Автор: Williams
Дата: 24 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 1 777 |
ProSim Simulis Thermodynamics v2.0.25.0 + Component Plus v3.6.0.0

Interoperability, integration, reusability. Simulis Thermodynamics allows anyone in industry, engineering or research to run high quality thermophysical properties calculations. These calculations can be plugged in any software of wider application range (equipment sizing, system modeling, etc) and properties are available for any kind of fluid. Simulis Thermodynamics makes open simulation a practical reality.
Simulis Thermodynamics is a calculation server for thermophysical properties and phase equilibria calculations on pure components and mixtures. It is available as a Microsoft Excel add-in, a toolbox in MATLAB or as a software component which can be easily plugged in any other application requiring reliable and accurate thermophysical properties.
Simulis Thermodynamics provides engineers and software developers with an accurate and reliable thermophysical properties calculation server. These calculations can be integrated in any package intended for wider fields of application (equipment sizing, system modeling, etc) in order to ensure the consistency and reliability the data used and of the results. Simulis Thermodynamics is designed to:
- Provide access to over 300 functions, in particular for calculation of any type of transport properties (specific heat, viscosity,...), of thermodynamic properties (enthalpy, compressibility factor ...) or of phase equilibria (VLE, LLE, VLLE, salt formation ...) on multi component mixtures.
- Provide access to one of the richest thermodynamic models libraries available on the market (equation of state, activity coefficients ...)
- Provide access to a property database of more than 2300 pure components.
- Enable the engineer to focus on their application and to work with thermophysical properties calculations that are reliable, and validated through intensive usage in industrial applications.
In support of your thermodynamic expertise, Simulis Thermodynamics will enable you to:
- Use the best thermodynamic representation of your system.
- Perpetuate your expertise with easily created "Property Packages" that include all elements needed for further calculations (pure components properties, models, interaction coefficients ...)
- Distribute these "Property Packages" throughout your organization in order for them to be used in your usual, CAPE-OPEN compliant, software.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 28 декабря 2014
Просмотров: 2 464 |
ProSim ProPhyPlus 2 v1.14.11.0
 ProPhyPlus is based on Simulis Thermodynamics, ProSim's powerful thermophysical properties calculation server. Using the same rigorous and proven property models and data not only ensures full consistency between ProSim's software results, but also reduces learning time.
Based on Simulis Thermodynamics, ProPhyPlus is a calculation software that has been developed to help run all the calculations without any programming.
It provides a Microsoft-Windows based interface that makes full use of the graphical and functional capabilities of the platform, allowing unmatched prediction, evaluation, analysis and use of high-quality physical properties.
ProPhyPlus also implements the standardized CAPE-OPEN interfaces ("Thermodynamic plug" and "Thermodynamic socket"). It generates "Property Packages" (compound package and adapted thermodynamic profile) that can be used with other simulation applications that are CAPE-OPEN compliant. Furthermore, third party thermodynamic packages can be used in ProPhyPlus.
Thermodynamic plug: provides the ability to generate "Property Packages" that can be used with CAPE-OPEN compliant applications.
Thermodynamic socket: provides the ability to use a CAPE-OPEN "Property Package" generated by a third party application.
Calculation of physical properties of fluids and their mixtures.
ProPhyPlus is an advanced and convenient standalone software dedicated to the calculation of thermophysical properties (thermodynamic and transport) of fluids and their mixtures, over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. It provides quick access to fluid phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of pure components and mixtures.
Thanks to its power and user friendliness, the analysis of single and multi-components mixtures thermodynamic behavior has never been so easy. Property calculation results and graphs can be obtained with only a few clicks and then further processed to have an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon involved. ProPhyPlus does not require any programming skills and quickly becomes an essential calculations tool for the engineer.
ProPhyPlus accurately models physical properties and phase equilibria for most fluids found in chemical, petrochemical, refining, oil and gas and other process industries. |
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