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TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411 Software
TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411

TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411

TRANSYT is a software suite containing a macroscopic traffic model, a signal optimiser, and a simulation model for the purpose of designing, evaluating and modelling everything from single isolated road junctions to large mixed signal-controlled and priority control traffic networks.

Signal timings at road junctions have an important effect on levels of traffic congestion, both at the junction itself and at surrounding junctions which may be signalised or priority-controlled. Ensuring traffic signals are timed effectively is one of the most cost-effective methods for reducing congestion.

Based on decades of research and development, TRANSYT is a now a comprehensive global product used for optimising traffic signals at single junctions and large traffic networks of mixed control.  It is designed specifically to give quick solutions with minimal user input, and also more considered solutions when needed.

TRANSYT modelling can feed into many processes – Its signal plans used for fixed time signals; cableless linking facilities; SCOOT base timings; vehicle actuation maximum timings and also used to predict the performance of the aforementioned.

Furthermore, through the addition of a simulation model, TRANSYT’s capability is extended to include the modelling of non-cyclic signalling scenarios.

TRANSYT is used across the globe by traffic engineers, traffic modellers, junction designers, students and tutors, working for local authorities; municipal, state and regional authorities; consultancies of all sizes from multi-nationals to the smallest businesses; universities; other educational establishments.

TRANSYT can model mixed networks of signalised and unsignalised junctions.  Furthermore, when used in conjunction with a Junctions licence, it has the capability to predict the performance of priority junctions using standard ARCADY PICADY geometric data.
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TRL Junctions 9 v9.5.0.6896 Software
TRL Junctions 9 v9.5.0.6896

TRL Junctions 9 v9.5.0.6896

Junctions 9 is the latest version of TRL's industry-standard package for modelling roundabouts, priority junctions and simple signalised junctions.

Junctions 9 consists of ARCADY 9 (the Roundabout Module), PICADY 9 (the Priority Intersection Module), and OSCADY 9 (the Signalised Intersection Module), each of which is sold and licensed separately. All three modules use a shared user interface.

Based on over three decades of research and development, the ARCADY module is used to model and predict capacity, queues and delays at roundabouts.

Roundabouts are modelled using the well-established TRL/Kimber capacity relationships (the ARCADY Model), which take into account key roundabout geometries and intrinsically link roundabout geometry to driver behaviour and, in turn, to predicted capacities, queues and delays. North American users also have the option of using the HCM 2010 model to analyse roundabout designs.

PICADY is used for modelling priority-controlled junctions such as crossroads and T-junctions. PICADY 9 sees the implementation of additional models applicable to North America and allows users to setup and model Two-Way Stop Controlled (TWSC) and All-Way Stop Controlled (AWSC) intersections.

The OSCADY module, available in Junctions 9.5 onwards, is used to model signalised junctions and can generate optimised signal timings that minimise delay at the junction. Signals data can be copied from OSCADY 9 into TRANSYT 15 and vice versa, so that files started in OSCADY 9 can be transferred into TRANSYT 15 if more advanced functionality is required.

The Lane Simulation tool can be used to model junctions in a different way, using a simple simulation method. This can model effects that may be difficult to model otherwise, such as unequal lane usage at roundabouts, blocking back between linked junctions, circulating lanes at roundabouts and partially signalised junctions.

If using traffic survey information in Excel spreadsheet format, Junctions 9 can be set up to read data directly from the spreadsheets. This feature works across demand sets and time segments, can apply to turning counts and Heavy Vehicle information and is a great way of reducing data entry requirements.
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