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Ensoft Shaft v2012.7.3 Software

Ensoft Shaft v2012.7.3 x86

Ensoft Shaft v2012.7.3

SHAFT is a computer program used to evaluate the axial capacity and the short-term, load-settlement curves of drilled shafts or bored piles in various types of soils. In general, the majority of axial capacity methods used by SHAFT are based on the latest FHWA manual. In addition, several extra axial capacity methods are provided for clay shales, gravels, and gravelly sands.

The analytical methods employed by SHAFT are based on experimental data obtained from hundreds of well-instrumented axial load tests of full-sized drilled shafts. Newer criteria for soil response of gravel and weak rock were modeled after papers of recent publication.

SHAFT can analyze the axial capacity and settlement behavior of drilled-shafts in eight types of soil and rock models. SHAFT can accommodate any combination of soil and rock layers in a layered profile. The soils and rock models in SHAFT are the following:

  • clay - cohesive geomaterial (FHWA), 
  • sand - cohesionless geomaterial (FHWA), 
  • clay - shale (Reese & Aurora), 
  • strong rock - using either side resistance or end bearing (FHWA), 
  • strong rock - using both side resistance plus end bearing (for comparison),
  • decomposed rock/gravel (FHWA),
  • weak rock - cohesive intermediate geomaterial (FHWA),
  • gravel - cohesionless intermediate geomaterial (Rollins et al),
  • gravelly sand (Rollins et al).
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Ensoft Group v8.0.14 Software

Ensoft Group v8.0.14 x86

Ensoft Group v8.0.14
GROUP has been well accepted as an useful design tool for analyzing the behavior of piles in a group subjected to both axial and lateral loadings. The program was developed to compute the distribution of loads (vertical, lateral, and overturning moment in up to three orthogonal axes) applied from any multiple locations in the pile cap to piles arranged in a group. The piles may be installed vertically or on a batter and their heads may be fixed, pinned, or elastically restrained by the pile cap. The pile cap may settle, translate, and/or rotate and is assumed to act as a rigid body.

The program will generate internally the nonlinear response of the soil, in the form of t-z and q-w curves for axial loading, in the form of p-y curves for lateral loading and in the form of t-r curves for torsional loading. A solution requires iteration to accommodate the nonlinear response of each pile in the group model. Program GROUP solves the nonlinear response of each pile under combined loadings and assures compatibility of geometry and equilibrium of forces between the applied external loads and the reactions of each pile head.

The p-y, t-z, q-w and t-r curves may be generated internally, employing recommendations in technical literature, or may be entered manually by the user. The pile-head forces and movements are introduced into equations that yield the behavior of the pile group in a global coordinate system. The program can internally compute the deflection, bending moment, shear, and soil resistance as a function of depth for each pile.

For closely-spaced piles, the pile-soil-pile interaction can be taken into account by introducing reduction factors for the p-y curves used for each single pile. As an option, the user can ask the program to generate internally some suggestions for p-multipliers to automatically reduce the soil resistance. GROUP is able to generate or lets users specify p-y reduction factors for two orthogonal axes.

The program allows the user to select computations of the required unit side friction at the top and bottom of each soil layer along with a unit tip resistance. The program employs commonly-accepted equations to compute internally the estimated unit side friction and unit tip resistance based on the soil properties that are specified by the user for each soil layer.

Users can also input external nonlinear curves of axial load versus settlement for each pile in the group. Those external curves can be obtained by the user based on load tests or using the Ensoft programs APILE and/or SHAFT.

GROUP v8.0 introduces several enhancements: Use of multiple load cases representing concentrated loads at the pile cap and/or distributed lateral load at the piles; Concentrated loads at the pile cap may be defined at any position; Distributed lateral loads at the piles can be defined by local or global axes; Load combinations can be specified by the user and are set by load factors applied at the defined load cases; Maximum and mini-mum envelopes may be computed for both load cases and load combinations; GROUP v8 can provide flexibility and stiffness matrices (in 2D or 3D models) for different levels of loading.
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Ensoft LPile v2012.6.31 Software

Ensoft LPile v2012.6.31 x86

Ensoft LPile v2012.6.31
LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method. LPILE solves the differential equation for a beam-column using nonlinear lateral load-transfer (p-y) curves. The program computes deflection, bending moment, shear force and soil response over the length of the pile.

As an option, components of the stiffness matrix at the pile head may be computed internally by LPILE so users can incorporate basic soil-structure interaction in their super-structure analyses. Another option from LPILE provides graphs of pile-head deflections for various pile lengths, to help users with optimum pile penetrations (for lateral response).

Nonlinear lateral load-transfer from the foundation to the soil is modeled using p-y curves generated internally using published recommendations for various types of soils. Special procedures are programmed for computing p-y curves for layered soils and for rocks. Alternatively, the user can enter manually any other externally generated ip-y curves.

Five types of pile-head boundary conditions may be selected, and the structural properties of the pile can vary as a function of depth. LPILE has analytical features to compute the nonlinear moment-curvature relationships and nominal moment capacity of a pile’s section based on specified pile dimensions and nonlinear material properties. Optionally, the user may enter nonlinear moment-curvature relationships to be used in place of the internally-generated values. LPILE provides several design recommendations for rebar arrangements in drilled shafts.
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Honeywell Socrates v8.0 Software

Honeywell Socrates v8.0

Honeywell Socrates v8.0

Socrates is a comprehensive material selection system for corrosive oil and gas applications, enabling users to make consistent, optimized material selection choices based on real engineering corrosion data and rigorous materials engineering guidelines.

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ABS Consulting HazardReview LEADER v2009.0.8 Software

ABS Consulting HazardReview LEADER v2009.0.8

ABS Consulting HazardReview LEADER v2009.0.8

Designed for in-meeting use, HazardReview LEADER saves you time and simplifies your PHA preparations. The software offers the following features:
- LEADER ShortHand reduces typing by up to 85 percent and provides more consistently worded entries that offer improved auditability;
- LEADER Links create two-way, cause-effect relationships between related items - an essential tool in preparation for layer of protection analysis (LOPA);
- Newly expanded LEADER Library encapsulates decades of hazard analysis experience. You can automatically generate method- and equipment-specific analysis deviations, questions and checklist items, saving up to 75 percent in meeting preparation time. LEADER Library also saves valuable time when you must create unanticipated nodes or deviations;
- AutoSearch picklists and AutoNumbering eliminate the need to copy, renumber and rewrite items that apply to multiple issues/scenarios. The Action Items Master List, AutoSearch picklists and AutoNumbering in HazardReview LEADER can reduce copying of recommendations by more than 75 percent, prevent duplicate entries, eliminate the burden of renumbering and rewriting when unofficial Open Items become official PHA Recommendations and avoid errors when a Recommendation that applies several places is deleted or modified;
- AutoLinkText feature can reduce typing of interrelated deviations, causes and consequences across multiple analysis nodes by 96 percent or more and eliminate the need to re-edit reference numbers and text when node or deviation descriptions change.

More info is here.

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Orange Technologies Cadpipe Suite v12.6 Software

Orange Technologies Cadpipe Suite (Commercial+Industrial) v12.6

Orange Technologies Cadpipe Suite v12.6

Orange Technologies Inc. is the developer of CADPIPE software applications, consisting of AutoCAD based products for the Process Piping, Commercial Piping, HVAC, and Electrical industries. Our clients are engaged in petrochemical, commercial, pulp & paper, utility, marine, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, and the semiconductor markets.

Cadpipe products have been available world-wide since 1983. From plant design to fabrication shops, comprehensive shared databases and utilities provide users with powerful and solid design and drawing tools. Initially designed by piping designers, for piping designers, the Commercial and Industrial suites of modules provide a smooth work flow combining the logical sequencing of design and the innovations of technology.

Commercial Pipe Provides mechanical contractors with the ultimate mechanical drafting tool. This AutoCAD based program provides you with all the tools to create 3D Models of Pressure Pipe, Waste Pipe, and Copper Tubing.

Industrial suite provides plant designers with the ultimate mechanical drafting program. This AutoCAD based program offers User-defined Specifications, Automatic Isometric Fabrication Drawings, Section Views and many other easy to use time-saving features.

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R&L CAD Services Plate'n'Sheet v4.09.24 Software

R&L CAD Services Plate'n'Sheet v4.09.24

R&L CAD Services Plate'n'Sheet v4.09.24

Plate'n'Sheet разработана для быстрой развёртки наиболее распространённых деталей из листового материала: цилиндров, конусов, призм, пирамид (в том числе и усечённых), различных соединений труб и т.п.

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Microstran Limcon v3.60.120704 Software

Microstran Limcon v3.60.120704

Microstran Limcon v3.60.120704

Limcon - утилита для разработки и анализа сочленения стальных конструкций типов AISC 360 (ASD / LRFD), CAN / CSA S16, BS 5950, AS 4100, NZS 3404.

Более подробно тут.
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Carlson 2013 Software

Carlson 2013

with medicine for x86 users only 

Carlson 2013
Carlson 2013 - пакет прикладных программ на плаформах AutoCAD 2000-2013 и IntelliCAD для работ по геодезии, геологии, построения цифровых моделей местности, проектирования генпланов, ГИС, добычи полезных ископаемых. Полная версия Carlson 2013 включает в себя данные программы: Survey, Civil Design, Hydrology, GIS, Construction, Takeoff, Field, Natural Regrade, Point Cluids, Basic Mining, GeoTech, Geology, Underground Mining, Surface Mining и SurvGNSS. Эти модули могут работать как совместно, так и раздельно.

Функциональные возможности:
  • автоматизация обработки данных геодезической съемки;
  • ввод и анализ данных по скважинам, построение геологической модели месторождения;
  • построение геологических карт в изолиниях, разрезов;
  • оценка запасов;
  • проектирование открытых и подземных работ;
  • планирование добычи и определение графиков загрузки оборудования.

Более подробно тут и тут.

Видеоролики по работе программы можно найти здесь.



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CSoft EnergyCS Mode v3.5.0.406 Software

CSoft EnergyCS Режим v3.5.0.406

CSoft EnergyCS Mode v3.5.0.406
Программа EnergyCS Режим выполняет следующие расчеты:
  • расчет установившихся режимов сложных электроэнергетических систем — определение потоков мощности, токов, уровней напряжения, потерь мощности в элементах сети;
  • анализ балансов мощности и потерь мощности по районам/подрайонам;
  • анализ распределений уровней напряжений по районам/подрайонам;
  • расчеты для оценки качества напряжения на основе введенных графиков электропотребления;
  • анализ статической устойчивости на основе метода последовательных утяжелений.
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