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Invensys SimSci-Esscor PRO/II v9.1 Software
testing flexlm license for 
Invensys SimSci-Esscor PRO/II v9.1

Invensys SimSci-Esscor PRO/II v9.1

This is a medicine only. The app is here.

NOTE: for use this testing license you have to:
- restore 2 original dlls (if you already used REMEDY decision);
- configure flex server according instruction (in lavteam.nfo as usual);
- test PRO/II for missing (not licensed) features for future including them in the license.
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Optimal Programs Cutting Optimization Pro v5.9.7.7 Software
Optimal Programs Cutting Optimization Pro v5.9.7.7

Optimal Programs Cutting Optimization Pro v5.9.7.7

Cutting Optimization Pro is a computer program used for obtaining cutting and nesting layouts for one (1D) and two (2D) dimensional pieces. Cutting Optimization Pro can be used for cutting rectangular sheets made of glass, wood, metal, plastic, paper, or any other material used by industrial applications. Cutting Optimization Pro can also be used for cutting linear pieces such as bars, pipes, tubes, steel bars, metal profiles, extrusions, tubes, linear wood boards and other linear materials.


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Intech MicroScan v5.1 Software
Intech MicroScan v5.1

Intech MicroScan v5.1


MicroScan is a complete Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software product, meeting the demands of both the industrial and research environments.

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GeoStru Liquiter v2014.12.1.278 Software
GeoStru Liquiter v2014.12.1.278 Italian

GeoStru Liquiter v2014.12.1.278

Liquiter valuta il potenziale di liquefazione durante i terremoti mediante i seguenti criteri di previsione e metodi: criteri empirici; metodi semplificati.

Sono previste le seguenti opere di consolidazione - dreni, pali di ghiaia, heavy tamping.

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GeoStru LoadCap v2014.21.1.702 Software
GeoStru LoadCap v2014.21.1.702

GeoStru LoadCap v2014.21.1.702

LoadCap id design for the computation of limit load in loose soils or rock, according Terzaghi, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic, Brinch-Hansen, Richards etc. Al, the computation of bearing capacity factors (according to the instructions for the geotechnical design in seismic areas - Italian Association of Geotechnical Engineering).

Settlements: Elastic (Timoshenko and Goodier), Oedometric, Schmertmann, Burland & Burbidge, liquefaction usig the method of Seed and Idris (1971). The settlements can be calculated at any point either inside or outside the foundation. Limit load in seismic conditions: SHIKHIEV & JAKOVLEV, RICHARDS, NTC 2008 Circolare applicativa.

Diagrams: Limit load as a function of the foundation base, of the depth of the bearing surface, of the acting loads. Unlimited number of layers. Display of pressure bulbs and failure wedges.

Supported computation standards: Eurocode 7/8, British Codes BS8004, Norme tecniche costruzioni (NTC 2008), NTC - Circolare 2 Febbraio 2009, n. 617, C.S.L.LPP.

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GeoStru Stratigrapher v2014.20.0.254 Software
GeoStru Stratigrapher v2014.20.0.254

GeoStru Stratigrapher v2014.20.0.254

Stratigrapher enables the construction of stratigraphic columns for geologic or geotechnical usage and further the documentation of well construction. User form design is enabled through the provision of a document template editor. The resultant documentation model(s) can be stored for reuse. Thereafter the selection of documentation format is by the selection of templates. On the document, adjacent columns, user selected by choice of template, present the lithologic, lithotypes and exploration characteristic recorded during trial borings or well construction characteristics. Bitmap patterns are inserted directly from supplied libraries whose background and texture images may be user updated and personalized. The program permits simple modification of the elevation level of lithologic properties and the insertion of the standard trial results obtained during borings (Packet, Vane, sampling and Phreatic water table etc.) The document so produced may be saved as well as printed directly and the saved copy may be used permits their export and insertion in the profiles of other GeoStru programs.

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LARSA 4D v7.07.16 Software
LARSA 4D v7.07.16

LARSA 4D v7.07.16

LARSA 4D is structural analysis and design program for bridges and structures.

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Hypercube HyperProtein v1.0 Software
Hypercube HyperProtein v1.0
including Video Tutorials

Hypercube HyperProtein v1.0

HyperProtein combines both molecular modeling and bioinformatics for proteins. It includes most of HyperChem capability with regard to modeling proteins but adds capabilities such as sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree creation for families of proteins. The product includes many of the sequence manipualtion capabilities that other products may have but combines them with a stong multi-windowed graphical user interface that allows one-dimensional sequence information to be related to three-dimensional protein structure. It is unique in its combining of multiple bioinformatics operations and molecular modeling operations in a single graphically-oriented product.

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HyperCube HyperChem Professional v8.0.10 Software
HyperCube HyperChem Professional v8.0.10
including Video Tutorials

HyperCube HyperChem Professional v8.0.10

HyperCube HyperChem Professional - комплексный программный продукт, предназначенный для решения задач молекулярного моделирования и включает в себя программы, реализующие методы молекулярной механики, квантовой химии и молекулярной динамики.

Силовые поля, которые могут использоваться в HyperCube HyperChem Professional - это ММ+ (на базе ММ2), Amber, OPLS и BIO+ (на базе CHARMM). Реализованы полуэмпирические методы: расширенный метод Хюккеля, CNDO, INDO, MINDO/3, MNDO, AM1, PM3, ZINDO/1, ZINDO/S. Также присмутствуют возможности проведения неэмпирических расчетов методами ССП МО ЛКАО и по теории возмущений Меллера-Плессета второго порядка.

HyperCube HyperChem Professional обладает развитыми средствами визуализации, которые могут использоваться как при подготовке входной информации (структуры молекулы), так и при анализе результатов, например, рассчитанных характеристик ИК- и УФ- спектров. HyperCube HyperChem Professional имеет средства организации интерфейса с Brookhaven PDB, Sybyl MOL2 и MOPAC.
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GeoStru GFAS v2014.10.0.275 Software
GeoStru GFAS v2014.10.0.275

GeoStru GFAS v2014.10.0.275

G.F.A.S. (Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis System) is a recent product of Geostru for mechanical analysis of soil using finite elements methods. This is a complete solution that integrates all functions required for the analysis of geotechnical problem areas such as: tunnels, slope stability, excavations, embankment settlements, foundation settlements, interaction between structures and soils.

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