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IES QuickFooting v2.0 Software

Integrated Engineering Software Quick Footing v2.0

IES QuickFooting v2.0

IIES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

Concrete spread footing (single column pad), imports from VisualAnalysis. Design and check reinforced concrete footings under a single column without building a complex analysis model of the building.

Key benefits:

  • Will check several footings all at once (for worst case).
  • Automatic sizing and detailing (optional). 
  • Advanced handling of biaxial loading.
  • Offset pedestal from footing center.
  • Checks footing, pedestal, and interface.
  • Stability checks: Bearing pressure (net & gross), overturning, sliding, and uplift.
  • Complete units flexibility.
  • Accurate calculation of bearing pressure under biaxial loading.

Gets you out of the black box with Transparent Reporting. The software presents hyperlinks from every check to the complete check details including full algebraic expression of the code formula, substituted values, intermediate results, final results, and "OK" or not! This checking and verification output is available on-screen and in a detailed report. The software does the work, but you can check it every step of the way, and so can your checkers, the building-department people, or anyone else who needs to know.


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IES QuickMasonry v3.00.00009 Software

Integrated Engineering Software Quick Masonry v3.00.00009

IES QuickMasonry v3.00.00009

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

A stand alone tool of masonry components to manage multiple structural components within a single project file. The QuickMasonry "Project Management" tool offers the ability to design a whole series of lintels and walls, for a single building in one project file, following the latest masonry design specifications and offering a host of impressive features.

Quick Masonry has been specially designed to display every calculation performed along with any associated diagrams. This complete exposure of calculations is unmatched in the industry and allows the peace of mind that comes from personally viewing and verifying any calculation about which there may be a question.

Masonry Components Handled:

  • Lintels & Beams
  • Bearing Walls
  • Panel Walls (loads out of plane)
  • Shear Walls
  • Columns and Pilasters

Design Specifications:

  • MSJC-2008 or MSJC-05 Code Provisions (ACI 530, ASCE 5, TMS 402, ASCE 6, TMS 602)
  • Strength Design Provisions
  • ASD (Allowable Stress Design) both MSJC-2008 and MSJC-05, reinforced & unreinforced

More info.

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Hotfixes 1 for GAS 2013 Software

Advance Steel Hotfix 1

Advance Concrete Hotfix 1

for Graitec Advance Suite 2013

Еще раз, это - пакеты обновлений. С лекарством. Новым. Специально для хотфикс 1.

Сам же GAS 2013 можно скачать тут.

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Fekete F.A.S.T. CBM v4.7.3.751 Software

Fekete F.A.S.T. CBM v4.7.3.751

Fekete F.A.S.T. CBM v4.7.3.751

Generate reliable forecasts specifically for the unique needs of CBM plays.

Create forecasts and estimate reserves for new or producing CBM plays by calculating original gas-in-place, expected ultimate recovery, and recovery factor by using the deterministic methods of decline, static and flowing material balance, and volumetrics. Employ a variety of analysis methods, including the Agarwal-Gardner typecurve, to properly characterize the CBM play and develop an accurate analytical model. Use probabilistic risk analysis with Monte Carlo simulation to generate the most likely ranges for your estimates.

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Orica SHOTPlus-i v4.88 build 2006 Software

Orica SHOTPlus-i v4.88 build 2006 repack

Orica SHOTPlus-i v4.88 build 2006

Orica SHOTPlus-i is a blast initiation sequencing program for PCs. It allows the evaluation and optimization of blast design with Orica products.


Test please new medicine and report if problem still stays.

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Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v8.4.16 Software

Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v8.4.16

Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v8.4.16

PipeData-PRO является простой в использовании компьютерной программой, предоставляющей доступ к обширной базе данных труб, трубопроводов, фланцев, клапанов и прочих проектных данных.

Более подробно тут.

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Engenius QuickPlot v3.5.10 Software

Engenius QuickPlot v3.5.10

Engenius QuickPlot v3.5.10

QuickPLOT is a simple stand-alone application for generating preplot lines for marine seismic surveys. QuickPLOT is designed to make it easy for you to create survey projects that you can then load into SurvOPT for planning and costing.

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Engenius SurvOPT Coil v3.5.10 Software

Engenius SurvOPT Coil v3.5.10

Engenius SurvOPT Coil v3.5.10

SurvOPT Coil is a new version of SurvOPT specially developed for Coil Surveys. SurvOPT Coil has the full functionality of conventional SurvOPT, but is designed for working with circular preplots. As with normal SurvOPT, SurvOPT Coil will optimize line changes and minimize the amount of time traversing between coils or circles. As it can get confusing looking at a lot of overlapping circles, there are even special view options to make it easy to see where the vessel will be offline. The Coverage Preview Tool lets you instantly examine the effect of changing streamer length and coverage parameters, from just one circuit to the entire survey. SurvOPT Coil will intelligently route around obstructions like rigs and shallows, and you can plan for maintenance, crew changes, port calls and most other real world issues like you would in standard SurvOPT. SurvOPT Coil comes packaged with QuickPLOT Coil, so you can create and analyse circular surveys from scratch in just minutes.

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Engenius SurvOPT v3.6a3 Software

Engenius SurvOPT v3.6a3

Engenius SurvOPT v3.6a3

SurvOPT is the industry standard design and costing tool for Marine Seismic Surveys. SurvOPT is used by leading seismic acquisition contractors and many energy companies to plan, bid and efficiently manage billions of dollars of seismic projects each year. SurvOPT uses data about sail lines, obstructions, tides, currents and vessel performance to design efficient acquisition plans that cut days, and millions, from project duration and cost. SurvOPT marine seismic software is easy to use. All you need to get started is the survey polygon or a file of pre-plot lines.

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CADprofi v9.07 Software

CADprofi v9.07

CADprofi v9.07

CADprofi HVAC & Piping - параметрическое CAD-приложение для проектирования технического оборудования зданий. Поддерживаются все виды технических установок: отопление, вентиляция, кондиционирование воздуха, трубопроводы и воздуховоды.

CADprofi Mechanical содержит широкий набор унифицированных деталей, стальной арматуры, стальных профилей и других компонентов, соответствующих стандартам DIN, EN, ISO и национальным нормам. Библиотека включает в себя болты, винты, шайбы, гайки, соединения, заклепки, шпильки, уголки, и детали, используемые в конструкции теплообменников и других устройств. Отличный редактор схем и проектов значительно облегчает создание чертежей гидравлических и пневматических систем.

CADprofi Architectural может быть использовано чтобы создать строительные планы, поперечные сечения и вид с фасада. Удобные функции приложения облегчают проектирование многослойных стен, архитектурное определение размеров, и быстрое создание описания конструкций. Модуль включает в себя полную библиотеку окон, дверей, мебели, и других объектов обстановки. Как дополнительная особенность, приложение может использоваться, чтобы проектировать планы эвакуации и пожаротушения.

CADprofi Electrical может быть использовано для проектирования сложных объектов, таких как электроснабжения, освещения, низковольтных систем, телекоммуникации, систем безопасности и антенных установок. Приложение содержит несколько тысяч электрических элементов и символов (светильники, распределительные устройства и многое другое) Приложение предоставляет легкий способ проектировать проводку и кабельные каналы. Среди наиболее полезных функций автоматическая нумерация (адресация) электрических цепей, и удобное проектирование и редактирование схемы подключения проводов.

More info.

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