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Golden Software Strater v4.7.1742 Software
Golden Software Strater v4.7.1742 x86+x64

Golden Software Strater v4.7.1742

Golden Software Strater – инструмент пространственного отображения геологических разрезов и скважин в виде настраиваемых диаграмм на основе файлов баз данных, LAS файлов, ODBC и OLE DB источников данных.
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Blue Marble Global Mapper v17.0.2.101915 Software
Blue Marble Global Mapper v17.0.2.101915 x64

Blue Marble Global Mapper v17.0.2.101915

Вышла новая версия программы для просмотра карт и векторных изображений - Global Mapper v17.0

Global Mapper позволяет не только просматривать но и преобразовывать или редактировать, а даже и распечатывать всевозможные карты и векторные наборы данных. Global Mapper позволяет вам загружать ваши данные как слои ( только с условием, что вы работаете в Digital Elevation Model), или же как отсканированную карту, если вам надо изобразить местность в 3D. Есть также хорошая особенность, что позволяет вести работу в реальном времени. Происходит это путем загрузки данных с GPS приемника который подключен к компьютеру. 

Global Mapper поддерживает огромнейшее число форматов. Работать с ней легко и просто, интерфейс не перенасыщен различными опциями, вы можете смело работать в ней и не задумываться о том, куда нажать, что бы сделать что - то.

Please Note: The Global Energy Mapper module is now built into Global Mapper
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Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 v20.07.11.45 Software
Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 v20.07.11.45 build 29/09/2015
(including STAAD.foundation V8i SS4 release 5.3)

Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 v20.07.11.45


Bentley STAAD.Pro - лидер в области программного обеспечения для расчета строительных конструкций и проектирования. Bentley STAAD.Pro - выбор профессионала для проектирования любых структур, в том числе водопропускных труб, нефтехимических заводов, тоннелей, мостов, многоквартирных домов и многих других конструкций из стали, бетона, лесоматериалов, алюминия и холодногнутой стали. Bentley STAAD.Pro сертифицирован по системе сертификации ГОСТ Р.

Более подробно тут.

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CSoft RGS v10.0.0.003 Software
CSoft RGS v10.0.0.003

CSoft RGS v10.0.0.003

Программа RGS предназначена для автоматизации процесса обработки полевых измерений и рассчитана на специалистов, работающих в области геодезии (инженерные изыскания, строительство, кадастр). Программа разработана на базе геодезического предприятия «Румб», основывается на алгоритме А.С. Сафонова (МИИГАиК).

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Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v10.0.21 Software
Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v10.0.21

Zeataline Projects PipeData-PRO v10.0.21

PipeData-PRO является простой в использовании компьютерной программой, предоставляющей доступ к обширной базе данных труб, трубопроводов, фланцев, клапанов и прочих проектных данных.

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Geosolve GWALL 2014 v3.02, SLOPE 2014 v12.04, WALLAP 2013 v6.05 Software
Geosolve products:
GWALL 2014 v3.02 rev.A02.B03.R49,
SLOPE 2014 v12.04 rev.A16.B13.R49,
WALLAP 2013 v6.05 rev.A45.B58.R49

Geosolve GWALL 2014 v3.02, SLOPE 2014 v12.04, WALLAP 2013 v6.05

Geosolve GWALL 2014 v3.02, SLOPE 2014 v12.04, WALLAP 2013 v6.05

Geosolve GWALL 2014 v3.02, SLOPE 2014 v12.04, WALLAP 2013 v6.05

GWALL (Gravity and Cantilever Wall Analysis Program) analyses a wide range of retaining wall problems including gravity walls and cantilever walls with a base.

SLOPE is a program for analysing the stability of slopes. The program is also applicable to earth pressure and bearing capacity problems. Optional facilities are available for the analysis and design of reinforced soil.

WALLAP is a program for analysing the stability of cantilevered and propped retaining walls. WALLAP is suitable for the analysis of both temporary works, such as sheet pile walls, and permanent works such as reinforced concrete diaphragm walls and contiguous bored pile walls.
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Carlosn SurvGNSS 2016 v2.0 Software
Carlosn SurvGNSS 2016 v2.0

Carlosn SurvGNSS 2016 v2.0

Carlosn SurvGNSS post-processing software is a fully automated solution designed to easily process raw GNSS data from different receiver brands. It is an open solution that processes GPS as well as Glonass signal. With Carlosn SurvGNSS, all you need is your GNSS data files and a link to the Internet. At the touch of a single key, Carlosn SurvGNSS searches the Internet to retrieve the best base station data. It's advanced algorithms process your source data to get the best accuracy out of your GNSS raw data. Carlosn SurvGNSS is compatible with multiple base station networks as well as multiple raw data formats. It provides all the flexibility you need with its graphical (Plan View) and Windows Explorer (Project Manager) user interfaces.

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TTI Pipeline Toolbox 2014 v16.0 - Gas Software
Technical Toolboxes Pipeline Toolbox 2014 v16.0 - Edition for Gas Service

TTI Pipeline Toolbox 2014 v16.0 - Gas

The Pipeline Toolbox is the latest release of the popular integrated software package comes in three separate modules: GasLiquid and Enterprise. The Pipeline Toolbox has been designed specifically for gas pipeline professionals, and is based on ASME B31.8 standards.

Pipeline Toolbox Enterprise is the most comprehensive suite of Pipeline software tools on the market. It is designed for those engineers who work with both gas and liquid/product pipelines and contains all the program modules present in both the Pipeline Toolbox liquid and gas versions. Pipeline Toolbox Enterprise is designed to increase the productivity and efficiency of the user by providing him with a suite of "tools" to solve day-to-day pipeline design, analysis, maintenance and related engineering problems. 

Pipeline Toolbox Enterprise consists of 28 separate modules supporting crude and products pipeline engineering, design, analysis and maintenance requirements. Each of these modules contain separate programs, and together provide more than 90 assorted software engineering tools for the pipeline engineer, manager and technician.
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TTI Pipeline Toolbox 2014 v16.0 - Liquid Software
Technical Toolboxes Pipeline Toolbox 2014 v16.0 - Edition for Liquid Service

TTI Pipeline Toolbox 2014 v16.0 - Liquid

The Pipeline Toolbox is the latest release of the popular integrated software package comes in three separate modules: Gas, Liquid and Enterprise. The Pipeline Toolbox has been designed specifically for gas pipeline professionals, and is based on ASME B31.8 standards.

Pipeline Toolbox Enterprise is the most comprehensive suite of Pipeline software tools on the market. It is designed for those engineers who work with both gas and liquid/product pipelines and contains all the program modules present in both the Pipeline Toolbox liquid and gas versions. Pipeline Toolbox Enterprise is designed to increase the productivity and efficiency of the user by providing him with a suite of "tools" to solve day-to-day pipeline design, analysis, maintenance and related engineering problems. 

Pipeline Toolbox Enterprise consists of 28 separate modules supporting crude and products pipeline engineering, design, analysis and maintenance requirements. Each of these modules contain separate programs, and together provide more than 90 assorted software engineering tools for the pipeline engineer, manager and technician.
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Carlson Survey Embedded 2016 Software
Carlson Survey Embedded 2016

Carlson Survey Embedded 2016

Carlson Survey 2016 with AutoCAD Embedded is Carlson's feature-rich, intuitive surveying office software with the AutoCAD 2013 engine. Carlson Survey gives users upgrades to core features like the coordinate database, Field-to-Finish coding and cut sheets, as well as new commands, including one to twist points to a 3D view, among its many additional improvements. Here’s a surveying software solution that is extremely versatile as well as a real time- and money-saver. As it always has, Carlson Survey works like a surveyor thinks. The #1 office software solution for surveyors in the United States, Carlson Survey supports AutoCAD and comes with IntelliCAD built-in. This is in addition to working on legacy AutoCAD versions. Carlson Survey delivers on customer feature requests with many useful improvements to existing commands along with many new commands. The user-interface also has a fresh look with a score of new and updated icons, plus an optional ribbon toolbar.


New in 2016

  • Field To Finish – Added special pipe feature coding with ability to create pipe network (.sew) file. For tree feature coding, added option for drip as diameter instead of radius, added option for solid circle for trunk and option for relative tree size for the symbols. Added control for separate layers for the point attribute block and point node. Added new AFIT special code for making a curve tangent through a series of three curve points. Added method for dynamic templates with variable horizontal and vertical offsets by using the OH and OV special codes. Added settings file default distinct point layer prefix/suffix. Added separate text size settings for attribute text labels and point block attributes.
  • Edit Field To Finish Codes – New command to go directly to the code table editor.
  • SurvNET – Added error report for individual observations to track down blunders. Added import for TDS GPS vectors.
  • Edit Process Level Data – Added support for processing with zero horizontal distances.
  • Carlson Cloud – New command for communicating with SurvCE for sending messages, data files and crew locations.
  • Report Distance Scale – Added methods for grid/ground factors on-the-fly in addition to a fixed factor.
  • 3D Transformations – Added 3D coordinate transformations.
  • Point Group Manager – Added method to create point group by offset distance from alignment polyline.
  • Move Point Attributes With Leader – Added controls for attribute order and ability for curved leaders.
  • Import Text/ASCII File – Added method import from text with fixed widths and method to use inclusion/exclusion perimeters.
  • Legal Description – Added method to report station/offset using a reference centerline. Added method for reporting with geodetic mean angle and geodetic distances.
  • Cut Sheet – Added method to get station/offset from the point description coding. Added field for design point description.
  • Offset Points By Interval – New command to create offset points along an alignment.
  • Label Coordinates – Added options to include a description, to use Mtext, to draw the labels at an angle and option for mleader.
  • Draw Legend – Added method to put each symbol or a specific layer.
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