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Chemstations CHEMCAD Suite v6.5.7.8139 Software
Chemstations CHEMCAD Suite v6.5.7.8139

Chemstations CHEMCAD Suite v6.5.7.8139

CHEMCAD – пакет программ для моделирования и расчета технологических схем с рециклическими потоками органических и неорганических веществ и непрерывных смесей (в случае нефтяных фракций), а также энергетических потоков. CHEMCAD позволяет создавать, анализировать и оптимизировать различные варианты технологического оформления производственных процессов, оценивать их эффективность и выбирать наилучший из них. Комплекс исследований с использованием CHEMCAD дает возможность добиться удовлетворительного совпадения результатов расчетов с данными промышленных экспериментов, что позволяет решать задачи автоматического управления процессами и повышения эффективность действующих производств, определения оптимальных режимных и конструкционных параметров процессов в отдельных аппаратах с позиции всего производства в целом.

CHEMCAD предназначен для:
  • подготовки оптимальных исходных данных по единицам оборудования и трубопроводным системам для рабочего инженерно-технического проектирования при создании новых, а также реконструкции и диверсификации действующих химических и нефтехимических производств;
  • исследования и оптимизации работы систем автоматического регулирования химико-технологических процессов, в том числе и в составе систем автоматизированного управления технологическими процессами (АСУТП);
  • разработки динамических моделей действующих технологических процессов, так называемых «виртуальных производств» при создании тренажеров для операторов и инженеров химических производств.

CHEMCAD включает:

  • базы данных по свойствам индивидуальных веществ и различные методы их прогнозирования;
  • программные модули для вычисления отсутствующих в базе данных свойств индивидуальных веществ и их смесей (а также параметров уравнений для их расчета) по минимальному объему экспериментальных данных и структурным формулам их молекул;
  • базы данных по расчетным модулям типовых процессов химической технологии, протекающих в реакторах, абсорбционных, ректификационных и экстракционных колоннах (с тарелками и насадками различных типов, а также для случая совмещенных процессов хемосорбции и хеморектификации), дистилляционных аппаратах, теплообменниках различных типов (кожухотрубных и пластинчатых, аппаратах воздушного охлаждения и теплообменниках типа «труба в трубе»), компрессорах, насосах, фильтрах, центрифугах, дробилках, кристаллизаторах, циклонах, сушилках и др.;
  • расчетные модули для определения конструкционных параметров типового оборудования химических производств – колонных аппаратов, теплообменников, резервуаров, трубопроводов, диафрагм, аппаратов высокого давления и др.;
  • программные модули для проведения расчетных исследований и оптимизации технологических схем химических производств, в том числе и периодической ректификации;
  • программные модули для расчета параметров динамических режимов химических реакторов и колонных аппаратов абсорбции и ректификации совместно регуляторами и исполнительными устройствами;
  • программные модули для расчета стоимости единиц оборудования химических производств.
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ESL ChemHELP v2.03 Software
Environmental Science Limited ChemHELP v2.03

ESL ChemHELP v2.03

Safe working is accepted by most scientists as being essential practice. In a chemistry laboratory it should always be of concern, but in the past safety was sometimes felt to be an irritating side show to the serious business of science. I recall working in a chemistry laboratory (many years ago) with uninsulated cables carrying 2 kV, as I tried some ill-advised experiment that formed part of a  "project” I had devised. I survived (to become a departmental safety officer, as it happens), but more by luck than good judgement. Teachers are now far more aware of the importance of safe working. Those of us whose days are spent in laboratories are not only more aware of safety in general, but are also constantly challenged by the need to meet regulations and to generate documentation that proves we have met those regulations. An industry has sprung up to help scientists deal with regulations and to promote safe working. Manuals, newsletters, and software are offered by groups ranging from nonprofit and government organizations to chemicals suppliers and industrial safety companies. Among the software tools and databases that are of greatest use to chemists are those which provide MSDS data (Material Safety Data Sheets) for the sorts of chemicals typically found in school and university laboratories. The hazards posed by a chemical must be properly understood wherever one works, and the information that these databases offer is, therefore, widely applicable. ChemHELP is typical of such software packages. It includes data on a range of chemicals one would find in most chemical laboratories. Approximately 3400 chemicals were included in the version made available for review, including many of those which are used on a daily basis in teaching. ChemHELP is easy to install and set up (system requirements are outlined below). Once loaded on a PC, chemicals can be selected from within the database by entering their full name or by using a search in which one can specify a partial chemical name, the CAS or UN number, EC or EC index number, or even a risk phrase. Data that may be displayed for the selected chemical include index numbers, hazard symbols, CHIP classification and label, risk phrases, physical properties, synonyms, and more. As this suggests, for many of the chemicals in the database the data are reasonably comprehensive. Interacting with ChemHELP is straightforward. There are four main function buttons: Hazards, Exposures, Lists and Properties. Three of these are used for viewing substance data; the Lists function is used to locate substance records. Each button has a set of tabs associated with it that provide further subcategories of information. The data are broadly equivalent to those that one might find on a printed MSDS sheet, but are organized in a fashion that those unfamiliar with MSDS sheets, such as some students, might find a little more user-friendly. The appropriate hazard symbols are displayed as soon as a chemical is located, and these symbols provide an immediate and clear indication of the principle hazards that a chemical might present, which would be particularly useful for novice users in, for example, a school chemistry laboratory. ChemHELP contains the complete Approved Supply, EH40, and Approved Carriage Lists, which are of particular relevance to those in the U.K., but the safety data are broadly applicable both within and outside the U.K. It is intended that ChemHELP should be of value in the preparation of the COSHH Risk assessments, which are required in the U.K., and in the generation of Safety Data Sheets, which are required in laboratories across the world. The suppliers argue that effort has gone into making this package "inexpensive, fast and truly easy to use.” This is largely correct. Searches through the database are indeed rapid and simple. Search parameters may be combined. Data may be exported to other applications or printed, and there is an export function to HTML. A friendly, but rather limited, help system is available. The help system may be too chatty for some users, but it is generally informative. There is much useful data on this CD, and it has plenty of potential, especially in undergraduate and school laboratories where its relatively uncomplicated interface would be an advantage. Unfortunately, the software also has some serious drawbacks. The most disconcerting (and perhaps the most fundamental) is that it is a simple matter to call up data for one chemical and not notice when, subsequently, data are displayed that relate to a second chemical. If one searches for a particular chemical and displays its CHIP classification, relevant data for the chemical is displayed. It seems obvious that if one now wishes to investigate transport properties for that chemical one should click on the Transport (ACL) tab, but if this is done data for a completely different chemical may be (and often are) displayed. As the help system explains, the field that showed the name of the original chemical is now shaded out, but it would seem logical that, if one has searched for data about one chemical, stepping through the tabs in the window that appears following the search should provide data for this chemical only, until another one is specifically selected by the user. This slippery transition from one chemical to another is especially confusing when one first uses the software and could easily be missed by a casual user, such as a student wanting to retrieve data on a single chemical in an undergraduate laboratory. The way this aspect of the software is designed seems counterintuitive, and it should be considered again by the software developers.

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AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter Pro 2016 v4.92 Software
AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter Pro 2016 v4.92

AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter Pro 2016 v4.92

This easy-to-use converter allows you to batch convert DWG, DXF and DWF to PDF without AutoCAD. The version of AutoCAD 2016~R14 is supported.

Key features:

  • Multi-file conversion in Batch Mode;
  • Convert specific layout or layer;
  • Retain the TTF, True Type Fonts, to be searchable in PDF;
  • Permission support for printing, clipboard copying and modifying;
  • Line width manageable, support CTB file import;
  • Support OLE entity;
  • Support customized watermark in PDF (Pro only).
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Tahoe Design HYDROFLO v3.0.0.4 Software
Tahoe Design HYDROFLO v3.0.0.4

Tahoe Design HYDROFLO v3.0.0.4

HYDROFLO is a powerful software tool that assists piping system designers in the modeling and analysis of single source/single discharge, re-circulating and gravity flow piping systems. These systems are commonly found in industrial process, water supply, wastewater treatment, fire protection, chemical process, mine de-watering, irrigation and HVAC applications among others. The models created with HYDROFLO can consist of up to 10 parallels and hundreds of elements (pipes, valves, fittings, pumps and tanks). Virtually any type of system element can be described from the wide variety of available elements available on HYDROFLO's menus. Element head losses can be described using flow vs. head loss curves, fixed head loss curves and custom friction coefficients. 

HYDROFLO models systems conveying any type of incompressible fluid and solves for the full-pipe, steady-state pressures and flows. Hydraulic grade line plots are displayed in the workspace of solved systems so that suction and high-head conditions are easily observed. The Hazen-Williams equation is available for use with water systems and the Darcy-Weisbach equation is available for use with any type of incompressible fluid. Once a system's total dynamic head and flow are found, PumpBase can be used to find the best pump for your application.

Systems are built by dragging and dropping both individual or groups of elements onto the workspace. HYDROFLO's new clipboard is available for mass storage, moving and copying of elements. The clipboard can be saved separately from project data, so that a collection of pumps and/or other elements can be brought into any design.Fly-over element inspection (placing the mouse cursor over elements) lets you rapidly identify system components. Elements can be stretched and/or increased in image size for easier viewing. Eleven example problems with their data files are presented in the Help file that depict most of the possible situations that arise in system design. 

Once a system is built, PDF reports of flows, pressures, line and pump graphics and other operational results can be previewed and printed. Individual or groups of elements can be edited using the new Group Editor. Elements can be "tagged" to assist with editing.
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AutoDWG DWG2Image Converter 2016 v3.88 Software
AutoDWG DWG to Image Converter 2016 v3.88

AutoDWG DWG2Image Converter 2016 v3.88

AutoDWG DWG to Image Converter batch converts DWG, DXF and DWF to JPG (JPEG), TIFF (TIF), GIF, PNG, BMP, WMF and EMF without AutoCAD. The version of AutoCAD 2016~R14 is supported. Key features: Support single file conversion and batch conversion of full folder; Font path and XREF path can be added; Adjustable image resolution and paper size; Line weight and output color (256 color, gray, black and white) supported.

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cGPSmapper v0100d Software
cGPSmapper v0100d

cGPSmapper v0100d

cGPSmapper is a program which allow to convert vector maps in file(s) of a format understandable by your Garmin GPS receiver and Garmin MapSource software. With cGPSmapper you will be able to produce maps, which works with all Garmin mapping devices. cGPSmapper can work with several different input format files - ESRI files, OziExpolorer files and easy to understand text based Polish Format files.

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BabelColor Color Translator & Analyzer (CT&A) v4.5.0, PatchTool v4.7.0 Software
BabelColor Color Translator & Analyzer (CT&A) v4.5.0, PatchTool v4.7.0

BabelColor Color Translator & Analyzer (CT&A) v4.5.0, PatchTool v4.7.0

BabelColor CT&A is a collection of tools specifically designed for Color Translation, measurement, & Analysis. Tools are grouped by theme in individually managed windows; these windows are controlled with a menu or a toolbar window. The RGB vs RGB tool is a bidirectional RGB color-space translator and comparator tool. The RGB vs RGB tool accepts manually entered L*a*b* and RGB inputs; it does not require a color measurement instrument although many colorimeters and spectrophotometers can be used to input data (instruments purchased separately; a list of supported instruments is available here). All other tools need spectral data in order to provide results; these tools are collectively called spectral tools. The CRI tools can accept input from an i1Pro or i1Pro 2 fitted with am ambient adapter OR from a file (an instrument is NOT required). All other spectral tools require a connected i1Pro or i1Pro 2 spectrophotometer, manufactured by X-Rite (the FluoCheck tools can only use an i1Pro 2).

PatchTool is designed to import, measure, process, and export color lists in a color-managed environment. Import CGATS, CxF1, CxF2, CxF3, text files, and Adobe Swatch Exchange (".ase") files). Extract the colors from a target image. Extract a profile from a file. Open small TIFF files as patches. Perform unconstrained display measurements with the  Display-Reader tool. Characterize your display  with  Display-Check using a built-in set of patches, or patches from any opened color list. Supported instruments: X-Rite i1Display Pro, Eye-OneTM Display, DTP94 (formerly from MonacoOPTIXTM), i1Pro, i1Pro 2; Datacolor Spyder2TM, Spyder3TM, Spyder4TM. Use  Patch-Reader tool to measure colors in reflectance with an X-Rite i1Pro or i1Pro 2. Select between three measurements modes: unconstrained measurements; a custom chart with user-assigned rows and columns; or a chart defined by an opened file. With the i1Pro 2, you can select the M0/M1/M2 measurement condition as defined in  ISO 13655-2009. Process color lists: re-arrange, average, compare with  statistics, profile conversion,  substrate/backing conversion. With Gamut Tools you can  convert colors using one or two ICC profiles, check if a color list will be clipped by a profile conversion, determine the gamut volume of a profile, and generate fixed pitch color lists.Export to CGATS, plain text, or CxF3 file format.  Export to CxF3 compliant files used by X-Rite's  i1Profiler (see the detailed CxF3 export specs and  Application Note AN-10). Export lists as images, to Adobe Swatch Exchange files, or as as color catalogues (Color Decks) to be used within the BabelColor CT&A program.
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AutoDWG PDF to DWG Converter 2016 v3.5 Software
AutoDWG PDF to DWG Converter 2016 v3.5

AutoDWG PDF to DWG Converter 2016 v3.5

AutoDWG PDF to DWG Converter converts PDF into DWG and DXF, as well as vector and raster into vectorized editable drawing. Now the version of AutoCAD 2016 is supported.

Key features:
  • Enhanced conversion quality by Smart Object Recognition.
  • Convert PDF to editable DWG and DXF file.
  • Retaining accuracy of lines, arcs, and True Type texts.
  • Accepts single page and multi-page PDF input.
  • Support specific pages conversion.
  • Convert raster image to vector entities.
  • Batch conversion supported.
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AutoDWG DWGSee Pro 2016 v4.20 Software
AutoDWG DWGSee Pro 2016 v4.20

AutoDWG DWGSee Pro 2016 v4.20

AutoDWG DWGSee Pro - удобная программа просмотра файлов формата DWG. Просматривает, отображает, измеряет, конвертирует и печатает файлы DWG, DXF, DWF. Поддерживает формат рисунков AutoCAD, начиная от R2.5 и заканчивая новейшей, 2016-й, версией.
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Lone Wolf Automotive Wolf v4.547.00 Software
Lone Wolf Automotive Wolf v4.547.00

Lone Wolf Automotive Wolf v4.547.00

Vehicle Management Software designed to manage your preventive car maintenance schedule, remind you when service is due, track all your vehicle expenses, monitor your fuel efficiency, help you avoid repairs and keep your vehicle in top running condition. Completely user configurable so it can be used for any car or truck. Simply using the software will save you money on repairs and extend the life of your vehicles.

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