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Schlumberger Waterloo AquaChem 9 build 17.20.0220.6 Software
Schlumberger Waterloo AquaChem 9 build 17.20.0220.6

Schlumberger Waterloo AquaChem 9 build 17.20.0220.6

Компания Schlumberger – одна из крупнейших нефтесервисных компаний в мире, предоставляющая весь спектр технологий и услуг для развития и поддержки инфраструктур нефтяной и газовой промышленности. 

Schlumberger Water Services – одно из подразделений Schlumberger, специализирующееся на решении задач управления и эксплуатации водных ресурсов. Программное обеспечение, поставляемое Schlumberger Water Services, используется при моделировании движения подземных и поверхностных вод, управлении эксплуатацией подземных скважин, оценки качества подземных вод, построении карт и т. д. Программное обеспечение поставляется в виде отдельных модулей (Visual MODFLOW, Hydro GeoAnalyst, AquaChem, Aquifer Test Pro, GW Contour и т. д.), заточенных под решение узкоспециализированных задач.

Так вот, AquaChem - программный пакет для анализа и оценки качества подземных вод.

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Schlumberger Petrel 2017.4 Software
Schlumberger Petrel 2017.4

Schlumberger Petrel 2017.4

Petrel is an integrated software solution that enables you to solve all your subsurface challenges - from seismic interpretation through reservoir simulation. Petrel eliminates the communication problems that exist between different software packages and associated technical disciplines. All work processes in Petrel contribute to developing and refining the same volumetric earth model, static to dynamic. The common environment and workflow automatically captures your knowledge as your work progresses. This eliminates the information mismatch or information loss that is common when using individual applications. Now you can easily integrate new data, rapidly updating earth models and lowering your overall E&P risk. 

  • All tools from seismic interpretation to simulation are integrated in one application, eliminating import and export problems and promoting collaboration.
  • Strong visualization capabilities give you instant QC of all data in 3D.
  • Models can be updated instantly when new data arrives to make quicker and more reliable decisions.
  • All results can be copy-pasted to any Windows application making it quick and easy to report and present your latest results.
  • Petrel has a familiar Windows user interface, undo/redo functionality, and stores modeling history, making it easy to use and learn.
  • Petrel Modules.
  • Geophysics.
  • Geology.
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Well Engineering.
  • Data and Results Viewer.
More info
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Schlumberger OilField Manager 2019.1 Software
Schlumberger OilField Manager 2019.1

Schlumberger OilField Manager 2019.1

OFM is a powerful suite of modules developed by Schlumberger Information Solutions, designed to aid in the day-to-day surveillance and management of oil and gas fields. OFM provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface enabling you to view, enhance, and analyze production and reservoir data within the Microsoft Windows environment. Using OFM 2014, you can perform basic or complex analyses for individual or multiple completions, groups of wells, an entire field, or several fields. OFM is the ideal tool for reservoir production environments and users. It is ideally suited for the occasional user, yet sophisticated enough for the experienced geoscientist or petrophysicist, whether at the well site, office, or home.

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Schlumberger Flaresim v6.0.0.64 Software
Schlumberger (ex. Softbits) Flaresim v6.0.0.64

Schlumberger Flaresim v6.0.0.64

Softbits is one of the leading specialist companies worldwide in the field of flare simulation. Based in Hampshire in the south of the UK, we develop and maintain Flaresim – the sophisticated, state-of-the-art, industry-standard flare design application for the oil, gas, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and refining industries.

Flaresim is our highly developed and sophisticated flare simulation/design application. Designed by professional engineers, for professional engineers, it models thermal radiation and noise footprints generated by flare systems for offshore platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants, and predicts the temperature of exposed surfaces within range. The application can analyse installations of any complexity, with unlimited multiple flare tips on multiple vertical, horizontal or inclined flare stacks. Users can model pipe flares, sonic flares and liquid burners using a range of algorithms. They can also enter and report data in units of their choice, and can convert data to other units at any time.

Flaresim provides full 3D flame-shape analysis with complete flexibility in the location and orientation of multiple stacks, and rapid evaluation of flare systems under different wind speeds and directions. Shield options can be included. Working from the opposite perspective, Flaresim allows you to size stack or boom length to meet specific radiation, noise or surface-temperature limits at defined receptor points. Flaresim includes gas dispersion models for both jet dispersion of flammable gases close to the stack and Gaussian dispersion of pollutants at longer distances. The output from Flaresim is highly customisable, and you can select either summary or detailed output. Flaresim has a user-friendly interface and incorporates context-sensitive help at every stage for user guidance.

New Features
Integration of VMG Thermo with over 20,000 component database and 70+ property methods
Link to Symmetry to support integration of Flaresim results within Symmetry Flare program
Updated licensing technology, supports read access to files with Symmetry license
Branding updates to reflect acquisition of Flaresim Ltd by Schlumberger

New Casestudy variables for Tip purge gas input and results

Fixed incorrect Casestudy variable result for SealDrum - Dipleg Height
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Schlumberger Petrel Reservoir Engineering 3 Day Course Bookware
Schlumberger Petrel Reservoir Engineering 3 Day Course

Schlumberger Petrel Reservoir Engineering 3 Day Course

This course is designed to acquaint reservoir engineers and asset teams to the interactive Petrel reservoir engineering tools used for the construction of simulation models. In this course, you will build a 3D simulation model inside Petrel based on a geological input data, add wells and well control rules, create black oil fluid models and rock physics functions and submit the model to the simulators. The practical application of most of the available tools in Petrel used for a typical reservoir engineering workflow is discussed and illustrated in the exercises. The manual is structured in modules with relevant lessons and exercises to help practice the lessons learned in each module. Overall, preprocessing and post-processing of simulation data is done within the Petrel modeling environment.

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The essentials of log interpretation practice Bookware
Schlumberger, 1972 - The essentials of log interpretation practice

On exploration wells, after the logs have been made, some quick answers are needed: what formations are potential hydrocarbon producers? Will it be gas or oil? Approximate volumetric evaluation? In the case of development wells, the main interest usually is for an accurate evaluation of the volume of hydrocarbons.

In some cases the logs provide obvious answers to this type of question. More often. a study of the logs is needed; it can be a 'quick look' interpretation when rapid answers are needed; it can be a detailed analysis, 'manual' or computer-processed, when an accurate quantitative evaluation is required. In all cases log interpretation requires a good knowledge of the behaviour of the logging tools and of their limitations.

Description of the logging tools is given in this book.
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Basic Open-Hole Log Analysis In Clastic Reservoirs Bookware
Schlumberger, 1990 - Basic Open-Hole Log Analysis In Clastic Reservoirs

Basic Open-Hole Log Analysis In Clastic Reservoirs

Well logs present a concise, detailed plot of formation parameters versus depth. From these plots, interpreters can identify lithologies, differentiate between porous and nonporous rock and quickly recognize pay zones in subsurface formations. The ability to interpret a log lies in recognizing the significance of each measurement. Old school geologist theory & practice ...

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Schlumberger Waterloo Hydrogeologic Visual MODFLOW Flex v6.1 Software
Schlumberger Waterloo Hydrogeologic Visual MODFLOW Flex v6.1 x64

Schlumberger Waterloo Hydrogeologic Visual MODFLOW Flex v6.1

Visual MODFLOW Flex is the industry standard software for 3D groundwater flow, heat and contaminant transport modeling.

  • Integrated Conceptual and Numerical Groundwater Modeling.
  • Powerful 2D and 3D Visualization Capabilities.Intuitive and Easy-to-Use.
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Property Modeling Course Bookware
Schlumberger Petrel 2010 Property Modeling Course

Property Modeling Course

The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of how to perform Facies and Petrophysical modeling in Petrel. The target is to use all geological information available to build a realistic property model. Property modeling is the process of filling the grid cells with discrete or continuous properties.

In order to construct a proper model based on a 3D grid, it is important to understand the basic concepts, algorithms and methods leading to these results. Therefore, the first part of the course will focus on basic geostatistical concepts like variograms, kriging and simulation, and will also test out different methods to see both the benefits and the limitations.

Property modeling in Petrel is split into three separate processes: Geometrical, Facies and Petrophysical modeling. In addition, there are other process steps which can be used when modeling properties: Scale up well logs, Data analysis, Train Estimation Model (Neural Net), Trend modeling, User-defined object creation, Training image and patern creation and Fault Analysis (the last four processes will not be covered in this course).

By attending this course, you will obtain an introduction to the geostatistical and Property modeling functionalities in Petrel. Upon completion of the course, you will have been introduced to enough options in Petrel to be able to build a property model on your own. Due to the scope of the software, there is a wide range of functionalities in Petrel that will not be introduced in this course. Refer to our other courses for more details on separate modules.
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Schlumberger Petrel 12 Weeks Course Bookware
Schlumberger Petrel 12 Weeks Course

Schlumberger Petrel 12 Weeks Course

In this project, a 3D geological (static) model of a sample petroleum reservoir will be built. All steps will be shown in detail with screen shots of the necessary figures. The software to be used is Petrel, which is a product of Schlumberger, used to build 3D geological models of petroleum reservoirs. The project is divided in chapters as indicated in the Petrel Workflow Tools. After some modifications and enhancements to the Petrel Workflow, the chapters will be presented as follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. Data Import
  3. Input Data Editing
  4. Well Correlation
  5. Fault Modeling
  6. Pillar Gridding
  7. Vertical Layering
  8. Geometrical Property Modeling
  9. Upscaling in the Vertical Direction-Well Logs Upscaling
  10. Facies Modeling
  11. Petrophysical Modeling
  12. Defining Fluid Contacts
  13. Volume Calculation
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