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Troubleshooting Finite-Element Modeling with Abaqus Bookware
Raphael Boulbes - Troubleshooting Finite-Element Modeling with Abaqus
With Application in Structural Engineering Analysis

Springer, 2020
pdf, 453 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-26740-7

Troubleshooting Finite-Element Modeling with Abaqus

This book gives Abaqus users who make use of finite-element models in academic or practitioner-based research the in-depth program knowledge that allows them to debug a structural analysis model. The book provides many methods and guidelines for different analysis types and modes, that will help readers to solve problems that can arise with Abaqus if a structural model fails to converge to a solution. The use of Abaqus affords a general checklist approach to debugging analysis models, which can also be applied to structural analysis.

The author uses step-by-step methods and detailed explanations of special features in order to identify the solutions to a variety of problems with finite-element models. The book promotes:
  • a diagnostic mode of thinking concerning error messages;
  • better material definition and the writing of user material subroutines;
  • work with the Abaqus mesher and best practice in doing so;
  • the writing of user element subroutines and contact features with convergence issues; and
  • consideration of hardware and software issues and a Windows HPC cluster solution.
The methods and information provided facilitate job diagnostics and help to obtain converged solutions for finite-element models regarding structural component assemblies in static or dynamic analysis. The troubleshooting advice ensures that these solutions are both high-quality and cost-effective according to practical experience. 

The book offers an in-depth guide for students learning about Abaqus, as each problem and solution are complemented by examples and straightforward explanations. It is also useful for academics and structural engineers wishing to debug Abaqus models on the basis of error and warning messages that arise during finite-element modelling processing.
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Computational Statics and Dynamics Bookware
Andreas Ochsner - Computational Statics and Dynamics
An Introduction Based on the Finite Element Method, 2 Edition

Springer, 2020
pdf, 616 pages, english
ISBN: 978-981-15-1277-3

Computational Statics and Dynamics

This book is the 2nd edition of an introduction to modern computational mechanics based on the finite element method. It includes more details on the theory, more exercises, and more consistent notation; in addition, all pictures have been revised. Featuring more than 100 pages of new material, the new edition will help students succeed in mechanics courses by showing them how to apply the fundamental knowledge they gained in the first years of their engineering education to more advanced topics. In order to deepen readers’ understanding of the equations and theories discussed, each chapter also includes supplementary problems. These problems start with fundamental knowledge questions on the theory presented in the respective chapter, followed by calculation problems. In total, over 80 such calculation problems are provided, along with brief solutions for each. This book is especially designed to meet the needs of Australian students, reviewing the mathematics covered in their first two years at university. The 13-week course comprises three hours of lectures and two hours of tutorials per week.

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Advanced Steel Design of Structures 2020 Bookware
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran - Advanced Steel Design of Structures
AISC 358-20s2 - Prequalified Connections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames for Seismic Applications

CRC Press, 2020
pdf, 303 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-0-367-23290-0

Advanced Steel Design of Structures 2020

Advanced Steel Design of Structures examines the design principles of steel members under special loads and covers special geometric forms and conditions not typically presented in standard design books. It explains advanced concepts in a simple manner using numerous illustrative examples and MATLAB codes.

  • Provides analysis of members under unsymmetrical bending
  • Includes coverage of structures with special geometry and their use in offshore applications for ultra-deep water oil and gas exploration
  • Presents numerical modeling and analysis of steel members under fire conditions, impact, and blast loads
  • Includes MATLAB examples that will aid in the capacity building of civil engineering students approaching this complex subject
Written for a broad audience, the presentation of design concepts of steel members will be suitable for upper-level undergraduate students. The advanced design theories for offshore structures under special loads will be an attractive feature for post-graduate students and researchers. Practicing engineers will also find the book useful, as it includes numerous solved examples and practical tutorials.
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Vibration Control for Building Structures, Theory and Applications Bookware
Aiqun Li - Vibration Control for Building Structures, Theory and Applications

Springer, 2020
pdf, 677 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-030-40789-6

Vibration Control for Building Structures, Theory and Applications

This book presents a comprehensive introduction to the field of structural vibration reduction control, but may also be used as a reference source for more advanced topics. The content is divided into four main parts: the basic principles of structural vibration reduction control, structural vibration reduction devices, structural vibration reduction design methods, and structural vibration reduction engineering practices. As the book strikes a balance between theoretical and practical aspects, it will appeal to researchers and practicing engineers alike, as well as graduate students.

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Reliability Design of Mechanical Systems Bookware
Seongwoo Woo - Reliability Design of Mechanical Systems
A Guide for Mechanical and Civil Engineers, Second Edition

Springer, 2019
pdf, 476 pages, english
ISBN 978-981-13-7235-3

The revised edition of this book offers an expanded overview of the reliability design of mechanical systems and describes the reliability methodology, including a parametric accelerated life test (ALT) plan, a load analysis, a tailored series of parametric ALTs with action plans, and an evaluation of the final designs to ensure the design requirements are satisfied. It covers both the quantitative and qualitative approaches of the reliability design forming in the development process of mechanical products, with a focus on parametric ALT and illustrated via case studies. This new reliability methodology – parametric ALT should help mechanical and civil engineers to uncover design parameters improving product design and avoiding recalls. Updated chapters cover product recalls and assessment of their significance, modern definitions in reliability engineering, parametric accelerated life testing in mechanical systems, and extended case studies. For this revised edition, one new chapter has been introduced to reflect recent developments in analysis of fluid motion and mechanical vibration. Other chapters are expanded and updated to improve the explanation of topics including structures and load analysis, failure mechanics, design and reliability testing, and mechanical system failure. The broad scope gives the reader an overview of the state-of-the-art in the reliability design of mechanical systems and an indication of future directions and applications. It will serve as a solid introduction to the field for advanced students, and a valuable reference for those working in the development of mechanical systems and related areas.

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Hydrogeology Bookware
Bernward Holting, Wilhelm G. Coldewey - Hydrogeology

Springer, 2018
pdf, 368 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-662-56373-1

ISBN 978-3-662-56375-5 (eBook)


This hydrogeology book is the English translation of the German textbook "Hydrogeologie” by Hölting and Coldewey. Published since 1980, this book is in its eighth edition. Its great success is attributed to the concept of the book. It was important for the authors to write a text that is generally easy to understand, both for experts and for persons who do not work in this special field. Consistent use of the internationally accepted SI units as well as the formula symbols in the text also contribute to the comprehensibility. All technical terms and their definitions match the various standards and are used consistently. Moreover, the original literature citations were completely revised in order to avoid misunderstandings and errors due to secondary sources. All of these points improve the readability and facilitate the understanding of the relatively complex concepts of general and applied hydrogeology.

Because this textbook is translated from the German edition, many of the hydrogeological examples depict the Central European region. Even though they have general relevance, knowledge of the local situation is not required. Furthermore, the book cites laws and regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union (EU), whose meaning and handling are certainly also interesting for readers from other countries.

May this book promote understanding of the complex material of hydrogeology as well as the correlations between the fields of geology, hydrochemistry, geohydraulics and engineering for a wide international public and contribute to solving global problems with groundwater development, exploitation, and protection.
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VDI Heat Atlas, Second Edition Bookware
VDI Heat Atlas, Second Edition

Springer, 2010
pdf, 1609 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-540-77876-9

VDI Heat Atlas, Second Edition

The VDI-Warmeatlas or VDI Heat Atlas has a long-lasting history and it can be considered as a standard book for heat exchanger and process engineering equipment design. It is not conceived as a textbook presenting an overall view of the theoretical or experimental findings in heat transfer sciences. The aim was and is to present and explain the state of the art of engineering methods to solve industrially relevant heat transfer problems for apparatus design and process modeling. The first German edition was published in 1963. The sixth German edition was translated into English to meet the demands of the more and more internationally acting industry. This first English edition was published in 1992. Since then, the German edition was regularly updated until the tenth edition published in 2006. In view of today’s globally acting industry, the editorial board felt the necessity to revise the English edition in order to account for the most recent state of our knowledge. Instead of only translating the latest German edition, we preferred restructuring it at the same time because this also enabled us to include new subjects and to update methods according to the recent state of the art. This new structure will also serve as a basis for the forthcoming German edition. On behalf of the editorial board, I express my sincere thanks to the authors of the various sections for their contributions and kind cooperation. The editorial work was coordinated and assisted by Mrs. Sigrid Cuneus from Springer-Verlag, Berlin. We are indebted to her for the efficient work and pleasant collaboration. We are also grateful to Mrs. Tina Shelton from the Reference and Database Publishing group, Springer Reference Editorial, India, who handled the editorial workflow.

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The Boundary Element Method in Geophysical Survey Bookware
Balgaisha Mukanova, Igor Modin - The Boundary Element Method in Geophysical Survey

Springer, 2018
pdf, 162 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-72907-7

The Boundary Element Method in Geophysical Survey

This volume is devoted to the application of the integral equations method (IEM) and boundary elements method (BEM) to problems involving the sounding of geological media using direct current (DC). Adaptive mesh generation algorithms and numerical methods for solving a system of integral equations are discussed. Integral equations for the media, which contains piecewise linear contact boundaries, immersed local inclusions, and subsurface relief, are derived and solved numerically. Describes in detail the application of the BEM and IEM to 2.5D  direct problems using ERT for geological media with a complex structure and having a large number of internal contact boundaries. Provides algorithms of grid generation of the boundaries that are adapted to the geometry of the media, the surface relief and the measurements of electrode arrays. Discusses the application of the BEM to 3D sounding problems using the ERT method. Illustrates the applications of inversion programs to synthetic data generated using the BEM in comparison with the original model and discusses the quality of the associated interpretation.

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Fundamentals of Petrophysics Second Edition Bookware
Shenglai Yang - Fundamentals of Petrophysics Second Edition

Springer Geophysics, 2017
pdf, 509 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-662-55028-1

Fundamentals of Petrophysics Second Edition

This book presents fundamental physical and physicochemical knowledge involved in oil and gas development engineering, such as physical and chemical phenomena, physical process. It is arranged to provide the knowledge of porous rock properties of reservoir rocks, and properties of fluids, i.e., gases, hydrocarbon liquids, and aqueous solutions, and the mechanism of multiphase fluid flow in porous media. The book also brings together the application of the above theories and knowledge. This textbook is written to serve the undergraduate teaching of the petroleum engineering major. It focuses on the introduction of basic conceptions, terms, definitions, and theories, placing more emphasis on the width of knowledge rather than the depth. What should be learned through the course includes the definitions of some essential physical parameters, the physical process, important physical phenomena, influencing factors, and engineering applications. In addition, the measuring methods and experimental procedures for the key parameters are also included. Through the study of this book, good foundation of knowledge frame for petroleum engineering should be established for students, which is benefit for both their further studying and their work in the future when they are engaged in job.

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Stahlbau 1 - Bemessung von Stahlbauten nach Eurocode Bookware
Wolfram Lohse, Jörg Laumann, Christian Wolf - Stahlbau 1
Bemessung von Stahlbauten nach Eurocode mit zahlreichen Beispielen

Springer, 2016
pdf, 579 pages, german
ISBN 978-3-8348-0867-7, DOI 10.1007/978-3-8348-2058-7

Stahlbau 1 - Bemessung von Stahlbauten nach Eurocode

Erfolgreiches Bauen setzt neben dem Wissen von Werkstoffeigenschaften und Korrosions- und Brandverhalten fundierte Kenntnisse in der Statik und Festigkeitslehre, aber auch eine gründliche Ausbildung in den wesentlichen Konstruktionsprinzipien dieser speziellen Bauweise voraus. Das Buch widmet sich diesen Konstruktionsprinzipien und vermittelt das hierfür notwendige Grundwissen. Es werden die wichtigsten Konstruktions- und Bemessungsregeln für Vollwandträger, Fachwerkträger, Fachwerke, Kranbahnen, Rahmentragwerke sowie für Tragelemente mit dünnwandigen Querschnittsteilen behandelt. Neben der ausführlichen zeichnerischen Dokumentation der Konstruktionen werden in verständlicher und umfassender Weise die zugehörigen Nachweise in Form vieler Berechnungsbeispiele dargestellt. Basis aller Berechnungen sind nun die neuen deutschen (DIN 18800-1 bis -2) und europäischen Normen (EC 3 [Stahlbau]). Die Verbundkonstruktionen aus Stahl und Beton werden auf der Grundlage des EC 4 [Verbundbau] in einem eigenen Abschnitt behandelt. Ebenfalls sind Dauer- und Betriebsfestigkeit des Stahls bei dynamischer Beanspruchung mit den zugehörigen Nachweisen ein ausführliches Thema in diesem Buch.

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