stability; SEEP/W for groundwater seepage; SIGMA/W for stress-deformation; QUAKE/W for dynamic earthquake; TEMP/W for geothermal; CTRAN/W for contaminant transport; AIR/W for air flow; VADOSE/W for vadose zone & covers.

More info

Examples can be found here

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Luxion KeyShot Studio Enterprise 2024.2 v13.1.1 Software

Luxion KeyShot Studio Enterprise 2024.2 v13.1.1


Luxion KeyShot - средство интерактивной визуализации 3D сцен и моделей, позволяет получать результат в режиме реального времени и по утверждению разработчиков - это цифровой фотоаппарат для 3D моделей.

Это один из первых рендеров, с которым даже новички смогут создавать фото-реалистичные изображения, 3D модели за считанные секунды, проектировать трехмерные сцены так, что они будут похожи на реалистичную фотографию, а не на 3D модель.

Основные особенности:

  • Программа может работать как отдельное приложение, либо как дополнение (plugin), со следующими форматами: OBJ, Autodesk Alias Maya, FBX, 3DS, Rhinoceros Plugin, SketchUp, SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER Plugin, ALIAS, JT.
  • Учитывая,что используется глобальное освещение и материалы, основанные на реальных физических параметрах, итоговые изображения получаются фотографического качества.
  • Результат вы получаете в режиме реального времени.
  • KeyShot поддерживает много собственных форматов файлов, включая Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, Rhino, SketchUp, Obj, IGES и STEP и другие.
  • Управляемый процессор, работающий на любом современном PC.
  • Использование "методики несмещённой выборки" (Unbiased Sampling Technique), которая вычисляет математически правильные результаты.
  • Использование точных материалов с научной точки зрения.
  • Многоядерное фотонное проецирование (Photon Mapping).
  • Адаптивная выборка материала и использование ядра динамического освещения (Dynamic Light Core), позволяющего увидеть результаты во время изменений.
  • KeyShot Pro использует физически правильный и проверенный CIE движок визуализации, обладающий многими новшествами.
  • Программа не требует никаких специальных навыков.
  • KeyShot позволяет Вам видеть результаты сразу же, когда Вы производите какие-либо изменения.
  • KeyShot — прекрасный инструмент для любого, кто связан с трехмерными данными: художников, инженеров, фотографов. Единственное ограничение — Ваш творческий потенциал.

Возможности реалтайм-рэйтрейсинга:

  • Interactive wysiwyg raytracing
  • Photon mapping
  • HDRI lighting
  • Global illumination
  • Ambient occlusion
  • Final gathering
  • Environment shadow casting
  • Self and inter-object shadow casting
  • Environment reflections
  • Refraction
  • Caustics
  • Inter-object light bouncing

Поддержка форматов:

  • ALIAS 2015 and prior
  • AutoCAD (DWG/DXF)
  • CATIA v5
  • PTC Creo 2.0 and prior
  • Inventor 2015 and prior
  • NX 8.5 and prior
  • Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2 – 5
  • Rhinoceros 5 and prior
  • SketchUp 2015 and prior
  • Solid Edge ST5 and prior
  • SolidWorks 2015 and prior
  • IGES
  • JT
  • Maya 2015 and prior
  • STEP AP203/214
  • OBJ
  • Parasolid
  • FBX
  • Collada
  • 3DS
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Imagine That ExtendSim Pro 2024 R1 Software

Imagine That ExtendSim Pro 2024 R1


ExtendSim consists of a full range of tools for any type of simulation. No matter how you want to use ExtendSim - building models, running models, analysis, etc. - there is a package that will fit your needs.

Each Model Developer Edition (MDE) of ExtendSim has the same core set of capabilities. In them you can create and build:

  • Models and interfaces, change values and settings, run simulations and animations, perform experiments, do analysis and optimization, save and export results.
  • Models to share with others to use in the Analysis RunTime, Player RunTime, Cloud, Student, and in other MDE versions of ExtendSim.
  • Custom blocks and libraries.

Model Developer products:

  • ExtendSim CPExtendSim CP - Continuous Process Modeling - A robust set of core features plus specialized constructs for modeling continuous processes.
  • ExtendSim DEExtendSim DE - Discrete Event Simulation - Adds a comprehensive message-based discrete event architecture and capabilities to ExtendSim CP.
  • ExtendSim ProExtendSim Pro - Advanced Simulation Technologies - Adds capabilities to ExtendSim DE that go far beyond the typical continuous or discrete event capabilities of other simulation applications.

More info

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Nemetschek Vectorworks 2024 SP5 Software

Nemetschek Vectorworks 2024 SP5


Nemetschek Vectorworks - система для автоматизации работ в области архитектурно-строительного проектирования, ориентированная на пользователей, работающих в сфере ландшафтного дизайна, а так же занимающихся проектированием интерьера, зданий и помещений.

Интеграция с геометрическим ядром Parasolid и двунаправленная ассоциативность с инновационныеми технологиями в области трехмерного моделирования позволили усовершенствовать 2D, а 3D – стал наилучшим решением в своей категории программ архитектурного 3D моделирования. Опираясь на новое ядро Parasolid 3D для работы с трехмерными моделями, продукты Nemetschek Vectorworks 2020 обеспечивают двунаправленную ассоциативную связь между всеми элементами моделей. Все вносимые изменения автоматически отражаются программное обеспечение всему проекту в целом эта функция является краеугольным камнем современного информационного моделирования для строительной промышленности и других отраслей.

Одним ядром Parasolid зависимость от Siemens не исчерпывается. С выпуском серии продуктов Vectorworks компания Nemetschek расширила интеграцию с подразделением инженерных программных продуктов Siemens PLM Software, встроив их модуль D-Cubed 2D Dimensional Constraint Manager (2D DCM диспетчер ограничений в двумерных чертежах) в свои продукты.

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Structural Vibration Solutions DEWESoft ARTeMIS Modal Pro v8.0.0.3 Software

Structural Vibration Solutions DEWESoft ARTeMIS Modal Pro v8.0.0.3

This is the basic version of ARTeMIS Modal having a frequency domain method for Operational Modal Analysis, and optionally direct data acquisition support and frequency domain methods for Experimental Modal Analysis. It is the software that allows you to get both modal analysis and operating deflection shapes analysis at a favorable entry price. The software includes setup tasks allowing you to create a project from scratch. There is a geometry generator where test geometries can be made in an object oriented manner, or you can upload gerometries into the software from various popular file formats. Measurements for Operational Modal Analysis and Operating Defection Shapes analysis can be loaded from more than 20 different file formats. Measurements channels can be assigned to the right geometry nodes and directions using drag and drop features. The software has a variety of built-in signal processing tools that can be used to enhance the performance of the analysis methods. In the basic version there are tools for detrending, decimation and filtering of the raw data as well as spectral density estimation. There is alsp an automatic selection of the so-called projection channels for more effective processing. The basic version has the effective Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) method for Operational Modal Analysis. There are various validation features available, such as mode shape animation and the Modal Assurance Criterion. In addition, it has time and frequency domain Operating Deflection Shapes analysis. It also comes with a built-in report generator which allow you to produce predefined reports in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point. The basic version seamlessly integrates with the Direct Hardware Control, and Experimental Modal Analysis plugins. This opens up for direct measurements for Operational Modal Analysis as well as e.g. direct impact testing for Experimental Modal Analysis.

Standard is the mid-size version of ARTeMIS Modal that, besides all the tasks and features of the basic version, also includes additional frequency domain methods for Operational Modal Analysis and more validation features. This version includes signal processing for detection of harmonic peaks in the spectrum. Harmonic peaks are caused by the presence of rotating components during measurements of a structure. During operational modal analysis of rotating machinery, it is important to be able to distinguish peaks of structural modes from peaks caused by the excitation. Two additional Frequency Domain Decomposition methods are available, that can estimate mode shapes and natural frequencies with more accuracy. On top, these methods also provide an estimate of the damping ratios. Modal parameters from the three built-in modal estimators can be validated against each other in a special designed validation task. In addition, modes obtained from external tools can be imported through Universal File Format and validated against internally produced results. The Standard version seamlessly integrates with the Direct Hardware Control and Experimental Modal Analysis plugins.

In addition to all features and tasks of the Basic and Standard versions, this version has up to five different time domain methods for Operational Modal Analysis. The methods are all of the very fast en efficient Crystal Clear Stochastic Subspace Identification (CC-SSI) type. These methods estimate the modal parameters directly from the measured time series, and some methods even estimate the uncertainties of the modal parameters. This version also includes effective peak reduction techniques, that can be used for pre-processing of the measurements. It can effectively remove selected peaks that can be e-g. servere harmonic peaks caused by the presence of rotating components during measurements of a structure. The Pro version seamlessly integrates with the Direct Hardware Control and Experimental Modal Analysis plugins. It also integrates with the Structural Health Monitoring plugins for Damage Detection, Modal Parameter History tracking and Interstory Drift Analysis. An Automatic File Upload plugin is also available. With this plugin, files being dumped in a designated folder will automatically be uploaded and processed by the software. In this way, modal parameter estimation and damage detection can be performed automatically with user interaction.

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QuadriSpace Document3D Suite 2024 SP0 Software

QuadriSpace Document3D Suite 2024 SP0

QuadriSpace provides leading software, server and cloud services that enable easy reuse of 3D CAD models and metadata for technical publishing. The software enables the easy creation of technical illustrations and documentation that can be distributed to others directly through industry standard print, 3D PDF and HTML. Optionally interactive documents can be distributed online using the Share3D hosted service. Founded in 2001 to help companies reuse informative 3D models, QuadriSpace solutions have a tremendous impact on productivity, time-to-market and communication effectiveness worldwide.

The Document3D Suite includes Pages3D for technical documentation and Publisher3D for technical illustrations, both products are available separately as well. By repurposing existing 3D CAD files and associated data, customers can rapidly create technical documentation and illustrations. When 3D CAD designs change, they can seamlessly update their printed, PDF or HTML deliverables.

The 2024 release includes new tools allowing users to easily create a wide range of manufacturing documentation from existing 3D CAD files. Entirely new types of interactive experiences can be created with these improvements, and the overall quality of published documentation was upgraded as well.

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Dassault Systemes SIMULIA CST Studio Suite 2024 SP5 Software

Dassault Systemes SIMULIA CST Studio Suite 2024 SP5


CST Studio Suite — это высокопроизводительный пакет программного обеспечения для ЭМ-анализа в 3D, предназначенный для проектирования, анализа и оптимизации электромагнитных компонентов и систем.

Решающие программы для всего спектра электромагнитных полей доступны в едином пользовательском интерфейсе пакета CST Studio Suite. Эти решающие программы можно объединять для гибридного имитационного моделирования, что дает конструкторам возможность эффективно и быстро анализировать целые системы, состоящие из множества компонентов. Совместное проектирование с использованием других продуктов SIMULIA позволяет интегрировать ЭМ-имитационное моделирование в процесс проектирования и управлять процессом разработки с самых ранних этапов.

К наиболее распространенным предметам ЭМ-анализа относятся производительность и эффективность антенн и фильтров, электромагнитная совместимость и помехи (ЭМС/ЭМП), воздействие человеческого тела на электромагнитные поля, электромеханические эффекты в двигателях и генераторах, а также тепловые эффекты в устройствах высокой мощности.

CST Studio Suite используется в ведущих технологических и инженерных компаниях по всему миру. Это решение обеспечивает значительные преимущества на рынке, сокращая циклы разработки и затраты. Имитационное моделирование позволяет использовать виртуальное прототипирование. Можно оптимизировать производительность устройства, выявлять потенциальные несоответствия нормативным требованиям и устранять их на ранних этапах процесса проектирования, уменьшить количество необходимых физических прототипов и свести к минимуму риск ошибок и отзывов продукции.

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Graitec PowerPack 2025 for Inventor Software

Graitec PowerPack 2025 for Inventor


Speed up and improve your product modelling workflow to increase productivity. Increase control and automation in Inventor with new functionalities that run on top of the Inventor Professional platform.

Key benefits of PowerPack for Inventor:

  • Improve your workflow without the need for additional training. Integrate PowerPack for Inventor Extension with your existing Autodesk Inventor software, and leverage your current skills.
  • Enhance productivity and streamline your design processes with: advanced BOM management, drawing enhancements, and part numbering automation.
  • Improve your organization and tracking. Efficiently manage and manipulate project components using advanced BOM tools, such as multi-level BOMs and additional columns.
  • Stay ahead of the curve by utilizing the latest features and improvements in your design workflow. Access expert support from GRAITEC and benefit from regular software updates.

The release of PowerPack for Inventor 2025 marks a major advancement for designers and engineers, offering an unparalleled suite of innovative specialized tools to design and prepare for manufacturing. It is packed with user-requested updates and enhancements to help you build better products faster.

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Graitec FileSync 2025 Software

Graitec FileSync 2025

Automatically synchronise project critical files, streamline project team collaboration and enjoy peace of mind with routine file backups.

Improving project teams’ collaboration across AEC and MFG.

Automatically synchronise project files across: Autodesk Construction Cloud, Autodesk BIM 360, Procore, SharePoint, OneDrive, Windows.

Backing up cloud files ensures continuity for the project team.

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Graitec PowerPack 2025 for Plant 3D Software

Graitec PowerPack 2025 for Plant 3D

Streamline your Plant 3D workflows and boost design efficiency. Advanced tools and features help streamline plant design workflows: automated tasks, enhanced pipe routing, customizable libraries, and more. Engineers and designers can produce high quality designs in less time.

Pipe Supports to Excel
Create more accurate pipe support takeoffs based on real model parameters.

Copy Project Drawings
Batch transfer drawings between projects. Copy all project files with folder structures, including isometrics.

Sync Actuators
Synchronize actuators by processing all valves in a spec. Update the assigned operator to match the source catalog.

Export to AutoCAD
Save time by using the built-in scheduling tool for consistent, hands-off creation. Batch export all project files to native AutoCAD objects.

Update Line Size and Spec
Save time on data entry by populating nominal size and spec properties in P&IDs and 3D models.

Line Manager
This new tool simplifies the process of managing iso sheet numbering, allowing for faster and easier creation of Production ISOs.

The release of PowerPack for Plant 3D 2025 introduces enhanced features like the Copy Project Drawings tool, a powerful tool for plant designers and process engineers. This enhancement promises to speed up your work by seamlessly reusing existing design data from other projects, making project copying and model transfers more efficient than ever.

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