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Leica Hexagon MinePlan 2023 Release 3 Software

Leica Hexagon MinePlan (ex. MineSight) 2023 Release 3

HxGN MinePlan provides geologists and engineers with powerful 3D modeling and data visualization. It supports seamless workflows, from exploration to production and it's backed by more than 50 years of innovation in partnership with thousands of global users.

Productive mines depend on being able to build detailed geological surfaces and solids. Statistical and geo-statistical analysis of project data is essential to producing an accurate block model with confidence.

The Geosciences suite empowers resource geologists to store, manage and analyse drillhole data.

Open pit engineering
MinePlan open pit engineering suite offers software packages that help you improve efficiency and make informed decisions.

Underground engineering
CAD offers solutions for underground design challenges, including 3D visualisation and tools for pillar design, plus more.

HxGN MinePlan Survey
MinePlan Survey allows for management of survey data throughout the mining lifecycle using a comprehensive software solution.

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Thermo Fisher Scientific PerGeos 2023.2 Software

Thermo Fisher Scientific PerGeos 2023.2

Thermo Scientific PerGeos Software is a robust platform that enables E&P engineers to understand the quality and performance of hydrocarbon reservoirs. PerGeos Software is the industry’s first digital rock solution designed to help geoscientists rapidly interpret digital rock imagery so that E&P engineers can quickly and easily obtain meaningful, actionable data. Its visualization, processing, and analysis of 2D and 3D digital rock imagery enables improved evaluation of reservoir quality and faster understanding of static and dynamic rock properties that impact production. PerGeos Software can be used as a standalone software platform or bundled with a variety of applications to customize the user experience with additional functionality for digital core analysis.

Key benefits of PerGeos Software include:

  • Collaborative core analysis: Multi-disciplinary sharing of information to build a common rock model.
  • Consistency in data processing and modeling: Automated workflows to streamline efficiency and implement best practices.
  • Confidence in results: Multi-scale, multi-modal image analysis to help users validate observations and properties from a variety of datasets.
  • Customized for oil and gas: The most advanced set of artifact removal and analytical tools on the market, designed specifically for oil and gas reservoir characterization and digital rock analysis.

PerGeos Software helps petrographers, geologists, core analysts, and petrophysicists with qualitative and quantitative rock analysis via its suite of image processing, filtering, and segmentation tools. These tools help users understand and share reservoir information.

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Trimble Tekla Structures 2023 SP8 build 32912 Software

Trimble Tekla Structures 2023 SP8 build 32912

Tekla Structures - комплексное решение, которое позволяет значительно увеличить производительность проектирования промышленных и гражданских зданий с использованием различных конструкционных материалов, таких как: металлоконструкции, сборные железобетонные изделия и монолитные бетонные конструкции.

Tekla Structures представляет собой программное обеспечение информационного моделирования зданий (BIM), которое позволяет создавать точные, подробные, удобные для конструирования 3D модели из любого материала и любой сложности и управлять ими. Модели Tekla Structures можно использовать во всем процессе строительства от эскизов до производства, монтажа и управления строительными работами.

Tekla Structures можно использовать с другими существующими приложениями или отдельно как платформу для разработки собственных рабочих процессов. Открытая платформа поддерживает совместимость и стандартизацию. Tekla Structures стыкуется с различными системами через Tekla Open API через программный интерфейс приложения, который внедряется с использованием технологии Microsoft.NET. Например, Tekla Structures поддерживает следующие стандартные форматы: IFC, CIS/2, SDNF и DSTV. Tekla Structures поддерживает собственные форматы, например DWG, DXF и DGN.

Конфигурации Tekla Structures:

  • Tekla Structures, Full Detailing представляет собой универсальную конфигурацию, содержащую модули деталировки металлических конструкции, сборных железобетонных изделий и монолитных бетонных изделий. Предусмотрено создание трехмерных моделей конструкций из стали и бетона, а также автоматическая генерация чертежей КМ и КМД.
  • Tekla Structures, Steel Detailing представляет собой конфигурацию, предназначенную для проектирования металлоконструкций. Пользователь может создавать детальные трехмерные модели любых металлических конструкций и получать соответствующие данные для производства и монтажа, используемые всеми участниками проекта.
  • Tekla Structures, Precast Concrete Detailing представляет собой стандартную конфигурацию, дополненную важными функциями деталировки сборных железобетонных конструкций. Пользователь может создавать детальные трехмерные модели бетонных конструкций и получать соответствующие данные по производству и монтажу, используемые совместно со всеми участниками проекта.
  • Tekla Structures, Reinforced Concrete Detailing представляет собой стандартную конфигурацию, дополненную важными функциями деталировку монолитных железобетонных изделий. Пользователь может создавать детальные трехмерные модели монолитных железобетонных изделий и получать соответствующие данные по производству и монтажу, используемые совместно со всеми участниками проекта.
  • Tekla Structures, Engineering представляет собой стандартную конфигурацию, позволяющую выполнять синхронизированное конструирование. Проектировщики металлоконструкций и инженеры, проектирующие внутренние инженерные системы, могут сотрудничать в рамках совместно используемой модели.

Системный курс изучения Tekla Structures (rus)

Release notes

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Graitec Advance Design 2024.1.2 Software

Graitec Advance Design 2024.1.2 build 19513

Graitec Advance - программный комплекс проектирования металлоконструкций.

Advance Design was specifically developed for industry professionals that require a superior solution for the structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel structures according to the latest versions of Eurocodes (EC0, EC1, EC2, EC3 and EC8). Advance Design features include easy modeling, a powerful FEM analysis engine, top-level design wizards, automated post-processing of results and automated reports. Achieve a new level of computer-assisted engineering with Advance Design.

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CSA Corridor EZ v24.201.1472 Software

Civil Survey Applications Corridor EZ v24.201.1472 for Autodesk Civil 3D

Corridor EZ for Civil 3D increases your productivity by automating the most complex part of Civil 3D – corridor design.

More info

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Graitec CADKON+ 2024.2 Software

Graitec AB Studio CADKON+ 2024.2

All powerful drawing functions that you know from ordinary CAD software, including a full support of DWG format, work with layers, viewports and much more. All functions commonly used for drawing and drawing modifications are available. They are for example lines, polylines, copy, move, rotate, stretch, measure and many others. You can choose between a modern control environment using tool ribbons or a classic icon environment. Keyboard shortcut support or so called "Command Suggestion" are self-evident.

All efficient drawing functions, that you know from regular CAD programs, including full support of the latest DWG format. CADKON+ enables the drawing enviroment to be set according to existing company standards. It includes mainly a layer system and settings of linetypes and lineweights connected with it, furthermore drawing scale, units, display of elements and library sharing which is pre-set but can be also modified and set according to your company standards. CADKON+ offers compact command groups used to draw building construction that enable you render a specific construction in a drawing simply by entering its parameters. Consequent modifications and parameter changes can be done using specialized functions or basic editing tools. Unifying feature of all the rendered constructions are quick changes. To draw vertical cuts and views, CADKON+ provides tools, which you use to create cuts and views effectively and take use of already existing information from floor plan drawings. Rendered construction elements can be itemized and you may generate a table with a piece list and view schemes. It takes only a few clicks to create a room legend or a floor structure legend depending on the rooms. Apart from creating new projects, CADKON+ allows you to take over and modify other projects created originally in other CAD environments. This is possible thanks to independence and openness of the whole system. Access to libraries of manufacturers and common elements contributes to a higher productivity and to a efficient drawing. The option to save created constructions to be used later and by other users is another advantage. CADKON+ offers a wide variety of useful functions that can be used to finish a construction drawing with ease. They include dimensioning, text labels and references, legends of materials and used lines for cables, pipes, borders etc., stake points, stamps, drawing frames and much more.

Is absent in the installer.

CADKON+ RC is CAD software fully compatible with DWG format. It offers to its users a simple, natural and cost-effective solution for frequent demands when creating and modifying drawings. With a modern and easy-to-use interface, CADKON+ RC creates all 2D and 3D elements, it contains functions to navigate in the drawing and visualise it and also works with terms such as "layers", "grip points", "windows" etc. The program includes a library of frequently used reinforcement shapes, including 3D shapes. Other shapes can be defined using a curve or by formwork. A variable length item is available for form-complex constructions, and you can use an item in linear meters to reinforce wreaths or like wall secondary reinforcement. Lists automatically contains inserted reinforcement with respect to user settings. You can choose whether to show items from the entire drawing, selected elements, or layers. Any change in reinforcement will immediately appear in the list so that these are always up to date. Tables are usually placed in the drawing, but they can also be exported to Excel. All inserted reinforcement also has its 3D model, which acts as a basis for its display and evaluation. This guarantees a clear evaluation of the amount of reinforcement used and also the display of reinforcement in 2D views. Changes made in one view are automatically taken into account in all other views. Each reinforcement bar can be displayed and described in each 2D-view in different way. The contents of annotations is filled and updated automatically according to the reinforcement. You can freely specify the shape of the annotations by assembling your own mask from different reinforcement parameters. Rebar meshes tools include a user-extensible meshes library, inserting single meshes, modifying and cutting them, pulling networks out of the floor plan with dimensioning, and a mesh schedule. There are a wide range of mesh presentation settings.

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Graitec Tricalc 2024.1.3 Software

Graitec (ex. Arktec) Tricalc 2024.1.3 build 2023.12.12 incl. Advance CAD 2024.1 build 2023.10.11

Tricalc es un software completo e integrado para el proyecto de estructuras, desde el modelo estructural hasta el dimensionamiento, detalle y fabricaciуn final de las estructuras. En cada una de las fases del proyecto, Tricalc presenta funcionalidades que son muy valiosas para los proyectistas de estructuras.

Eficacia y seguridad son fundamentales para el йxito de los proyectos. La capacidad de modelizaciуn y de anбlisis de Tricalc, lo sitъan como la soluciуn idуnea para garantizar una modelizaciуn eficaz y un anбlisis con seguridad, permitiendo dedicar mбs tiempo al diseсo y concepciуn del proyecto y menos a los procesos de trabajo.

Las nuevas arquitecturas, los nuevos edificios en altura, las nuevas tipologнas constructivas y el trabajo dentro de la globalizaciуn, exigen de nuevas capacidades: la capacidad de poder modelizar los nuevos edificios con versatilidad, la capacidad de incluir nuestros proyectos en las nuevas tipologнas constructivas y la capacidad de trabajar en ambiente colaborativo BIM.

El dimensionamiento y el detalle de las armaduras de todos los elementos estructurales de hormigуn, con el cumplimiento automбtico de las exigencias de las normativas y aspectos constructivos, proporciona al proyectista de estructuras una soluciуn altamente productiva y segura.

Tricalc mantiene desde su creaciуn una filosofнa BIM, consistente en un ъnico modelo tridimensional con toda la informaciуn asociada y vinculada, para el proyecto de estructuras. Este modelo es hoy posible de ser exportado e importado a travйs de formato BIM/IFC 4.0, para el trabajo colaborativo, y para la entrega a los clientes finales.

Los usuarios de Tricalc acostumbran a decir ”tanto mбs importante como el software es el soporte tйcnico que hay por detrбs del mismo”. Es el soporte tйcnico, siempre presente, el que permite tener una garantнa adicional sobre la seguridad de los proyectos que desarrollemos. Es el soporte tйcnico, siempre presente y prestado por el propio fabricante del software, el que nos da una garantнa ъnica de calidad.

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CSA Civil Site Design v24.201.362 for BricsCAD v24 Software

Civil Survey Applications (ex. Solutions) Civil Site Design v24.201.362 for BricsCAD v24

For over 20 years CSS has assisted customers in the civil and survey industries with premium technical support, specialised and customised training services and development of industry driven software solutions built on Autodesk and other technologies. Civil Site Design (ex. Advanced Road Design) adds highly efficient and simple-to-use civil design tools for road network design, highways, road reconstruction, site grading, surfaces, stormwater, sewer and pipeline design to your current CAD platform.

Release notes

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Engineering Technologies Associates Dynaform v7.1 Software

Engineering Technologies Associates Dynaform v7.1

ETA Dynaform - специализированный программный комплекс, ориентированный на моделирование процессов листовой штамповки и использующий в качестве ядра математический аппарат программы LS-DYNA. Пре- и постпроцессинг Dynaform построен с учетом всех специфических особенностей техпроцесса - он автоматизирует стандартные операции подготовки расчетной схемы и функции оценки и интерпретации результатов анализа и базируется на общепринятой терминологии, знакомой каждому инженеру-технологу. Инструментарий программы включает:

  • Автоматическое построение сеток;
  • Адаптивные сетки с анимацией истории построения;
  • Обширную библиотеку промышленных материалов;
  • Автоматизированное позиционирование инструмента;
  • Вовлечение явлений потери устойчивости листа – коробления;
  • Расчет тангенциальных усилий под прижимами (тормозными ребрами);
  • Расчет упругой разгрузки изделия;
  • Высококачественную визуализацию всех результатов и анимацию;
  • Построение предельной диаграммы ”формуемости”.

Dynaform - a complete die-system evaluation tool for the automotive industry. Dynaform encompasses the entire die system process in one simple interface. Simulating every detail during the design stage, Dynaform ensures the highest quality formed part and best manufacturing process. The system guides the engineer through cost estimation, quoting, die evaluation and formability. Dynaform makes it possible to completely bypass soft tooling, reduce overall tryout time, lower costs, increase productivity and provide complete confidence in die system design. Makes possible evaluation alternative designs and materials. Dynaform’s tube forming simulation now supports multi-stage tube forming, including tube bending, tube pre-forming, tube hydroforming, trimming, and annealing. The simulations can accurately predict failures like wrinkles, cracks, spring back, and feasibility of hydroforming.  No matter what process you are using or which stage you are focusing on, you can easily find the function you are looking for. Dynaform’s bending table now supports editing, inserting, and deleting operations. Users can now also import the bending table manually or automatically generate it from the center line. Our bending table generation algorithm improvements now serve to save users significant amounts of time generating tables. Hydroforming in Dynaform now supports comprehensive die face design including tube end extensions, centerline auto calculating, quick generating of die separating lines, mesh model separation based on separating lines, and more. Instead of switching to CAD software to create the tools, users can finish almost all major FEA model preparation works in Dynaform. Dynaform’s forming simulation software makes it possible to uncover design flaws early in the process. Using the various modules engineers can more-fully evaluate alternative–and unconventional–designs. Doing so helps ensure higher quality outcomes.

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Aquaveo GMS Premium v10.8.2 Software

Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System Premium v10.8.2

Aquaveo GMS - комплексная среда моделирования подземных вод с системой предварительной графический обработки информации. Aquaveo GMS легко взаимодействует с MODFLOW и рядом других моделей по моделированию подземных вод и предоставляет расширенные графические возможности для просмотра и калибровки результатов моделирования.

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Bug's fixed

Nice pricing

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