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Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, 12-th Edition Bookware
Vincent Cronin - Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, 12-th Edition

Pearson , 2021
pdf, 482 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-13-583697-2

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology, 12-th Edition

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology offers an inquiry and activities-based approach that builds skills and gives students a complete learning experience in the lab. This user-friendly lab manual examines the basic processes of geology and their applications to everyday life, featuring an exceptional illustration program by Dennis Tasa and contributions from over 200 highly regarded geologists and geoscience educators. With the 12th Edition, lead author Vince Cronin and the newly formed NAGT editorial panel deliver the latest data and science, including new climate/environmental change and hazards/disasters lab activities.

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Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Bookware
Serope Kalpakjian, Steven Schmid, Vijay Sekar - Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
SI Edition, 7-th Edition

Pearson, 2021
pdf, 1214 pages, english
ISBN-10: 9810694067

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

An excellent overview of manufacturing concepts is provided with a balance of relevant fundamentals and real-world practices. Coverage of the latest technological advances, like rapid prototyping, the most dramatic change in manufacturing in recent years. Also includes coverage of nanofabrication, rapid tooling, and semisolid metalworking (Chapter 20) Lists and process comparisons give students a through look at manufacturing processes and operations. The chapters on specific groups of manufacturing processes and operations feature lists of typical parts produced by the processes described in the chapter, as well as a list of competing and alternative processes to produce the same types of parts. Four kinds of end-of-chapter problems help reinforce concepts in each chapter: Review Questions; Qualitative Problems; Quantitative Problems; and Synthesis, Design, and Projects. Comprehensive bibliographies are far more complete than any other manufacturing textbooks.

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Mastering SolidWorks, The Design Approach, 3rd Edition Bookware
Ibrahim Zeid, Nathan Brown - Mastering SolidWorks, The Design Approach, 3rd Edition

Pearson, 2021
epub, 2320 pages, english
ISBN-13 978-0-13-688726-3
ISBN-10 0-13-688726-0

Mastering SolidWorks, The Design Approach, 3rd Edition

Thoroughly updated for SolidWorks 2021, Mastering SolidWorks, Third Edition, illuminates solid modeling CAD techniques for developing parts, assemblies, and drawings. Additional specializations, SolidWorks toolboxes, and manufacturing techniques are also included, including such as sheet metal, injection molding, and animation. The goal is to develop CAD skills in students with little or no previous solid modeling expertise, and to hone specialization skills in more advanced students. Students who successfully complete this book should be capable of obtaining SolidWorks Associate and Professional certification. New illustrations reflect SolidWorks 2021 throughout, and this edition fully reflects changes in workflow since the Second Edition (SolidWorks 2014)

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Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, Tenth Edition Bookware
Ronald Woods, Cameron Andres, Ronald Smith - Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, Tenth Edition

Pearson, 2019
pdf, 561 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-470466-1

Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction teaches students how to apply design theory to the construction process, providing crucial working knowledge for contractors managing subcontractors. Progressing from basic to advanced material, the text appears on the approved reference list for numerous states requiring contractors to pass licensing exams. Its flexible organization gives instructors the option of teaching each chapter on a standalone basis in a range of construction, architecture, and engineering courses. The 10th edition expands its discussion of practical applications in structural design projects and adds practice opportunities preparing students for licensing exams.

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Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers Bookware
James Wilkes - Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, Third Edition
with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5

Pearson, 2018
pdf, 807 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-13-471282-6

Since most chemical processing applications are conducted either partially or totally in the fluid phase, chemical engineers need mastery of fluid mechanics. Such knowledge is especially valuable in the biochemical, chemical, energy, fermentation, materials, mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, polymer, and waste-processing industries.

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers: with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5, Third Edition, systematically introduces fluid mechanics from the perspective of the chemical engineer who must understand actual physical behavior and solve real-world problems. Building on the book that earned Choice Magazine’s Outstanding Academic Title award, this edition also gives a comprehensive introduction to the popular COMSOL Multiphysics 5 software.

This third edition contains extensive coverage of both microfluidics and computational fluid dynamics, systematically demonstrating CFD through detailed examples using COMSOL Multiphysics 5 and ANSYS Fluent. The chapter on turbulence now presents valuable CFD techniques to investigate practical situations such as turbulent mixing and recirculating flows.

Part I offers a clear, succinct, easy-to-follow introduction to macroscopic fluid mechanics, including physical properties; hydrostatics; basic rate laws; and fundamental principles of flow through equipment. Part II turns to microscopic fluid mechanics:
  • Differential equations of fluid mechanics
  • Viscous-flow problems, some including polymer processing
  • Laplace’s equation; irrotational and porous-media flows
  • Nearly unidirectional flows, from boundary layers to lubrication, calendering, and thin-film applications
  • Turbulent flows, showing how the k-ε method extends conventional mixing-length theory
  • Bubble motion, two-phase flow, and fluidization
  • Non-Newtonian fluids, including inelastic and viscoelastic fluids
  • Microfluidics and electrokinetic flow effects, including electroosmosis, electrophoresis, streaming potentials, and electroosmotic switching
  • Computational fluid mechanics with ANSYS Fluent and COMSOL Multiphysics
Nearly 100 completely worked practical examples include 12 new COMSOL 5 examples: boundary layer flow, non-Newtonian flow, jet flow, die flow, lubrication, momentum diffusion, turbulent flow, and others. More than 300 end-of-chapter problems of varying complexity are presented, including several from University of Cambridge exams. The author covers all material needed for the fluid mechanics portion of the professional engineer’s exam.
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Dynamics of Structures, Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, Fifth Edition in SI Units Bookware
Anil K. Chopra - Dynamics of Structures, Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering
Fifth Edition in SI Units

Pearson, 2020
pdf, 994 pages, english
ISBN-10: 1-29-224918-8
ISBN-13: 978-1-29-224918-6

An expert on structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Anil K. Chopra fills an important niche, explaining the material in a manner suitable for both students and professional engineers with his fifth edition, in SI units of Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed, and the presentation is detailed and integrated enough to make the text suitable for self-study.

As a textbook on vibrations and structural dynamics, this book has no competition. The material includes many topics in the theory of structural dynamics, along with applications of this theory to earthquake analysis, response, design, and evaluation of structures, with an emphasis on presenting this often difficult subject in as simple a manner as possible through numerous worked-out illustrative examples. The fifth edition, in  SI Edition includes new sections, figures, and examples, along with relevant updates and revisions.

New to this Edition. Updates, Improvements, and Expanded Sections in the fifth edition, in SI units.
- Two new sections have been added to Chapter 20, which is now more than twice its previous size. These additions were motivated by the increasing use of nonlinear response history analyses (RHAs) of buildings in professional practice.
- Individual chapter updates and revisions include:
--- Chapter 13 has been extended to include a response-spectrum-based method to estimate principal stresses in continuum structures, such as concrete dams.
--- Chapters 7, 9, and 18 have been expanded to include P—analysis of gravity load effects and an introduction to their influence on the lateral response, permanent deformation, and collapse of structures.
--- Chapter 11 has been revised to include recent data on damping ratios determined by system-identification analysis of motions of 203 buildings recorded during earthquakes. New recommendations for estimating damping ratios to be used in earthquake analysis of structures are presented.
--- Chapters 22 and 23 have been updated to reflect the current editions of building codes for designing new buildings, and of performance-based guidelines and standards for evaluating existing buildings.
- Many new figures, several worked-out examples, and end-of-chapter problems have been added.
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Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020 Bookware
James Bethune - Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020

Pearson, 2019
pdf, 1801 pages, english
ISBN 10: 0-13-556217-1
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-556217-8

Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020

In Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2020, award-winning CAD instructor and author James Bethune teaches technical drawing using AutoCAD 2020 as its drawing instrument. Taking a step-by-step approach, this textbook encourages students to work at their own pace and uses sample problems and illustrations to guide them through the powerful features of this drawing program. More than 680 exercise problems provide instructors with a variety of assignment material and students with an opportunity to develop their creativity and problem-solving capabilities.

Effective pedagogy throughout the text helps students learn and retain concepts:
  • Step-by-step format throughout the text allows students to work directly from the text to the screen and provides an excellent reference during and after the course.
  • Latest coverage is provided for dynamic blocks, user interface improvements, and productivity enhancements.
  • Exercises, sample problems, and projects appear in each chapter, providing examples of software capabilities and giving students an opportunity to apply their own knowledge to realistic design situations.
  • ANSI standards are discussed when appropriate, introducing students to the appropriate techniques and national standards.
  • Illustrations and sample problems are provided in every chapter, supporting the step-by-step approach by illustrating how to use AutoCAD 2020 and its features to solve various design problems.
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Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2019 Bookware
James Bethune - Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2019

Pearson, 2019
pdf, 1533 pages, english
ISBN 10: 0-13-540175-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-540175-0

Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2019

In Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2019, award-winning CAD instructor and author James Bethune shows students how to use SolidWorks to create engineering drawings and designs. The textbook has been updated to cover the new features in SolidWorks 2019, including a brand-new chapter with sample problems to help students prepare for the CSWA Exam. It focuses on the creation of engineering drawings, including dimensions and tolerances and the use of standard parts and tools. Each chapter contains step-by-step sample problems that show students how to apply the concepts presented in the chapter.

Effective pedagogy throughout the text helps students learn and retain concepts:
  • OBJECTIVES: Each chapter begins with objectives and an introduction to the material.
  • SUMMARIES: Each chapter concludes with a summary and exercise problems.
  • NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS: The multitude of illustrations, accompanied by explanatory captions, present a visual approach to learning. Students see in the text what they see on the screen with the addition of explanatory text.
  • PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The text provides hundreds of exercise projects of varying difficulty (far more than any other computer graphics text). These exercises reinforce each chapter’s content and help students learn by doing.
  • FLEXIBILITY: With the hundreds of problems presented in the book, instructors can assign different problems within the same class and from year to year without repeating problems for students.
  • MEETS STANDARDS: The text teaches ANSI standards for dimensions and tolerances. This helps students understand how their designs are defined for production and the importance of proper tolerancing.
  • STEP-BY-STEP APPROACH: In presenting the fundamentals of engineering drawing using SolidWorks, the text uses a step-by-step approach that allows students to work and learn at their own pace.
  • CSWA EXAM PREP: This edition includes sample problems to help students prepare for the CSWA Exam.
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Discovering AutoCAD 2020 Bookware
Mark Dix, Paul Riley - Discovering AutoCAD 2020

Pearson, 2019
epub, 704 pages, english
ISBN-13: 9780135576052

Discovering AutoCAD 2020

Designed for introductory AutoCAD users, Discovering AutoCAD 2020 presents a hands-on, activity-based approach to the use of AutoCAD 2020 as a drafting tool - complete with techniques, tips, shortcuts, and insights that improve efficiency. Topics and tasks are carefully grouped to lead students logically through the AutoCAD command set, with the level of difficulty increasing steadily as skills are acquired through experience and practice. Straightforward explanations focus on what is relevant to actual drawing procedures, and illustrations show exactly what to expect on the computer screen. This edition features updates for the latest release of AutoCAD 2020, projects, and test questions for each chapter.

Lessons are broken down into tasks listed at the beginning of each section, introducing students to the AutoCAD commands using a structured, intuitive approach and helping students anticipate what information will be needed at each new phase of the learning process. General Procedure boxes appear as new commands are introduced, providing a simple overview of basic command sequences in a step-by-step format. Detailed graphics appear throughout the text, demonstrating what students should expect to see on their screens and encouraging self-paced study. Drawing problems appear at the end of each chapter, helping students apply newly learned techniques immediately to realistic drawing situations. This includes drawing suggestions, timesaving tips, and explanations of how to use techniques in actual situations. Working drawings accompany the end-of-chapter drawing problems, appearing in a large, clearly dimensioned format on each right-hand page, with drawing suggestions on the accompanying left-hand page. This includes mechanical, architectural, civil, and electrical drawings. End-of-chapter review questions to test the student’s knowledge. Discovering AutoCAD 2020 will be a valuable resource for any student wanting to learn drafting skills.
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Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition Bookware
Robert Christopherson, Ginger Birkeland - Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition

Pearson, 2018
pdf, 694 pages, english
ISBN-13: 9780134642512

Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition

Among the most highly regarded texts in physical geography, Robert Christopherson’s best-selling Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography is known for its meticulous attention to detail, up-to-date accuracy, and rich integration of climate change science. Uniquely organized, the text presents Earth systems topics as they naturally occur: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. This interconnected and organic systems-based approach is highlighted in strong pedagogical tools, a structured learning path, and current, updated information. The 10th Edition includes new features and activities that help students apply geography to the real world, revised infographics, and new exercises designed to enhance learning.

Mastering Geography is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product proven to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced coaching activities that feature personalized wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience and help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain challenging physical geography concepts.
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