Bentley STAAD.Pro - лидер в области программного обеспечения для расчета строительных конструкций и проектирования. Bentley STAAD.Pro - выбор профессионала для проектирования любых структур, в том числе водопропускных труб, нефтехимических заводов, тоннелей, мостов, многоквартирных домов и многих других конструкций из стали, бетона, лесоматериалов, алюминия и холодногнутой стали. Bentley STAAD.Pro сертифицирован по системе сертификации ГОСТ Р.
Автор: Williams Дата: 13 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 636
Trimble Novapoint 2023.4 build 4706
Design complex 3D models efficiently with Novapoint unique design software for civil engineers. Novapoint is a unique design toolset in Trimble's extensive BIM solution for infrastructure projects. Civil engineers can effectively design all aspects of modern roads, railways, tunnels, bridges, water and sewer. The BIM solution combines Novapoint, a powerful multidiscipline modelling toolset – with Quadri, a seamlessly integrated and cloud-based BIM collaboration server – collectively providing unique project teamwork and control. With Novapoint you can efficiently build complex models of roads and railways – including 3D terrain surfaces, 3D sub-surface layers and 3D structures such as buildings, bridges, road signs, cables and vegetation. Intuitive and highly effective functionality makes it possible to view the model in planes, sections and 3D. It is easier than ever to navigate in 3D and understand the model – ensuring precise, consistent and sustainable results.
Автор: Williams Дата: 10 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 344
Thunderhead Pathfinder 2023.2.0816
Pathfinder - симулятор эвакуации, использующий современные методы исследований в области информатики для моделирования движения людей, опираясь на технологии, применяемые в игровой и компьютерной графике. Pathfinder предоставляет инструменты, необходимые для проектирования надежных решений относительного расположения зданий и конструктивных систем противопожарной защиты. Несколько режимов моделирования и настраиваемых свойств пассажиров позволит вам с легкостью исследовать различные сценарии, позволяющие выполнить осторожные и оптимистичные оценки ожидаемого времени эвакуации. Pathfinder является агентом-симулятором, т.е. каждый житель использует набор отдельных параметров и принимает решения независимо друг от друга на протяжении всей симуляции. В дополнение к передовому симулятору движения пешеходов, Pathfinder включает в себя интегрированный пользовательский интерфейс и 3D-визуализацию результатов.
Автор: Williams Дата: 8 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 300
Graitec ArchiWIZARD 2024.0.1
ArchiWIZARD is a real-time 3D analysis software based on BIM model directly connected to the architectural CAD solutions. ArchiWIZARD provides accurate thermal, light, solar gains and shadows analysis, renewable energy simulation (photovoltaic & thermal solar systems).
Автор: Williams Дата: 7 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 426
Thunderhead PyroSim 2023.2
PyroSim - это пользовательский интерфейс для программы Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Полевая модель FDS может предсказывать распространение дыма, температуры, угарного газа и других опасных факторов во время пожара. Результаты моделирования используются для обеспечения безопасности зданий при проектировании, определения безопасности существующих зданий, реконструкции пожаров при расследованиях, и помощи в тренировках пожарных. FDS – мощный инструмент для моделирования пожара, разработанный Национальным институтом стандартов и технологий (National Institute of Standards and Technology – NIST). FDS моделирует сценарии пожара с использованием вычислительной гидродинамики (CFD), оптимизированной для низкоскоростных температурно-зависимых потоков. Такой подход оказывается очень гибким, и может быть применен к различным пожарам, начиная от горения в печах и до пожаров на нефтяных танкерах. Также с помощью FDS может быть выполнено моделирование, не включающее горение, например, работа вентиляции в зданиях. Расчетная модель FDS и программа для визуализации Smokeview тесно встроены в PyroSim.
Автор: Williams Дата: 6 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 234
Thunderhead Ventus 2023.1.0816
Ventus is designed to provide a pressurization simulation for smoke control analysis. The simulation is performed by CONTAM, an open-source application maintained and developed by NIST.
Like PyroSim and FDS, Ventus provides a premium user experience for industry leading simulation software. By utilizing our expertise in delivering 3D modeling applications for fire protection eningeering, Ventus will exceed the demands of CONTAM users who want to accelerate their smoke control projects.
Ventus allows users to build 3D models of pressure zones based on actual building geometry.
Ventus manages multi-variable scenarios for simplified batch CONTAM simulation and analysis.
Ventus tabulates results data for multiple scenarios into digestible CSV data and 3D visuals.
Whether for stairwells, atriums, or underground buildings, proper air handling systems must be designed for pressurized smoke control in case of emergency. Ventus provides a clear and efficient path from modeling a building to understanding temperatures, pressures, and densities so that the proper solution can be reached.
Thunderhead Engineering supports you every step of the way. Whether you want in-depth training or self-taught materials, you can learn performance-based design modeling with greater efficiency and proficiency. We design our software for anyone to learn, and our customers are delighted when our support team helps them succeed.
Автор: Williams Дата: 2 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 380
Imagine That ExtendSim Pro v10.1
ExtendSim consists of a full range of tools for any type of simulation. No matter how you want to use ExtendSim - building models, running models, analysis, etc. - there is a package that will fit your needs.
Each Model Developer Edition (MDE) of ExtendSim has the same core set of capabilities. In them you can create and build:
Models and interfaces, change values and settings, run simulations and animations, perform experiments, do analysis and optimization, save and export results.
Models to share with others to use in the Analysis RunTime, Player RunTime, Cloud, Student, and in other MDE versions of ExtendSim.
Custom blocks and libraries.
Model Developer products:
ExtendSim CPExtendSim CP - Continuous Process Modeling - A robust set of core features plus specialized constructs for modeling continuous processes.
ExtendSim DEExtendSim DE - Discrete Event Simulation - Adds a comprehensive message-based discrete event architecture and capabilities to ExtendSim CP.
ExtendSim ProExtendSim Pro - Advanced Simulation Technologies - Adds capabilities to ExtendSim DE that go far beyond the typical continuous or discrete event capabilities of other simulation applications.
Автор: Williams Дата: 1 сентября 2023
Просмотров: 407
Eliis PaleoScan 2023.1.0 r41595
PaleoScan is a seismic interpretation software based on a semi-automated approach that produces chrono-stratigraphically consistent geological models. This unique technology, patented in 2009, allows our clients to accelerate their seismic interpretation cycle, scan the subsurface in real time to focus on high potential areas and identify hydrocarbon accumulation or CO2 storage areas... Another significant advantage of PaleoScan is its ability to produce a 3D geological model of the entire seismic cube, which allows the visualization and interpretation of the geological reservoirs as well as the overlying layers up to the seabed, in order to establish a reliable ranking of the storage reservoirs, taking into consideration the risks inherent to gas injection.
At the confluence of powerful algorithms, computational power and data analysis, our revolutionary technology pushes your seismic interpretation to an unprecedented level. We can deliver a substantial qualitative and quantitative change to E&P businesses by creating new opportunities for energy supply enhancement, reducing risk and making timely and enlightened decisions.
Running on Windows, our platform offers a great panel of E&P workflows from basin-scale evaluation to prospect maturation. It includes our first-class automated horizon tracking step and the associated supervised Relative Geological Time model, and our fully automated fault extraction tool … just to quote a few!
Our intuitive interface coupled with an embedded cross-correlation tool dramatically increases your screening capacity, enables better predictions, and triggers early stage sweet spotting. In addition, powerful editing and visualizing tools help to refine the interpretation and perform real-time preview on the iterative Relative Geological Time model creation process.
Автор: Williams Дата: 31 августа 2023
Просмотров: 448
dGB Earth Sciences OpendTect v7.0.2
OpendTect is a free, open source seismic interpretation system and software development platform. The system supports all tools needed for visualizing, analyzing and interpreting 2D, 3D and 4D seismic data. It is widely used for Geo-Radar interpretation as well.
dGB's software products can be split into two parts: open source and closed source.
The open source part is OpendTect, a seismic interpretation software system for processing, visualizing and interpreting multi-volume seismic data, and for fast-track development of innovative interpretation tools.
The closed source part starts with OpendTect Pro, a commercial layer on top of OpendTect with a lot of extra functionalities, especially for professionals. OpendTect Pro can be extended by renting or purchasing commercial plugins that offer unique seismic interpretation workflows.