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Schlumberger Malcom 2022.1.1 Software
Schlumberger Malcom 2022.1.1

Schlumberger Malcom 2022.1.1

Malcom interactive fluid characterization software is the Schlumberger foundation technology dedicated to reservoir fluid and source rock evaluation, geochemical data analysis, and interpretation for the E&P industry. Processing and interpretation within Malcom software enable the accessibility and integration of all geochemical data and provide advanced petroleum system characterization to identify reservoir fluid sources, reservoir connectivity, and evolution of production over time. Malcom software users seamlessly integrate geochemical data from field to lab to office to interpret critical rock and fluids properties that inform the decision-making process for field development, exploration targets, and production strategies.

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Schlumberger Sensia OFM 2022.1 Software
Schlumberger Sensia OFM 2022.1 build 922 x64

Schlumberger Sensia OFM 2022.1

OFM is a powerful suite of modules developed by Schlumberger Information Solutions, designed to aid in the day-to-day surveillance and management of oil and gas fields. OFM provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface enabling you to view, enhance, and analyze production and reservoir data within the Microsoft Windows environment. Using OFM 2014, you can perform basic or complex analyses for individual or multiple completions, groups of wells, an entire field, or several fields. OFM is the ideal tool for reservoir production environments and users. It is ideally suited for the occasional user, yet sophisticated enough for the experienced geoscientist or petrophysicist, whether at the well site, office, or home.

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Buhodra Ingenieria ISTRAM ISPOL 2015 v11.20.08.14 Software
Buhodra Ingenieria ISTRAM ISPOL 2015 v11.20.08.14

Buhodra Ingenieria ISTRAM ISPOL 2015 v11.20.08.14

ISTRAM ISPOL is the most comprehensive and efficient application in the market to design civil engineering projects. Its power of calculation and global project conception are two of the features most valued by users. 

Unlike other programms, the working environment has been specifically designed to allow the engineer to automate geometrical data of the various elements of the project, obtaining graphic results and reports immediately, without needing to access complicated dialogue charts. 

Its modular structure allows choosing from a simple configuration to roads and motorways, up to more comprehensive ones covering railway, distribution and supply projects through pipe networks, renewal and improvement of existing roads, development or mineral extraction projects, among others. 

The support and development department is at your disposal directly and personally. If you have any queries, they will be resolved at once. If you propose a new functionality for the application, it will be programmed in a few days. 

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Schlumberger Symmetry 2022.2 Software
Schlumberger Symmetry 2022.2 build 149 x64

Schlumberger Symmetry 2022.2

Symmetry, a process software platform, is a comprehensive simulator that captures all aspects of your models from reservoir to product distribution. The Symmetry platform is built using VMG’s industry proven simulation technologies that have been optimized to scale to your engineering needs. The Symmetry platform uniquely integrates the modeling of fields, pipe networks, process plants and flare systems, providing an unprecedented level of collaboration. The Symmetry platform is designed with flexibility in mind. It can be used to model a specific application or to create a comprehensive model that may span from the field through different types of facilities. Everything using a consistent thermodynamic engine. If you are a VMGSim user you will feel right at home since the Symmetry platform builds upon familiar workflows and a powerful core of process simulation technology that comes from VMGSim.

Each flowsheet in a simulation model can be solved in steady state or dynamics, and different types of flowsheets provide tailored workspaces for models of processing facilities, pipe networks or flare systems. The steady state solver in the pipe and flare workspaces provides a unique combination of a pressure flow network solver and a sequential solver depending on the specifications. The Symmetry platform’s tailored workspaces include: VMGSim (World-class process simulation for facilities and plants); Pipe (Rigorous dynamic and steady-state multiphase modeling for complex pipe networks); Flare (All-inclusive relief system analysis with integrated PSV, network header and stack design); Field (Fully integrated gas reservoir and multiphase gathering system with forecasting functionality).

The VMGSim (Process), Pipe and Flare workspaces share the same process platform therefore they share the same extensive set of tools including regression, an optimizer, economics, connectivity and fluid characterization. The thermodynamic engine is consistent across the entire simulator and becomes a critical component of an integrated simulation model. Workspaces are tailored with specific features and views to promote common workflows and increase productivity. The flexible design of the Symmetry platform enables users to create simulations for a wide variety of applications and uses, from conceptual design to optimization and debottlenecking. The versatility of the Symmetry platform makes it the perfect tool for desktop work or for Industry 4.0 implementations.

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САПРОТОН NormCAD v11.10 Software
САПРОТОН NormCAD v11.10 x32+x64


NormCAD выполняет расчеты строительных конструкций по СНиП и готовит проектную документацию для представления заказчику и в органы экспертизы:

  • расчет стальных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн сплошного и составного сечения, профнастила и узлов ферм из гнутых профилей);
  • расчет железобетонных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн, стен и плит: подбор арматуры, проверка сечений - в т.ч. тавровых и двутавровых, косое внецентренное сжатие, расчет круглых колонн и колонн с распределенной арматурой, трещиностойкость, проверка прогиба, расчет на смятие и продавливание);
  • расчет каменных и армокаменных конструкций (проверка сечений - прямоугольных и тавровых на центральное и внецентренное сжатие, растяжение, срез, трещиностойкость и смятие);
  • расчет фундаментов;
  • теплотехнический расчет (сопротивление теплопередаче и паропроницанию стен, покрытий, перекрытий и светопрозрачных конструкций).
  • другие строительные и машиностроительные расчеты.
Главное преимущество - на сегодня это единственная программа, в которой расчет оформляется в виде текстового документа (в формате Word), подобному созданному опытным конструктором вручную, что позволяет легко проконтролировать любую часть расчета.

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Schlumberger Flaresim 2022.2.103 Software
Schlumberger Flaresim 2022.2.103

Schlumberger Flaresim 2022.2.103

Softbits is one of the leading specialist companies worldwide in the field of flare simulation. Based in Hampshire in the south of the UK, we develop and maintain Flaresim – the sophisticated, state-of-the-art, industry-standard flare design application for the oil, gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and refining industries.

Flaresim is our highly developed and sophisticated flare simulation/design application. Designed by professional engineers, for professional engineers, it models thermal radiation and noise footprints generated by flare systems for offshore platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants, and predicts the temperature of exposed surfaces within range. The application can analyse installations of any complexity, with unlimited multiple flare tips on multiple vertical, horizontal or inclined flare stacks. Users can model pipe flares, sonic flares and liquid burners using a range of algorithms. They can also enter and report data in units of their choice, and can convert data to other units at any time.

Flaresim provides full 3D flame-shape analysis with complete flexibility in the location and orientation of multiple stacks, and rapid evaluation of flare systems under different wind speeds and directions. Shield options can be included. Working from the opposite perspective, Flaresim allows you to size stack or boom length to meet specific radiation, noise or surface-temperature limits at defined receptor points. Flaresim includes gas dispersion models for both jet dispersion of flammable gases close to the stack and Gaussian dispersion of pollutants at longer distances. The output from Flaresim is highly customisable, and you can select either summary or detailed output. Flaresim has a user-friendly interface and incorporates context-sensitive help at every stage for user guidance.
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Bentley AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition Update 8 version Software
Bentley AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition Update 8 version

Bentley AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition Update 8 version

AutoPIPE предлагает комплексные программные инструменты для расчета давления в трубах. Повышайте эффективность работы и улучшайте контроль качества с помощью интуитивной среды моделирования и расширенных средств анализа. Налаживайте эффективный обмен информацией между инженерами, конструкторами и проектировщиками САПР за счет совместимости AutoPIPE с основными приложениями для проектирования промышленных объектов.

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Netcad GIS 2023 v8.5.2.1027 Software
Netcad GIS 2023 v8.5.2.1027 Multilingual

Netcad GIS 2023 v8.5.2.1027

For more than 30 years, we have been producing solutions for the needs of professionals from different professional disciplines. With the agile software development philosophy, we aim to develop continuously in line with user needs and expectations.

With Netcad GIS, we offer our users the freedom of the CAD environment and the advantages of the rule-based structure of the GIS environment at the same time. We support these two spatial data formats, which we believe complementing each other in geographic data production processes, with dynamic CAD & GIS integration.

With its approach of integrated CAD and GIS solutions, Netcad GIS is designed to meet many different demands from different sectors and users. For many engineering and planning disciplines, demands such as mapping, design, calculation, data conversion, reporting, analysis are met with rich data format support. Netcad GIS is a geographic data source that supports a wide range of spatial information sources in international standards.

With the advanced data organization tools and the module capabilities customized for different professional specialization areas, needs-oriented projects can be produced. All different modules developed for professional needs run smoothly on Netcad GIS.

More info: EN RU TR
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Schlumberger PIPESIM 2021.1 Software
Schlumberger PIPESIM 2021.1 x64

Schlumberger PIPESIM 2021.1

Schlumberger PIPESIM обеспечивает моделирование установившегося многофазного потока для нефтегазодобывающих систем. Отдельные модули Schlumberger PIPESIM используются для большого числа аналитических исследований, таких как: моделирование скважины, оптимизация механизированной добычи, моделирование трубопроводов и технологического оборудования, планирование разработки месторождения. Schlumberger PIPESIM - набор модулей моделирования с применением передовых средств для разработки, проектирования и эксплуатации скважин, трубопроводов, промысловых объектов и сетей. Модули интегрированы таким образом, чтобы можно было построить полную модель системы добычи, начиная с месторождения и заканчивая центральным пунктом сбора, со специальными модулями по оптимизации работ в масштабе всего месторождения и по планированию разработки месторождения. Schlumberger PIPESIM является частью решения по интегрированному моделированию месторождений Avocet Integrated Asset Modeler (Avocet IAM), позволяющего интегрировать модели залежи, скважин и промыслового оборудования, систему сбора, подготовки, переработки и финансово-экономическую модель в единую систему управления добывающим активом.

Основные спецификации:
  • моделирование многофазного стационарного течения;
  • быстрые концептуальные исследования;
  • расчет трубопроводов и технологического оборудования;
  • расчет необходимого диаметра трубопровода;
  • исследования чувствительности модели и ее оптимизация;
  • обеспечение потока из высокоточных термогидравлических моделей;
  • анализ режима потока, условий появления гидродинамических пробок и последствий очистки скребком;
  • расчет размеров оборудования;
  • расчет характеристик изоляции;
  • расчет моделей скважин, включенных в эту же модель.
Модели оборудования:
  • сепараторы;
  • мультифазные насосы;
  • компрессоры и детандеры;
  • нагревающие и охлаждающие устройства;
  • штуцеры.
Преимущества программного комплекса PIPESIM:
  • моделирование сетей сбора различных флюидов, систем нагнетания, магистральных трубопроводов;
  • моделирование скважин и расчет потерь давления и температуры по скважине;
  • моделирование и расчет различных видов смесей, в том числе вязких и высоковязких нефтей;
  • широкие возможности по автоматизации, используя технологию Open Link.
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Schlumberger OLGA 2021.2 Software
Schlumberger OLGA 2021.2 x64

Schlumberger OLGA 2021.2

Программный комплекс OLGA разработан для моделирования установившихся и переходных многофазных потоков в скважинах и трубопроводах. OLGA может работать с любым сочетанием многокомпонентных углеводородов и пластовой воды, а также с однофазным потоком. Точнее, программный комплекс OLGA используется для эффективного и точного моделирования, анализа и оптимизации значительного набора операций по транспортировке скважинной продукции и связанных с ней явлений, то есть применим для широкого ряда операций системы.

Successful production system design and operations requires a detailed understanding of multiphase flow behavior. Flow modeling and simulation provides valuable insights into flow behavior, including the physics describing flow through the entire production systems, from reservoir pore to process facility. The OLGA dynamic multiphase flow simulator models time-dependent behaviors, or transient flow, to maximize production potential. Transient modeling is an essential component for feasibility studies and field development design. Dynamic simulation is essential in deepwater and is used extensively in both offshore and onshore developments to investigate transient behavior in pipelines and wellbores. Transient simulation with the OLGA simulator provides an added dimension to steady-state analyses by predicting system dynamics such as time-varying changes in flow rates, fluid compositions, temperature, solids deposition and operational changes. From wellbore dynamics for any well completion to pipeline systems with all types of process equipment, the OLGA simulator provides an accurate prediction of key operational conditions involving transient flow.
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