Автор: Williams Дата: 7 декабря 2012
Просмотров: 1 042
TSoft RetWall v2.0.0, Settle v1.1.0
RetWall is a program for the design and analysis of retaining walls. Use this program to calculate the stability, bearing capacity, settlement, rotation and structural integrity including reinforcement.
Settle is a program for calculation of elastic and consolidation settlement of shallow foundations. Settle is easy to use and straight forward with online help and utilities to predict the consolidation coefficient and over-consolidation ratio.
Автор: Williams Дата: 30 ноября 2012
Просмотров: 1 538
TSoft AxPile v1.0.0, BearFoot v3.0.0
AxPile is a program for calculation of axial bearing capacity and settlement of piles. Calculates The Load Carrying Capacity of Bored Piles based on three different approaches including FHWA, and calculates the anticipated settlement based on four different methods. Easy and straight forward with online help and utilities to predict the soil engineering design parameters as well as the soil's modulus.
BearFoot is used to determine the bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations. Prepared in accordance with Eurocode, Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic, Shmertmen, FHWA, Navfac, Bowles, Das, Peck, Thomlinson. Well documented, including a user's and a technical manuals.
Автор: Williams Дата: 25 ноября 2012
Просмотров: 1 204
Tsoft BeamElas v2.2.0, SoilClass v2.0.0
BeamElas is a finite element program for analysis of shallow foundations of any shape, resting on an elastic medium. It is a versatile and flexible program well recommended for the quick modeling of single or continuous footings, a water supply pipe, and to simulate a variety of ground supports from continuous (uniform or variable stiffness) to partial loss of support etc.
SoilClass is a program for the classification of soils including prediction of engineering soil parameters. SoilClass is intended to be a design aid by providing very good estimates of soils engineering parameters to be used in the design process. The prediction models are based on published research as well as on more than 10 years worth of data from three different countries.