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IRIS Instruments Electre Pro v02.02.00 Software

IRIS Instruments Electre Pro v02.02.00

IRIS Instruments Electre Pro v02.02.00

The Electre Pro is a program allowing creation of 2D/3D-surface/borehole measurement sequences for the SYSCAL Pro-Switch resistivity-meters. It allows the user to create automatically (with an estimated maximum investigation depth specified by the user) or manually, some sequences of measurements with many possibilities:

  • Use of any type of standard electrode arrays (dipole-dipole, reciprocal Schlumberger-Wenner, pole-dipole forward & reverse, cross diagonal pole-pole …
  • Definition of the levels of investigation with the possibility of multi-spacing configuration for data quality improvement.
  • Optimization of sequences for higher acquisition speed (the optimization process can add some measurements (gapfiller quadripoles) that can be rejected after acquisition (by the PROSYS II software).

The Electre Pro allows also to import any type of sequences, manually created in a ″txt″ file, in the case of a specific user application. A graphical picture of the created sequence(s) is providedso as to visualize the distribution of the data points that will be measured. Animation can be run to visualize the successive quadripoles of measurement of the created sequence.

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Microstran Limcon v3.60.140113 Software

Microstran Limcon v3.60.140113

Microstran Limcon v3.60.140113

Limcon - утилита для разработки и анализа сочленения стальных конструкций типов AISC 360 (ASD / LRFD), CAN / CSA S16, BS 5950, AS 4100, NZS 3404.

Более подробно тут.
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PROKON v2.6.0.3 Software

PROKON v2.6.0.3 with new keygen (up to 06/2013)

PROKON v2.6.0.3

PROKON Structural Analysis and Design (Структурный анализ и дизайн) разработан командой профессиональных инженеров и предназначен для использования структурными инженерами и техниками. PROKON представляет собой набор нескольких десятков структурных анализов проектирования. Пакет имеет модульную природу, но его истинная сила заключается в тесной интеграции анализа и проектирования.

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VisiMix Turbulent SV 2K7 Software

VisiMix Turbulent SV 2K7 x86

VisiMix Turbulent SV 2K7

The program is a unique software tool for mathematical modeling of mixing and mixing-dependent processes in low viscosity liquids and multiphase mixtures. The program provides process parameters necessary for analysis, scaling-up and optimization of mixing tanks and reactors with all types of impellers.

The main features:

  • Newtonian and non-Newtonian media.
  • Comprehensive range of dimensions.
  • Universal process applications.
  • Built-in databases.

More info.

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GlobalCAD Toolbox LT 2009 Software

GlobalCAD Toolbox LT 2009

Toolbox LT is the revolutionary solution that adds 3D modeling and LISP support to AutoCAD LT... and so much more.

In today's competitive environment, the spotlight is on productivity and presentation. Companies need design software that ensures them that vital competitive edge. Toolbox LT is the answer, providing the most cost effective solution for extending your design and drafting capabilities with AutoCAD LT.

Now you can design in 3D with solids and surface modeling, generate realistic shaded renders, import and manipulate graphic images and load and run Lisp utilities and ARX applications.

Toolbox LT gives you the tools to create and manage drawing objects like never before. Its unique object-authoring suite includes Block Manager, Hatch Manager, Linetype Wizard and Attribute Wizard. Now you can instantly publish intelligent block libraries, stunning hatch patterns and complex linetypes from existing drawing content. Optional one-click drawing schedules and cost estimates are also available.

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GlobalCAD Hatch Manager 2013 v1.2 Software

GlobalCAD Hatch Manager 2013 v1.2

Success in design today relies on creative presentation. GlobalCAD Hatch Manager gives you the tools to create and manage outstanding hatch patterns for maximum impact!

GlobalCAD Hatch Manager provides the solution to all your hatch creation and management needs. You can build entire libraries from scratch, add existing PAT files in seconds or create your own unique patterns from existing drawing objects.

The software also links directly into the AutoCAD/Bricscad Boundary Hatch (Bhatch) dialog, ensuring all your patterns remain fully featured with essential options such as associative, non-associative, edit boundary and pattern re-scaling.

With GlobalCAD Hatch Manager, patterns are organized within distinct libraries with advanced viewing capabilities. They can be identified fast and are accessible right when you need them. Management tools ensure the library database is always up to date, with the ability to view and print pattern details and other library information. Patterns can be contained on local drives or on a network.

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Technical Toolboxes Salt Cavern Gas Storage Toolbox v2.0.0 Software

Technical Toolboxes Salt Cavern Gas Storage Toolbox v2.0.0

Technical Toolboxes Salt Cavern Gas Storage Toolbox v2.0.0

Technical Toolboxes is a leading global provider of integrated pipeline software and research documentation for pipeline engineering and technical professionals. The company was formed in 1996, and today our Toolbox software products are helping hundreds of large and small companies throughout the world meet the day-to-day demands of the pipeline and energy business. The integrated software products developed by Technical Toolboxes provide companies with engineering software productivity tools for standardization and training of their technical professionals. Technical Toolboxes works with many companies to enhance and improve their software products by utilizing new software technology and development methods.

Salt Cavern Gas Storage Toolbox was prepared to meet worldwide industry needs as follows:

  • The need to develop additional capacity at the lowest possible cost.
  • The need to increase the flexibility of storage services available to meet market demands for short-term services.
  • The need to maintain and improve system reliability and safety. This includes examining the effects of projected increases of non-traditional supplies (including LNG) on storage operations.
  • The need to manage costs to protect customers and improve competitiveness.
  • The need to respond to increased regulatory pressures - ensuring that new regulations are based on sound science.
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GSS Potent v4.12.04 Software

Geophysical Software Solutions Potent v4.12.04

GSS Potent v4.12.04

Potent is a Windows application that provides a highly interactive framework for modelling of magnetic and gravity data. Potent works in 3D space. Observation points can have height and ground clearance associated with them. The bodies that constitute the model are all able to be translated and rotated in three dimensions. The field due to the model is calculated at the true position of the observations, thereby incorporating elevation effects such as those due to topography or aircraft height.

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Pangaea Scientific SpheriStat v3.0 Software

Pangaea Scientific SpheriStat v3.0

Pangaea Scientific SpheriStat v3.0

SpheriStat is an easy-to-use utility for entering structural field measurements (either axial/non-directed or polar/vector) in tabular form and plotting them in a variety of ways: on a stereonet (with either Schmidt equal area or Wulff equal angle projection), on a map using our structural symbol set, or on a circular (rose) diagram. Each plotting method offers one or more analytical tools to extract more information from your data.

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Golden Software Surfer v11.2.848 Software

Golden Software Surfer v11.2.848 x86+x64

Golden Software Surfer v11.2.848
Golden Software Surfer – мощная система создания трехмерных карт, моделирования и анализа поверхностей, визуализации ландшафта, генерирования сетки и многого другого. Продукт позволяет создавать реалистичные 3D карты с учетом освещенности и теней, использовать изображения местности в различных форматах, экспортировать созданные карты в различные графические форматы и печатать в цвете размером до 50 м по диагонали. Мощные интерполяционные функции позволяют создавать точные поверхности высочайшего качества.
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