Автор: Williams
Дата: 12 октября 2023
Просмотров: 1 169 |
Tower Numerics tnxFoundation v1.1.0.5 beta

tnxFoundation is a standalone application for tower foundation design. It may be used as an extension of tnxTower, or as a separate program. tnxFoundation features automatic import of support geometry and load data from tnxTower analyses. Alternatively, this information can be entered manually for each foundation design project.
Key Features
- Multiple foundation types (Pad and Pier, Pad, Caisson, Pad with Piles, Pad and Pier with Piles, Mat and Piers, Mat, Mat with Piles, Mat and Piers with Piles)
- Material and geometry type definitions
- Soil layer definitions
- Imported or user-defined load cases and load combinations
- Foundation geometry optimization
- Foundation stability verification
- Required reinforcement determination
- Post-installed anchor analysis
- Reports with calculation results
- Import of tower support data (monopoles, self-supporting lattice towers, guyed towers, guy anchor blocks)
- Supported unit systems: US and Metric
- User-editable databases (concrete, reinforcing steel, steel pile, soils)
Powerful Design Capabilities
- Complete verification of failure modes: bearing, sliding, uplift, and overturning
- Concrete footing analysis and design: flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
- Concrete caisson analysis and design: flexure, compression, uplift, lateral loads (Broms, p-y), geometry optimization
- Pile and pile cap analysis and design: single pile and pile group compression/tension, pile axial capacity, pile cap flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
- tnxFoundation caisson diagrams
Extensive Analysis and Design Reporting
- Geotechnical and structural design reports
- Summary and detailed reports for all foundation types
- Shear, moment, and deflection diagrams for caissons
- Clear and comprehensive presentation of the results
- MS Word and PDF formatted documents
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 4 октября 2019
Просмотров: 2 580 |
Tower Numerics tnxTower v8.0.5.0

The program analyzes towers using the ANSI/TIA-222-H Standard or any of the previous TIA/EIA Standards back to RS-222 (1959). Steel design is checked using the TIA/EIA Standards, AISC ASD 9th Edition or the AISC LRFD Specifications, as applicable. The Canadian Standard CSA S37-01 is available as well. tnxTower's rapid model creation tools, 3-D frame-truss models and automatic wind force and ice loading generation capabilities are just a few of the features that make this industry-standard software the premier choice for all types of communication towers. Graphical display of tower geometry, appurtenances, internal forces, stresses and displacements are created automatically. Extensive graphics plots include material take-off, shear-moment, leg compression, displacement, twist, feed line, guy anchor and stress plots. tnxTower contains unique features such as True Cable behavior, hog rod take-up, foundation stiffness and much more.
tnxTower is a general-purpose modeling, analysis, and design program created specifically for communications towers. The following Standards are currently implemented: RS-222, RS-222-A, RS-222-B, EIA-222-C, EIA-222-D, EIA-222-E, TIA/EIA-222-F, ANSI/TIA-222-G (including TIA-222-G-1 and TIA-222-G-2), ANSI/TIA-222-H, and CSA S37-01.
Base Tower Types Supported:
- Three or four sided guyed towers
- Three or four sided self-supporting towers
- Ground mounted monopoles (round stepped, round tapered, 18-, 16-, 12-, and 8-sided)
- Three or four sided guyed monopoles
Upper Antenna Types Supported:
- Three or four sided latticed poles
- Tubular poles (round stepped, round tapered, 18-, 16-, 12-, and 8-sided)
- Candelabra tops
Analysis and Design:
- Automatic generation of nodes and elements for 3D frame-truss, truss, or beam-column tower models
- Linear and non-linear (P-delta, cable behavior) finite element analysis (FEA)
- Three modes available: analysis only, analysis and members check, or analysis and lowest weight-optimized design
- Automatic determination of pressure coefficients, wind pressures, ice loads and resulting forces on the tower
- Optimized feed line Effective Projected Area calculations to minimize required wind loading
- Automatic calculation of feed lines shielding
- Calculation of center of pressure due to offset feed lines
- Automatic calculation of K-factors for solid round and single angle members
- Optional inner feed line support tower
- Check or design of bolts in tower members
- Export to RISA-3D for additional analysis and design options
Data Entry:
- Powerful, easy to use spreadsheets for quick model generation and input verification
- Adaptable three-level structure definition: base tower, upper antenna structure, and top antenna pole
- Guy cables generation with varying radii and guy anchor elevations
- Feed lines, discrete loads (loads from antennas, mounts, and other appurtenances), dishes, and user defined loads specification anywhere on the tower
- Comprehensive databases of structural shapes, assemblies, feed lines, dishes, antennas, mounts, and other appurtenances
- Powerful Database Manager, allowing full customization and synchronization across networks
- Flexible selection of units: US Customary (decimal or architectural notation) or SI Metric, with user-controlled display precision
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 сентября 2019
Просмотров: 2 661 |
Tower Numerics tnxFoundation v1.0.7.8 beta

tnxFoundation is a standalone application for tower foundation design. It may be used as an extension of tnxTower, or as a separate program. tnxFoundation features automatic import of support geometry and load data from tnxTower analyses. Alternatively, this information can be entered manually for each foundation design project.
Key Features
- Multiple foundation types (Pad and Pier, Pad, Caisson, Pad with Piles, Pad and Pier with Piles, Mat and Piers, Mat, Mat with Piles, Mat and Piers with Piles)
- Material and geometry type definitions
- Soil layer definitions
- Imported or user-defined load cases and load combinations
- Foundation geometry optimization
- Foundation stability verification
- Required reinforcement determination
- Post-installed anchor analysis
- Reports with calculation results
- Import of tower support data (monopoles, self-supporting lattice towers, guyed towers, guy anchor blocks)
- Supported unit systems: US and Metric
- User-editable databases (concrete, reinforcing steel, steel pile, soils)
Powerful Design Capabilities
- Complete verification of failure modes: bearing, sliding, uplift, and overturning
- Concrete footing analysis and design: flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
- Concrete caisson analysis and design: flexure, compression, uplift, lateral loads (Broms, p-y), geometry optimization
- Pile and pile cap analysis and design: single pile and pile group compression/tension, pile axial capacity, pile cap flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
- tnxFoundation caisson diagrams
Extensive Analysis and Design Reporting
- Geotechnical and structural design reports
- Summary and detailed reports for all foundation types
- Shear, moment, and deflection diagrams for caissons
- Clear and comprehensive presentation of the results
- MS Word and PDF formatted documents
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