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Arqcom CAD-Earth v4.1.5 Software
Arqcom CAD-Earth v4.1.5 for AutoCAD 2007-2016, ZWCAD 2015+, BricsCAD v15
with new updated license

Arqcom CAD-Earth v4.1.5

CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.

  • Import Google Earth image to CAD.
  • Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
  • Insert georeferenced images.
  • Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
  • Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
  • Import Google Earth terrain.
  • More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
  • Cross section from mesh.
  • Profile from mesh.

CAD-Earth for other AutoCAD versions can be downloaded from here.

Google Earth plugin can be downloaded from there.

What can we do with CAD-Earth:
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CAE-Link MEP 2015 Software
CAE-Link MEP 2015

CAE-Link MEP 2015

CAE-Link MEP is comprehensive design package for MEP. Includes all the utilities (except LispLink) and the building design systems in a single integrated package for use in a multi-discipline environment.
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Bentley RAM Concept V8i SS9 Software
Bentley RAM Concept V8i SS9 build 02/04/2015 x86+x64

Bentley RAM Concept V8i SS9

RAM Concept is the ultimate structural designer’s solution for post-tensioned and conventionally reinforced slabs, mats, and rafts. RAM Concept empowers structural engineers to design floor systems much more cost-effectively than with other tools, and with exceptional visibility into the compliance, efficiency, and practicality of the design.

More info.
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Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos v7.02.00 Software
Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos v7.02.00

Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos v7.02.00

Thopos is a software topography equipped with CAD autonomous instruments, entities and functionality targeted for use in field surveying. The program is suitable for surveyors and engineers and surveyors is a comprehensive and reliable to manage all operations topographic relief in the country, thanks to the controller integrated GPS, development, design to final drafting of the drawings.

Video tutorials are here.
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CAE-Link LispLink 2015 Software
CAE-Link LispLink 2015

CAE-Link LispLink 2015

Cae-Link LispLink представляет собой текстовых редактор для разработки программ под AutoCAD. Поддерживает синтаксис Lisp (LSP), файлы меню (MNU), файлы Lisp для меню (MNL), а так же поддержка DCL и HLP.
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Avenir LoopCAD MJ8 Edition 2014 v5.0.03 Software
Avenir LoopCAD MJ8 Edition 2014 v5.0.1080

Avenir LoopCAD MJ8 Edition 2014 v5.0.03

LoopCAD is the premiere software for the fast creation of professional quality circuit layout drawings for radiant heating systems. The all-new LoopCAD 2014 offers advanced design features including integrated heating and cooling load calculations, detailed hydronic calculations, snowmelt design, 3D CAD views, and compatibility with OEM design methods and materials. And now the MJ8 Edition provides ACCA-Approved Manual J (8th Edition) calculations for residential heating and cooling loads. LoopCAD is the easiest, most powerful radiant heating design tool available. 

LoopCAD is available in three different editions to better match your needs. The available OEM Add-ons work seamlessly with all editions of LoopCAD. For a list of functionality and new features in each edition. 

Standard Edition:
  • Floorplan drawing and importing (PDF, AutoCAD, JPG).
  • Automated circuit (loop) generation.
  • Freehand circuit (loop) drawing.
  • Hydronic calculations based on manual input of heat loads (no automated heat loss calculations).
  • 3D drawing views.
  • OEM Add‐ons for detailed materials lists/quotations.

Professional Edition - all features in Standard Edition, plus:

  • Automated heat loss calculations as you draw.
  • ASHRAE and CSA residential heat loss calculations.

MJ8 Edition - all features in Professional Edition, plus:

  • ACCA‐Approved Manual J (8th Edition) residential heating and cooling load calculations.
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CADprofi v11.09 Software
CADprofi v11.09

CADprofi v11.09

CADprofi HVAC & Piping - параметрическое CAD-приложение для проектирования технического оборудования зданий. Поддерживаются все виды технических установок: отопление, вентиляция, кондиционирование воздуха, трубопроводы и воздуховоды.

CADprofi Mechanical содержит широкий набор унифицированных деталей, стальной арматуры, стальных профилей и других компонентов, соответствующих стандартам DIN, EN, ISO и национальным нормам. Библиотека включает в себя болты, винты, шайбы, гайки, соединения, заклепки, шпильки, уголки, и детали, используемые в конструкции теплообменников и других устройств. Отличный редактор схем и проектов значительно облегчает создание чертежей гидравлических и пневматических систем.

CADprofi Architectural может быть использовано чтобы создать строительные планы, поперечные сечения и вид с фасада. Удобные функции приложения облегчают проектирование многослойных стен, архитектурное определение размеров, и быстрое создание описания конструкций. Модуль включает в себя полную библиотеку окон, дверей, мебели, и других объектов обстановки. Как дополнительная особенность, приложение может использоваться, чтобы проектировать планы эвакуации и пожаротушения.

CADprofi Electrical может быть использовано для проектирования сложных объектов, таких как электроснабжения, освещения, низковольтных систем, телекоммуникации, систем безопасности и антенных установок. Приложение содержит несколько тысяч электрических элементов и символов (светильники, распределительные устройства и многое другое) Приложение предоставляет легкий способ проектировать проводку и кабельные каналы. Среди наиболее полезных функций автоматическая нумерация (адресация) электрических цепей, и удобное проектирование и редактирование схемы подключения проводов.

More info.

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MapText Label-Web v2.0 + Label-Contour v1.6 Software
MapText Label-Web v2.0 + Label-Contour v1.6

MapText Label-Web v2.0 + Label-Contour v1.6

MapText is the leading label-placement solutions provider for local, state, and national government mapping agencies worldwide. Its software places text automatically for virtually any kind of map or chart – to high cartographic standards and at incredible speed. The software is in use worldwide for making city street maps, highway maps, cadastral maps, soil maps, utility maps, as well as nautical and aeronautical charts.

Label-Web is a high-quality text placement engine that labels web-based maps on the fly in a GeoMedia WebMap 5.2 environment. Label-Web can be easily integrated into a server-side script by adding a few lines of code to include the Label-Web application and initiate the text placement.

Label-Contour позволяет автоматически производить корректную вставку подписей элементов рельефа и горизонталей на картах.
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MapText Label-Edit v5.3.0.249 Software
MapText Label-Edit v5.3.0.249

MapText Label-Edit v5.3.0.249

MapText Label-EZ is the program for automated labeling for paper and digital maps. Label-Edit is a toolbar within the third-party software suite. Label-Edit will be used in conjunction with one another to automatically create annotation features and manually manipulate them, as appropriate for the study. Once the panel(s) has been automatically annotated, you can use the Label-Edit tools to modify the visibility, placement, orientation, and properties of each annotation feature. Label-Edit also enables you to add leader lines to spatial features where necessary.

More info.
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MapText Label-EZ v5.3.0.273 Software
MapText Label-EZ v5.3.0.273

MapText Label-EZ v5.3.0.273

MapText Label-EZ is the program for automated labeling for paper and digital maps. Label-EZ is MapText’s flagship product. It places text on maps and charts automatically, without any human intervention, eliminating the need for manual text placement. Placement is in full conformance with applicable cartographic specifications and conventions – without text overlap, without ambiguity, and with a high degree of aesthetic quality. Conflict resolution is checked over all map layers. And when finished, Label-EZ automatically generates an index file. It is compatible with all major GIS systems.

More info.
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