Автор: Williams Дата: 21 июня 2015
Просмотров: 3 055
CSI SAFE v14.1.0.1052
CSI SAFE - програмный продукт, предназначенный для автоматизации расчетов и деталировки железобетонных плит и фундаментов от простых до сложных. Программа выполняет расчет и деталировку плит и плит по грунту произвольной формы, различной толщины, с капителями, проемами, балками по периметру. Фундамент фундамент можно смоделировать из плиты, ленточного и отдельно стоящего. Расчет выполняется МКЭ. Фундаменты расчитываются как толстая пластинка на упругом основании. Программа выполняет схему армирования с учетом расчета на продавливание плиты от колонны. Есть возможность также выполнить проверку по второй группе предельный состояний. Удобная опция экспорта из ETABS (другого программного продукта этой компании) для дальнейшего расчета.
ConSteel provides a structural analysis software for the design office mainly involved in constructions of steel and composite structures. It covers all the phases of the design process: modeling; integrated analysis and standard design; detailed examination of cross-sections and structural joints; flexible documentation. The analysis and design approach of ConSteel utilizes entirely the most up-to-date methodologies of the modern structural standards treating the 3D structural model as a whole during the complete process. The unique interface between ConSteel and Tekla Structures, ConSteel and StruCad enables the user to export the full designed model including the placed joints reducing significantly the detailing costs. The ConSteel has been developed by a professional team of structural scientists, engineers and programmers being in daily connection with end user engineers. Our philosophy is to provide a unique flexibility in the direction of development for the users considering fully the most recent needs in their everyday work. The following chapters introduce the possibilities of ConSteel in more detail.
Автор: Williams Дата: 13 июня 2015
Просмотров: 2 925
Arqcom CAD-Earth v4.1.7 for AutoCAD 2007-2016,ZWCAD+ 2014-2015,BricsCAD v14-15
with new updated license
CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.
Import Google Earth image to CAD.
Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
Insert georeferenced images.
Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
Import Google Earth terrain.
More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
Cross section from mesh.
Profile from mesh.
CAD-Earth for other AutoCAD versions can be downloaded fromhere.
Автор: Williams Дата: 12 июня 2015
Просмотров: 2 757
DNV GL AS Phast v7.11.33.0
Phast is the world's most comprehensive process industry hazard analysis software tool for all stages of design and operation. Phast examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to far-field dispersion including modelling of pool spreading and evaporation, and flammable and toxic effects.
ZWCAD+ 2015 - новое поколение САПР от ZwSoft, которое на сегодняшний день доверяют множество пользователей по всему миру. Новое превосходное графическое ядро, разработанное специально для ZWCAD+, значительно повышает скорость и производительность работы приложения, а также совместимость нового программного продукта с другими САПР на уровне DWG формата. Программное обеспечение ZWCAD+ предназначено для архитекторов, конструкторов, инженеров и прочих специалистов, использующих автоматизированное проектирование с помощью CAD/CAM программ.
Автор: Williams Дата: 8 июня 2015
Просмотров: 2 384
Optimal Programs Cutting Optimization Pro v5.9.8.10
Cutting Optimization Pro is a computer program used for obtaining cutting and nesting layouts for one (1D) and two (2D) dimensional pieces. Cutting Optimization Pro can be used for cutting rectangular sheets made of glass, wood, metal, plastic, paper, or any other material used by industrial applications. Cutting Optimization Pro can also be used for cutting linear pieces such as bars, pipes, tubes, steel bars, metal profiles, extrusions, tubes, linear wood boards and other linear materials.
Автор: Williams Дата: 7 июня 2015
Просмотров: 1 076
Aquaveo Groundwater Modeling System v10.0.9 Premium x64 build13/05/2015
Aquaveo GMS - комплексная среда моделирования подземных вод с системой предварительной графический обработки информации. Aquaveo GMS легко взаимодействует с MODFLOW и рядом других моделей по моделированию подземных вод и предоставляет расширенные графические возможности для просмотра и калибровки результатов моделирования.
JobTracker+ gives you the tools you need to stay on top of the thousands of tasks that surround you on a daily basis. Simply enter your job information, the task detail, and start date. JobTracker + will take care of the rest. Be proactive – be in control. Pull monthly schedules and Gantt charts. Communicate regularly and proactively with subcontractor/suppliers/customers via automatic emails/faxes.
JobTracker+ is customizable so there is an unlimited amount of information you can track. You simply set up JobTracker+ to fit your company. Here are a few examples of what our users are using JobTracker+ for: 1) Scheduling, 2) Punch List Management, 3) Service Management, 4) Work Order Management, 5) Project Management, and 6) Contact Management.
Over the past thirty years Geomet has evolved into a widely used CMM Software package. At its inception Geomet was among the first real 3-D CMM Software product in the country. It is a powerful and efficient system used with manual and motorized coordinate measuring machines to facilitate precise and comprehensive geometric analysis in the measurement of precision manufactured parts.
The latest Geomet version builds on the strengths of previous Geomet. Users have our time-tested Geomet Keyboard key-label user interface for its efficient "hot key” access to measuring functions, or standard Windows interface tools. For walk-up efficiency and self-teach programming, nothing is more direct or faster than Geomet.
User choices and flexibility are designed into the system while the basic screen presentation remains unchanged for continuity. Appropriate functional areas allow effective display of measurement results.
Автор: Williams Дата: 4 июня 2015
Просмотров: 2 232
MicroSurvey inCAD 2015 v15.0.0.2180 for english version of AutoCAD 2014 only
MicroSurvey inCAD transforms AutoCAD into a survey and design powerhouse while maintaining a fully integrated user interface within AutoCAD.
AutoCAD on its own is a powerful drafting program. But, Surveyors need tools to help them compute coordinates, balance traverses, annotate drawings, compute areas and the list goes on. Adding inCAD to your existing copy of AutoCAD is like switching from measuring with a chain to measuring with an EDM. After a few months you'll wonder how you ever worked without it!