Автор: Williams Дата: 13 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 3 313
LH Logismiki Steel Connections v1.12.0.32
The software is used for the design of connections between steel structural members according to the clauses of Eurocode 3 / prEN 1993-1-8: 2003 / Part 1.8: Design of steel structures; Design of joints (Greek version 5 May 2003).
The module interacts with the software Fespa:
for obtaining all needed information for the calculation of a joint (geometry of members, actions effects), and
for creating the report and structural drawings for every joint.
The user may work with the module "Design of joints” independently (without Fespa), by using the geometrical and load characteristics that he desires.
The program calculates the connections between members of cross-section type H or I and covers:
Moment connections
Bolted beam-to-column connections with end-plate,
Bolted beam-to-beam connections with end-plate,
Column base connection to concrete fundament with anchors.
Shear connections
Bolted beam-to-column connections with steel angles,
Bolted beam-to-column connections with steel angles, with the beam connected to the web of the column,
Bolted beam-to-beam connections with steel angles.