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SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850 Software
SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850 x64 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2020

SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850

SOFiCAD is a fully featured CAD Software designed to serve SMEs, Agencies. SOFiCAD provides end-to-end solutions designed for Windows. This online CAD system offers 2D Drawing, Architectural Symbol Library, BIM Modeling, Design Templates, Drafting at one place.

SOFiCAD Detailing
Creation of formwork-, position- and shop drawings. Contains all functionalities and elements required for structural design drawings such as associative dimensioning, level marks, hatching, symbols, etc.

SOFiCAD Reinforcement
Steel bar and mesh layout for any reinforcing situation. Smooth integration in AutoCAD, flexible settings for office standards using styles, direct generation of the schedule, user-defined shapes, export of existing reinforcement for calculation according theory 2nd order, polygonal mesh layout, macros to create parametric members (For Macros Module Detailing is required).

Fully automatic creation of carpets including all required drawings within one file, subsequent arrangement of areas, extensive editing functions, additional areas with different options. (As-value or diameter/number of bars)

SOFiCAD Steelwork
Creation of plans and shop drawing with schedules.

SOFiCAD Alignment
Allows planning of highway structures according to user-defined alignments including axis, gradients and slope bands, tapered and widened regular cross sections including level marks, many arbitrary coordinate systems with additional constants and corresponding stakeout points.

SOFiCAD Plan Management
Project journal, organisation of all the plan’s attributes, individual plotting, automatic update of plan data, management of all drawings of the project, search functionalities, direct opening of the drawings.

SOFiCAD Quantities
Bills of quantities out of any AutoCAD drawings. Positioning on the drawing in the form of tag.
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SOFiSTiK 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850 Software
SOFiSTiK 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850 x64

SOFiSTiK 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850

SOFiSTiK – универсальный программный комплекс, использующий метод конечно-элементного анализа (МКЭ) для расчета и проектирования строительных конструкций, решения задач геотехники любой сложности, анализа газо- и гидродинамики.

Области применения: строительные конструкции; геотехнический анализ; газо- и гидродинамика.

Объекты анализа: здания и сооружения; мосты и другие транспортные сооружения; тоннели и гидротехнические сооружения.

Возможности проектирования и анализа: статистический и динамический анализ; линейная/нелинейная постановка задачи; линейные и турбулентные потоки газов и жидкости; анализ кинематически изменяемых систем.

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SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 364 Software
SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 364 x64 for Autodesk Revit 2020

SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 364

SOFiSTiK Bridge Modeler supports BIM in Bridge Design and Detailing. The application allows users to create parametrized 3D bridge models using alignment parameters and generic families in Autodesk Revit. The product consists of the software itself and content including generic families for super- and substructure creation. These families can be easily modified or created from scratch to meet local and company standards. Additional bridge equipment elements such as parapets and railings can also be created. Automatic generation of section views, top views, longitudinal sections, and elevation points-assists users in detailing and documenting their structures.
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SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 527 Software
SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 527 x64 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2020

SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 527

SOFiCAD is a fully featured CAD Software designed to serve SMEs, Agencies. SOFiCAD provides end-to-end solutions designed for Windows. This online CAD system offers 2D Drawing, Architectural Symbol Library, BIM Modeling, Design Templates, Drafting at one place.

SOFiCAD Detailing
Creation of formwork-, position- and shop drawings. Contains all functionalities and elements required for structural design drawings such as associative dimensioning, level marks, hatching, symbols, etc.

SOFiCAD Reinforcement
Steel bar and mesh layout for any reinforcing situation. Smooth integration in AutoCAD, flexible settings for office standards using styles, direct generation of the schedule, user-defined shapes, export of existing reinforcement for calculation according theory 2nd order, polygonal mesh layout, macros to create parametric members (For Macros Module Detailing is required).

Fully automatic creation of carpets including all required drawings within one file, subsequent arrangement of areas, extensive editing functions, additional areas with different options. (As-value or diameter/number of bars)

SOFiCAD Steelwork
Creation of plans and shop drawing with schedules.

SOFiCAD Alignment
Allows planning of highway structures according to user-defined alignments including axis, gradients and slope bands, tapered and widened regular cross sections including level marks, many arbitrary coordinate systems with additional constants and corresponding stakeout points.

SOFiCAD Plan Management
Project journal, organisation of all the plan’s attributes, individual plotting, automatic update of plan data, management of all drawings of the project, search functionalities, direct opening of the drawings.

SOFiCAD Quantities
Bills of quantities out of any AutoCAD drawings. Positioning on the drawing in the form of tag.
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SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Reinforcement Generation 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 357 Software
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Reinforcement Generation 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 357 x64

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Reinforcement Generation 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 357

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing significantly accelerates the creation of 2D reinforcement sheets out of 3D models in Autodesk Revit. The product consists of software and a set of families, which can easily be modified to meet local or company standards. Creation of bar lists, bending schedules and cut lists for wire meshes is included as well.

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation automatically generates a 3D rebar model inside of Autodesk Revit based on computed analysis and design results. The rebar model provides an automatically generated proposition of reinforcement layout which fulfils the reinforcement requirement and which can be freely modified. Design requirements from construction codes and company standards can be controlled by user-defined rules similar to the approach used in expert systems. Visualization of existing reinforcement vs. required reinforcement provides a clear indication whether adequate reinforcement has been provided.
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SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 566 Software
SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 566 x64

SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 566

SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design enables you to perform structural analyses of buildings and member design directly in Autodesk Revit.

The App provides for a full Finite Element Analysis and design workflow – from model consistency checks to code checking for concrete members like slabs, columns, and beams. Structural analyses can be performed in 3D – allowing for realistic simulation of the structural stiffness and optional consideration of the construction sequence. Additionally 2D and 3D subsystems can be adopted in combination with an automatic load takedown. Members can be grouped and accordingly designed in Ultimate and Serviceability Limit States. Calculation and design reports will be generated automatically. Results can be visualized and managed in Revit or be transferred to spreadsheets for further processing using the Export to Excel function.

Together with the full support of collaboration features, SOFiSTiK Analysis + Design enables a seamless structural analysis workflow within Revit.

When installed with SOFiSTiK 2020, the app enhances into a Revit interface for the full SOFiSTiK FEA.

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SOFiSTiK 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 527 Software
SOFiSTiK 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 527 x64

SOFiSTiK 2020 SP 2020-2 Build 527

SOFiSTiK – универсальный программный комплекс, использующий метод конечно-элементного анализа (МКЭ) для расчета и проектирования строительных конструкций, решения задач геотехники любой сложности, анализа газо- и гидродинамики.

Области применения: строительные конструкции; геотехнический анализ; газо- и гидродинамика.

Объекты анализа: здания и сооружения; мосты и другие транспортные сооружения; тоннели и гидротехнические сооружения.

Возможности проектирования и анализа: статистический и динамический анализ; линейная/нелинейная постановка задачи; линейные и турбулентные потоки газов и жидкости; анализ кинематически изменяемых систем.

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SOFiSTiK 2018 SP 2018-13 Build 2 Software
SOFiSTiK 2018 SP 2018-13 Build 2 x64

SOFiSTiK 2018 SP 2018-13 Build 2

SOFiSTiK – универсальный программный комплекс, использующий метод конечно-элементного анализа (МКЭ) для расчета и проектирования строительных конструкций, решения задач геотехники любой сложности, анализа газо- и гидродинамики.

Области применения: строительные конструкции; геотехнический анализ; газо- и гидродинамика.

Объекты анализа: здания и сооружения; мосты и другие транспортные сооружения; тоннели и гидротехнические сооружения.

Возможности проектирования и анализа: статистический и динамический анализ; линейная/нелинейная постановка задачи; линейные и турбулентные потоки газов и жидкости; анализ кинематически изменяемых систем.

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SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Generation 2019 Software
SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Generation 2019

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing & Generation 2019

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Detailing significantly accelerates the creation of 2D reinforcement sheets out of 3D models in Autodesk Revit. The product consists of software and a set of families, which can easily be modified to meet local or company standards. Creation of bar lists, bending schedules and cut lists for wire meshes is included as well.

SOFiSTiK Reinforcement Generation automatically generates a 3D rebar model inside of Autodesk Revit based on computed analysis and design results. The rebar model provides an automatically generated proposition of reinforcement layout which fulfils the reinforcement requirement and which can be freely modified. Design requirements from construction codes and company standards can be controlled by user-defined rules similar to the approach used in expert systems. Visualization of existing reinforcement vs. required reinforcement provides a clear indication whether adequate reinforcement has been provided.
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SOFiSTiK 2016 R2 SP 2016-5 Software
SOFiSTiK 2016 R2 SP 2016-5

SOFiSTiK 2016 R2 SP 2016-5

SOFiSTiK – универсальный программный комплекс, использующий метод конечно-элементного анализа (МКЭ) для расчета и проектирования строительных конструкций, решения задач геотехники любой сложности, анализа газо- и гидродинамики.

Области применения: строительные конструкции; геотехнический анализ; газо- и гидродинамика.

Объекты анализа: здания и сооружения; мосты и другие транспортные сооружения; тоннели и гидротехнические сооружения.

Возможности проектирования и анализа: статистический и динамический анализ; линейная/нелинейная постановка задачи; линейные и турбулентные потоки газов и жидкости; анализ кинематически изменяемых систем.

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