Автор: Williams
Дата: 9 июня 2021
Просмотров: 2 352 |
NExT (a Schlumberger Company) - Petrel Reservoir Engineering - 3 Day Course
Schlumberger , 2017
pdf, 470 pages, english

This course introduces reservoir engineers and asset teams to the interactive Petrel reservoir engineering tools to construct and manage simulation models.
In this course, you will build a 3D simulation model inside Petrel based on geological input data. Add wells, and well control rules, create black oil fluid models and rock physics functions, submit the model to the simulators, and modify it. The well and completion engineering workflow is introduced, and the history matching modification discussed (add aquifer, property modification, end point scaling, case conversion).
The hands-on exercises are structured to enable the trainee apply the software skills obtained during training and cover most of the Petrel simulation workflows. Overall, pre-processing and post-processing of simulation data will be done within the Petrel environment.
A simulation case study is given at the end of the course to apply most of what you have learned during this course in a more realistic scenario. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 7 июня 2021
Просмотров: 6 001 |
Ensoft Suite 2021.06
APILE 2019.9.9, APILE Offshore 2019.9.9, DynaMat 2018.3.2, DYNA-N v3.0.13, DynaPile 2016.3.2,
EnCPT 2019.1.3, EnFEM 2019.1.1, GeoMat 2014.2.2, Group 2019.11.10, LPile 2019.11.9, PYWall 2019.6.9,
SETOFF 2020.4.2, SHAFT 2017.8.11, StablPro 2015.4.5, TZPILE 2021.4.1

LPILE - Analyze response of piles and shafts in multi-layered soil media.
APILE - Analyze the axial capacity of driven piles in mutli-layered soils.
GROUP - Analyze response of pile groups in multi-layered soil media.
PYWall - Analyze flexible retaining walls in layered soils.
SHAFT - Study the response of drilled shafts under axial loading.
TZPILE - Analyze load-settlement relationships of vertically loaded piles with downdrag.
EnFEM - 2D finite element analysis with ability to perform soil-structure interaction and stage construction.
EnCPT - Process raw CPT data, generating and exporting soil layering and properties to LPILE.
DynaN - Determine the dynamic response of shallow and deep foundations.
DynaPile - Analyze the dynamic response of pile groups in horizontally layered elastic media.
DynaMat - Analyze the dynamic response of mat foundations under dynamic loading.
GeoMat - Analyze mat or structural slabs supported on soil media.
SETOFF - Software for computing foundation settlement.
STABLPRO - Software for computing the slope stability. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 6 июня 2021
Просмотров: 572 |
ACI Services eRCM Pro v1.6.0.0

eRCM Pro replaces the highly successful eRCM Reciprocating Compressor Modeling Software, which enjoyed a twenty-year journey of helping end users model, tune, reapply, and configure their reciprocating compressors.
With so many compressors, so many performance methods, so many PLC implementations and so many restrictions for safe use, ACI’s eRCM Modeling Software provides the ideal solution to model compressor performance.
Simply specify the compressor’s geometry (frame, cylinder, stage, throw, valving, etc.) via direct inputs or by importing data from OEM software, and eRCM Pro displays that unit’s performance curves: Pressure vs. Load, Pressure vs. Flow, Pressure vs. Pressure and more, including graphs of net rod load forces, PV/PT cards, Torque Effort, and more.
Operating conditions change. Will adding a 500 in³ clearance pocket to a cylinder’s head end give enough unloading to accommodate the new operating map? Within seconds you’ll have your answer via eRCM Pro.
Tired of Gas Control using one method to predict unit performance, while engineers use another, and the PLC/operators are using yet another method to actually control the hardware? eRCM provides one methodology for disciplines within your company.
Want to see if the packager’s unloading sequence can be improved? With eRCM Pro you can easily check any combination of volume pockets and end deactivation. Including adding spacers to increase fixed clearances or adding filler pieces to volume pockets to decrease additional clearances. You can even check safety at Start Up, and check safety if certain valves fail.
No compressor performance program would be complete without the ability to improve your models. eRCM Pro does just this. Enter valid analyzer data in the tuning section, and eRCM Pro will auto-adapt the performance predictions to accommodate the real-world effects of pulsation, actual valve and parasitic losses, friction losses, etc.
eRCM Pro features:
- Model entire stations
- Manage previous versions of your models
- Fully International aware interface
- Impressive list of Units of Measure
- Advanced thermodynamic calculations using ProSim now included – full support for 400 gases with liquid dropouts
- Still, the fastest performance and graphs in the industry!
- As you expect with eRCM, fully dynamic compressor performance, PV cards, Force Plots, Torque Effort Plots, etc.
- Advanced support for Side Streams and Gas Mixing
- Improved valve modeling
- Improved gas preheat modeling
- Improved Load Step Sequence creation
- Full tables, curves, and 3D plot generation
- Support for Clearance devices, End Deactivation devices, Timed-valve Closing devices, Gas Stepless devices, and even variable stroke devices
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 5 июня 2021
Просмотров: 504 |
ACI Services eRCM Thermodynamics v1.3.2.0

Calculating accurate compressor performance requires accurate thermodynamics. eRCM Thermo integrates ProSim’s Simulis Thermodynamics, allowing gas mixture modeling from nearly 400 individual gas components.
Once a gas/gas mixture is entered, eRCM Thermo dynamically calculates: Gas K (via CP/CV), Gas K (via balanced entropy), Compressibility (Z) factors, Specific Gravity and Density, Water Saturation, Hydrocarbon Liquid Dropouts, Phase envelope curves, Water drop out curves, Hydrate formation curves, Gas Mixing (e.g. from a side stream in), Speed of sound through gas, Variety of Units, And more, like Enthalpy and Entropy. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 4 июня 2021
Просмотров: 501 |
ACI Services eRCM v4.10.16

With so many compressors, so many performance methods, so many PLC implementations and so many restrictions for safe use, ACI’s eRCM Modeling Software provides the perfect solution to model compressor performance curves. You simply specify the compressor’s geometry (frame, cylinder, stage, throw, valving, etc.) via direct inputs or from our extensive database of OEM and legacy records and eRCM displays that unit’s performance curves: Pressures vs. Load, Pressure vs. Flow, Pressure vs. Pressure and more, including graphs of net rod load forces and PV/PT cards. Operating conditions always change. If you need to know if adding a 500 cubic inch unloader to your fifth cylinder’s head end will give you enough unloading to accommodate the new operating map, then eRCM is for you. Within seconds you’ll have your answer. Tired of Gas Control using one method to predict unit performance, while you’re using another, and the PLC is using yet another method to actually control the hardware? eRCM provides one methodology for all users — yes, we even generate the algorithms that will go into the PLC to control the unit! Want to see if the packager’s unloading sequence can be improved? With eRCM you can easily check any combination of volume pockets and end deactivation. Including adding spacers to increase fixed clearances or adding filler pieces to volume pockets to decrease additional clearances. No compressor performance program would be complete without the ability to get smarter. eRCM does just this. Enter analyzer data in the tuning section, and eRCM will auto-adapt the performance predictions to accommodate the real-world effects of pulsation, actual valve and parasitic losses, friction losses, etc. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 2 июня 2021
Просмотров: 949 |
ChemEng Software Design ChemMaths v17.6

ChemMaths contains numerous engineering tools to improve your working life, 3000+ data of chemical, mathematical, general scientific information. Solves hundreds of equations, 200+ unit conversions and much more see below for further features listing. ChemMaths contains all the features of EquationsPro, DataPro, ChemPlayer, ProSimGraphs, ChemPlayer and UnitsPro.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 1 июня 2021
Просмотров: 1 347 |
midas NFX 2021 R1 build 03/05/2021 x64

midas NFX- комплексное программное обеспечение для инженерных расчетов и оптимизации проектных решений.
Области применения:
- Имитационное моделирование изделия.
- Оптимизация топологии.
- Прочностной расчет.
- Тепловой расчет с учетом излучения и оптических свойств модели.
- Трехмерный расчет гидроаэродинимики (CFD).
- Комплексный мультидисциплинарный расчет.
- Сокращение цикла разработки продукции.
- Широкий спектр CAD интерфейсов.
- Высокоскоростной и качественный генератор сеток.
- Продвинутые решатели для работы с большими моделями.
- Автоматическое определение контактов в сборках, удобная визуализация и управление сопряжениями и нагрузками.
Эффективная автоматизация процесса проектирования:
- Два варианта интерфейса: инженерный и упрощенный.
- Быстрый решатель и возможность модификации изделия "на лету" с последующим пересчетом.
- Простое создание расчетных сеток.
- Обширная база материалов, в том числе анизотропных.
- Учет оптических свойств материала при расчете излучения и теплообмена.
- Набор шаблонов стандартных граничных условий и нагрузок.
- Возможность распараллеливания решения.
Упрощенная разработка инновационной продукции:
- Легкое формирование модели и решение оптимизационных задач по различным критериям.
- Преднастроенные шаблоны расчета.
- Возможность создания адаптивных сеток и перестроение сетки в процессе расчетов.
- Оптимизация топологии (формы детали) по данным статического/динамического анализа.
- Расширенные функции расчета износа.
- Проведение оценочных испытаний надежности элементов оборудования.
Единое комплексное решение для выполнения широкого спектра задач проектирования, встречающихся в машиностроении:
- Обеспечение структурного, термического и газодинамического расчетов в пространстве одной модели.
- Модальный анализ с учетом преднагрузки и условий относительного смещения деталей.
- Анализ устойчивости с заданием допустимых взаимных перемещений деталей в сборке.
- Определение плотностей тепловых потоков.
- Линейный динамический анализ.
- Расчет задач с нелинейными контактами.
- Продвинутый нелинейный анализ ударных нагрузок.
- Совместный расчет жестких и упругих конструкций в одной модели.
- Комбинация линейного и нелинейного анализа в одной модели.
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