Автор: Williams Дата: 20 июня 2023
Просмотров: 1 276
Sandmeier geophysical research Reflex-Win v10.2 build 09/05/2023
Sandmeier geophysical research is a small geophyisical company specialized in the development of software algorithms for seismic (reflection and refraction) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) processing and interpretation for near surface applications.
Reflex is one of the world's most popular geophysical near surface processing and interpretation packages.
It covers the complete range of wave data (seismic, GPR, ultrasound) and with the different geometry assemblings (surface reflection and refraction, borehole crosshole and tomography and combination of borehole and surface measurements) is therefore suitable for
GPR processing and interpretation
import from almost all available GPR devices
more than 130 different processing steps including editing, filtering, migration, ...