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TatukGIS Editor v4.2.0.9158 Software

TatukGIS Editor v4.2.0.9158

TatukGIS Editor v4.2.0.9158

TatukGIS Editor is professional GIS desktop mapping and data editing application with powerful built-in scripting environment enabling customizations and feature extensions and runtime development/deployment of sophisticated end user applications.

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Honeywell PredictPipe v3.0 Software

Honeywell PredictPipe v3.0

Honeywell PredictPipe v3.0

Honeywell’s PredictPipe helps assess corrosion rates and prioritize inspection sites in dry gas transmission pipeline systems. It enables users to proactively evaluate the likelihood of water accumulation and identifies critical zones using Dry Gas-Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (DG-ICDA, NACE SP0206) procedures to prevent costly pipeline failures.

More info is here.

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Anleggsdata TunnPlan v4.01 Software

Anleggsdata TunnPlan v4.01

Anleggsdata TunnPlan v4.01

TunnPlan is software developed for conventional tunnel excavation. TunnPlan includes functionality from the old TunnVib, which means that experience, planning and monitoring of tunnel excavation are brought together into a unified process. The software’s calculations are based on empirical data gathered by the Department of Civil and Transport Engineering at NTNU. You can also add to or override these calculations using your own empirical data. TunnPlan is a programme for the creation of blast designs for conventional tunnel excavation. The blast designs include drilling, charging and firing patterns. The programme allows you to create an accurate and simple blast design. In addition there is a module for the calculation and control of vibrations when blasting during conventional tunnel excavation. TunnPlan is a tool for calculating and controlling blast vibration for underground blasting.

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Schlumberger Span v8.0 Software

Schlumberger Span v8.0

Schlumberger Span v8.0

The software is used to model perforating performance. Span allows the completion engineer to optimize the well completion efficiency by comparing a variety of gun/charge configurations and reservoir conditions. The software allows making an analysis of perforating productivity, which comprises such criteria as the dependence of channel length and entrance hole diameter, created by the selected perforating gun, from the type of casing, rock, drilling mud, set cement etc. With the help of the software you can in advance see the result of perforating operations and assess benefits of Schlumberger perforating systems.

Специалисты Шлюмберже вычисляют изменение величины проникновения, вызванное боковым пластовым давлением, по эксперементальным данным для трех видов зарядов, предварительно вычислив величину изменения вследствие пластовой прочности при нулевом боковом давлении. По этим данным получают результаты преобразования, используемые при проведении Span (метод анализа при ПВР). Span состоит из двух модулей: для расчетов глубины проникновения и вычисления производительности. В случае модуля проникновения глубина и диаметр перфорации расчитываются в условиях забоя для любого сочетания перфоратора, заряда и размера обсадной трубы. Можно рассчитать проникновени сквозь несколько обсадных колонн. Эти параметры используются в модуле производительнгости для оценки ожидаемой производительности перфорирования при заканчивании.

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Honeywell Strategy-B v3.0.0.2 Software

Honeywell Strategy-B v3.0.0.2

Honeywell Strategy-B v3.0.0.2

Honeywell has been involved in the development of expert systems for selection of materials for sour oil and gas field service. Phase I of this development effort culminated in the development of an expert system to characterize and select materials for Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC). The Phase II of this effort produced an expert system for selection of Corrosion Resistant Alloys, now used by a large number of companies worldwide, namely, Socrates. The Phase III program aims at characterization of Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) and SSC in steels and weldments in wet H2S refineries and sour pipelines:
STRATEGY - Selection of Steels and Steel Weldments for Resistance to HIC, SOHIC and SSC:

  • STRATEGY-A - Sour Pipeline Operations.
  • STRATEGY-B - Wet H2S Refinery Operations.
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Flaretot v1.2.1.0 Software

Flaretot v1.2.1.0 with new fixed loader

Flaretot v1.2.1.0

Flaretot is total flare system design & analysis software. Flaretot is created for all aspects of flare design. This software is developed and compiled by 4 engineers with combined total over 100 years of experience in flare system design, fabrication and operation.

More info is here.

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Honeywell Strategy-A v3.1 Software

Honeywell Strategy-A v3.1

Honeywell Strategy-A v3.1

Targeted at upstream oil and gas environments, Honeywell’s Strategy-A is an effective tool for evaluating cracking of steels in wet H2S service environments. It enables significant cost and time savings by improving accuracy, estimating crack growth potential and reducing response time in materials selection and reliability assessment for sour pipeline operations.

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Flaretot v1.2.1.0 Software

Flaretot v1.2.1.0

Flaretot v1.2.1.0

Flaretot is total flare system design & analysis software. Flaretot is created for all aspects of flare design. This software is developed and compiled by 4 engineers with combined total over 100 years of experience in flare system design, fabrication and operation.

More info is here.

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Thunderhead PetraSim v5.2.0611 Software

Thunderhead PetraSim v5.2.0611 x86

Thunderhead PetraSim v5.2.0611

PetraSim — представляет собой графический интерфейс для TOUGH2, TOUGH2-MP, T2VOC, TMVOC, TOUGHREACT, TOUGH-Fx/HYDRATE. Эти тренажеры признаны во всем мире за их мощные возможности моделирования потока жидкости и теплообмена в пористых и трещиноватых средах.

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FLOWSOLV v4.10.3 Software

FLOWSOLV v4.10.3

FLOWSOLV v4.10.3

Why not consider FLOWSOLV integrated oil and gas fluid and flow calculation software designed for metering engineers? All the calculations you need are included in a single package that takes full advantage of Microsoft Windows for ease of use.

  • Calculations are immediately available on your desktop for use at any time.
  • Comprehensive, integrated suite of oil and gas fluid and flow measurement software.
  • Provides robust calculations with vigorous traceability to national and international standards.
  • Includes a wide selection of calculations based on national and international standards, papers and manufacturers data. Includes API, AGA, ASTM, GPA, IP, ISO, EN and BS.
  • Traceable to national and international standards to ensure you of the quality and accuracy of the results.

More info about calculations is here.

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