Автор: Williams Дата: 11 августа 2013
Просмотров: 2 631
Power Line Systems CADD, POLE, SAPS, TOWER v9.20 portable
PLS-CADD is a line design program that includes all the terrain, sag-tension, loads, clearances and drafting functions necessary for the design of an entire power line.
PLS-POLE analyzes and designs structures with wood, laminated wood, steel, concrete or fiber reinforced polymer poles, or modular aluminum masts.
SAPS - Structural Analysis of Power and communication Systems - is the analysis engine. It can be purchased for standalone use to solve exotic problems. SAPS can act as a plug-in to add finite element sag-tension to the standard edition of PLS-CADD.
TOWER analyzes, designs and optimizes steel lattice towers for transmission and substation applications.