Автор: Williams Дата: 25 июля 2015
Просмотров: 2 207
Lakes Environmental AERMOD View v8.9.0
AERMOD View is a complete and powerful air dispersion modeling package which seamlessly incorporates the following popular U.S. EPA air dispersion models into one integrated interface: AERMOD, ISCST3, ISC-PRIME.
These US EPA air dispersion models are used extensively to assess pollution concentration and deposition from a wide variety of sources.
The AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD) is the next generation air dispersion model based on planetary boundary layer theory. AERMOD utilizes a similar input and output structure to ISCST3 and shares many of the same features, as well as offering additional features. AERMOD fully incorporates the PRIME building downwash algorithms, advanced depositional parameters, local terrain effects, and advanced meteorological turbulence calculations.
QuickRWall is perhaps the best tool on the market for retaining wall design! It will get you out of the 'black box' and into high-quality wall design in short order. The reports are excellent with full equations and intermediate data readily available for complete checking. QuickRWall is very graphical, extremely easy to use, fast, and robust. This is one of our best-sellers.
QuickFooting. Concrete spread footing (single column pad), imports from VisualAnalysis. Design and check reinforced concrete footings under a single column without building a complex analysis model of the building.
A standalone tool of masonry components to manage multiple structural components within a single project file. The QuickMasonry "Project Management" tool offers the ability to design a whole series of lintels and walls, for a single building in one project file, following the latest masonry design specifications and offering a host of impressive features.
QuickConcreteWall specializes in reinforced concrete shear walls and is an excellent tool for detailing a concrete wall subject to in-plane forces. Complex ACI interaction checks are done instantaneously as you tweak design parameters and view the results. Complete rebar detailing is provided in a productivity-quick format.
Автор: Williams Дата: 23 июля 2015
Просмотров: 3 398
Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i SS4 build10/07/2015
Bentley Power GEOPAK is proven civil engineering road design software that works the way you want with the power you need to complete your transportation infrastructure projects. It provides complete CAD drafting capabilities, powerful mapping tools, and design automation for civil engineering professionals. Power GEOPAK features an innovative road design approach using constraint-driven, 3D parametric modeling in a total-project context. Power GEOPAK includes robust tools for Survey data reduction, Site design, Road design, Storm and sanitary design.
MicroStation - самая производительная, наиболее доступная и совместимая САПР-платформа для проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации мировой инфраструктуры.
Вам, вероятно, известно, что 95% инфраструктуры в мире проектируется, строится и поддерживается с применением файлов форматов DGN и DWG. При помощи MicroStation пользователи имеют возможность непосредственно редактировать содержимое обоих форматов файлов одновременно. Эта возможность превращает MicroStation в платформу для обеспечения совместимости, являющуюся обязательным атрибутом.
MicroStation также является платформой для инноваций, расположенной в центре полного спектра вертикальных программных приложений, обеспечивающей пользователей возможностью индивидуализации приложений с помощью VBA, а также возможностью "вертикального роста" при помощи узкоспециализированных решений для увеличения производительности при поддержании полной целостности данных по всему проекту.
С учетом лишь из этих двух соображений, то, что MicroStation используется всеми, включая архитекторов, инженеров, картографов и подрядчиков по проектам в области архитектуры, строительства и инженерного проектирования, не должно вызывать удивления. За счет этого данная система становится стандартом для лучших проектировщиков мира, являющихся участниками рейтинга ENR Global 150.
IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.
What Will VisualShearWall do for you? Analysis of shear wall systems: rigid and semi-rigid diaphragms. With a program dedicated to this task your job is made easier. Integrates with IES VisualAnalysis.
IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.
What will VisualPlate do for you? Wall, slab or plate bending analysis and design. With a program dedicated to these tasks, your job is made easier. Integrates with IES VisualAnalysis.
IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.
Why use VisualFoundation? You have choices in the marketplace, for mat footings -even among IES tools! VisualFoundation shines in a number of areas:
Dedicated to foundations, so easier to use than VisualAnalysis for this task.
Automated modeling - the FEA model is built and refined automatically.
Incorporate the effects of walls and beams in the slab.
Over 2500 companies use IES tools: one part-time support person at IES!
Major Benefits and Abilities:
Mat foundation analysis and design.
Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates.
Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns.
Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties.
Holes in mats.
Combined footings.
Wall footings.
Walls, grade beams, columns and pile supports.
Unlimited model size.
Support for codes: IBC, ASCE 7, ACI 318.
Automated FEA meshing and soil-spring supports.
Sophisticated thick-plate finite element formulation.
Import & Export DXF files.
Import & Export with VisualAnalysis.
New! Improved usability: easy graphics and toolbar commands.
Ventsim was originally introduced to mining operations in 1994 to help visually design, improve and optimize underground ventilation systems. It is now licensed to over 1000 mine sites, consultants, universities, governments and research agencies around the world. The new Ventsim Visual ventilation software was released in 2009 and offers a graphically rich and dynamic ventilation environment with many more features than the original Ventsim Classic. Ventsim Visual is available in three versions: Standard, Advanced and Premium.
Ventsim Visual Standard is a lower cost version based on incompressible flow simulation routines and includes dynamic animated 3D graphics showing real airway dimensions and shapes together with animated air flows. Colours show over 30 different data types including airflow, velocities, various pressures and costs. In addition, the Standard version comes with contaminant spread routines to help predict steady state flow of gases, dust, fumes and smoke.
Ventsim Visual Advanced uses advanced compressible flow modelling, including automatic density and fan curve adjustment, automatic natural ventilation simulation and prediction of temperatures and humidity due to rock strata, auto compression, diesel equipment and electric motors.
Ventsim Visual Premium includes all features of Ventsim Visual Advanced as well as VentFIRE fire simulation, VentLog ventilation survey record software, and the optional LiveView remote data connection and display module.
IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.
Section properties calculator, stress analysis, shape database customization. Get torsion properties, cracked section properties, concrete section capacities and interaction diagrams. Integrates with VisualAnalysis.