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Trinity Consultants BREEZE AERMOD GIS Pro v5.1.5 Software
Trinity Consultants BREEZE AERMOD GIS Pro v5.1.5

Trinity Consultants BREEZE AERMOD GIS Pro v5.1.5

AERMOD is a steady-state Gaussian dispersion model that represents the current state-of-science and promulgated dispersion model from the U.S. EPA. BREEZE AERMOD is an enhanced version of the EPA-approved AERMOD that provides modelers with the tools and functionality required to perform air quality analyses that help to address both permitting, regulatory, and nuisance issues as well as perform academic research. BREEZE AERMOD offers the most complete air quality modeling system available on the market today. No other application is used by more air quality professionals around the world. 

Key Features:
- Supports the latest U.S. EPA AERMOD executable version 12345.
- Integrates with the BREEZE Remote Modeling Service (BRMS) without leaving the program.
- Backwards compatible with U.S. EPA executables through version 07026.
- Streamlines NO2, SO2 and PM2.5 modeling for U.S. NAAQS.
- Models an unlimited number of sources and receptors.
- Models numerous source types including point / stack (vertical, horizontal and capped), area, volume, open pit, flare, BREEZE area line and EPA area line.
- Models numerous receptor types including discrete Cartesian grid, polar grid, and variable density grid.

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Bentley Maxsurf Enterprise V8i v20.00.02.31 SS3 Software
Bentley Maxsurf Enterprise V8i v20.00.02.31 SS3 x86+x64

Bentley Maxsurf Enterprise V8i v20.00.02.31 SS3


Maxsurf provides naval architects with software tools for all phases of the vessel design and analysis process. By using a common 3D surface model, design files can be optimized to accurately flow through concept, initial, and detailed design stages. With Maxsurf, users can confidently model hull forms; assess stability and strength; predict performance; and carry out initial structural definition and analysis.

All Maxsurf modules share a consistent graphical interface - which reduces training time, increases ease of use, and allows designers to visualize complex configurations. Maxsurf is based on industry standards, including trimmed NURB surface modeling, DXF, and IGES data exchange. It also exhibits powerful interoperability, easily transferring data with Bentley’s MicroStation, as well as Rhino, AutoCAD, ShipConstructor, SolidWorks, and Microsoft Office programs.
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Bentley SACS v5.6.1.7 V8i SS3 Software
Bentley (ex. Engineering Dynamics) SACS v5.6.1.7 V8i SS3

Bentley SACS v5.6.1.7 V8i SS3


Пакет SACS включает программное обеспечение для анализа, проектирования, строительства и установки морских сооружений, включая нефте- и газопромысловые платформы и ветровые электростанции. Функция динамического анализа проекта позволяет выполнять подробные проверки, обеспечивать соответствие требованиям к морским сооружениям и визуализировать комплексные результаты. 

SACS предоставляет в распоряжение инженеров, работающих с морскими сооружениями, инструменты всестороннего анализа и проектирования, которые гарантируют высокий уровень эксплуатационной безопасности, сводят к минимуму риски и обеспечивают соответствие стандартам разнообразных сооружений. Его возможности многопрофильного анализа морских сооружений включают: нелинейный структурный анализ; анализ динамических характеристик при воздействии ветра, течения, волн и землетрясений; анализ ударного воздействия; специализированный анализ нагрузок при серьезных авариях, таких как взрывы, столкновения с судами и разрушение конструкций. SACS поддерживает моделирование опорных блоков, оснований, балок и верхних строений, а также подробную оценку усталостной долговечности.

Помимо поддержки международных стандартов и проверок для морских сооружений, функциональность SACS также включает работу с многоядерными 64-разрядными процессорами и возможность многократного использования данных за счет интеграции с другими приложениями Bentley посредством ISM. SACS может применяться для проектирования морских ветровых электростанций благодаря интеграции с программным обеспечением сторонних производителей, включая GH Bladed и FAST.
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CAD-Earth v3.1.6 Software
CAD-Earth v3.1.6 for AutoCAD 2013-2014

CAD-Earth v3.1.6

CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.

  • Import Google Earth image to CAD.
  • Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
  • Insert georeferenced images.
  • Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
  • Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
  • Import Google Earth terrain.
  • More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
  • Cross section from mesh.
  • Profile from mesh.

CAD-Earth for other AutoCAD versions can be downloaded from here.

Google Earth plugin can be downloaded from there.

What can we do with CAD-Earth:
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Hydesoft Computing DPlot v2.3.4.4 Software
Hydesoft Computing DPlot v2.3.4.4

Hydesoft Computing DPlot v2.3.4.4

DPlot - мощная программа для построения графиков и диаграмм в двух- и трёхмерном виде. Имеет несколько типов масштабирования, включая линейный, логарифмический и вероятностный. Позволяет сохранить итоговые графики и диаграммы в различных форматах. При помощи DPlot Вы легко построите графики сложнейших математических функций, сохраните их в удобном для вас формате (растровая и векторная графика, CSV формат Microsoft Excel, текстовый формат TXT, собственные форматы DPlot GRF, GRFZ и другие) и при необходимости распечатаете.

More info.
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SPT Group Drillbench v6.1.0.111091 Software
SPT Group Drillbench v6.1.0.111091

SPT Group Drillbench v6.1.0.111091

Successfully drilling challenging wells requires an in-depth understanding of the hydraulics during all phases of the operation. The drilling process is highly dynamic and complicated to model; thus, much of the dynamics have traditionally been neglected. However, with diminishing operational margins, the impact of dynamic effects is growing. Coupled with increasing well construction costs, modeling the dynamics becomes essential and strategically important.

Dynamic simulations are a key feature to replicate a real drilling operation and provide accuracy not possible with simpler steady-state models. Drillbench software provides a user-friendly tool that targets all drilling engineers involved in challenging wells. The software is built around the well-control workflow, covering pressure control, well control, and blowout control.

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Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.1.1 Software
Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.1.1 

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.1.1

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer is a tool for the quantitative estimation of corrosion rates and the selection of materials for gas and oil production systems and processing facilities. The software is available as a stand-alone PC version for single users, or a server-based system for multiple users. Significant improvements range from technical modelling developments, new functionality, updated information on materials, wider choice of graphs and improved reporting and printing capabilities. The software is in a new-look format which is compatible with latest operating systems.

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer tools:

  • Corrosion rate predictionfor carbon steel in sweet or sour conditions that consider different options for corrosion control.
  • Risk prediction tools that evaluate the risk of carbon steel failure.
  • Corrosion-resistant alloy (CRA) evaluators that select the most suitable CRA for specified environmental conditions, and automatically take into account the risks of corrosion, pitting and stress-corrosion cracking.
  • Life-cycle cost calculators that evaluate the economics of carbon steel and CRA options on the basis of Net Present value so that material cost comparisons can be provided.
  • A database of alloy tubing and pipe manufacturers.
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Shell SHEPHERD Desktop v2.0 Software
Shell SHEPHERD Desktop v2.0

Shell SHEPHERD Desktop v2.0

SHEPHERD Desktop is a suite of programs for quantitative risk assessment. This software is designed to give the most accurate possible assessment of the risks and effects associated from a planned release, or a loss of containment scenario. No safety factors are included. When making an engineering design decision using the models herein, or assessing the consequences of a potential accident, it is up to you, the user, to make your own judgment as to applicability of each model, and how to use the results.

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Shell FRED v5.0 Software
Shell FRED v5.0

Shell FRED v5.0

FRED is Fire, Release, Explosion, Dispersion hazard consequence modelling package.

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Bentley RM Bridge Advanced V8i Software
Bentley RM Bridge Advanced V8i

Bentley RM Bridge Advanced V8i

RM Bridge Advanced V8i is comprehensive 2D/3D/4D software used by bridge engineers for bridges of all types, materials, and construction methods. A fully integrated modeling, analysis, and design process and rapid results processing bring economy to bridge design. RM Bridge Advanced produces deliverables derived directly from the models being analyzed – improving bridge constructability and ensuring smooth project delivery.

More info.
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