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ACPA StreetPave 12 Version 1 Patch 8 Software
American Concrete Pavement Association StreetPave 12 Version 1 Patch 8

ACPA StreetPave 12 Version 1 Patch 8

StreetPave 12 is the latest in jointed plain concrete pavement thickness design. Newly added with this version is jointed plain concrete overlay designs for all six types (bonded on ashpalt, unbonded on asphalt, bonded on concrete, unbonded on concrete, bonded on composite, unbonded on compsosite).  This software utilizes new engineering analyses to produce optimized designs for city, municipal, county, and state roadways.    For existing concrete pavements and overlays, StreetPave 12 may be used to estimate service life and/or failure criteria.

StreetPave 12 also offers an asphalt cross-section design process (based on the Asphalt Institute method) to create an equivalent to asphalt design for the load carrying capacity requirement.

A ”Life Cycle Cost Analysis” module allows you to perform a detailed cost/benefit analysis and make informed decisions on your pavement design project. With one pavement design tool, you can design equivalent concrete and asphalt sections and evaluate the best possible solution(s) for your pavement needs.
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CAE-Link Suite (MEP + LispLink) 2015 Software
CAE-Link Suite (MEP + LispLink) 2015 with extended license

CAE-Link Suite (MEP + LispLink) 2015

CAE-Link Suite (MEP + LispLink) 2015

CAE-Link MEP is comprehensive design package for MEP. Includes all the utilities (except LispLink]) and the building design systems in a single integrated package for use in a multi-discipline environment.

Cae-Link LispLink представляет собой текстовых редактор для разработки программ под AutoCAD. Поддерживает синтаксис Lisp (LSP), файлы меню (MNU), файлы Lisp для меню (MNL), а так же поддержка DCL и HLP.
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RPM RESERVER Open Pit Metals Edition v2.3.119.1 Software
Runge Pincock Minarco RESERVER Open Pit Metals Edition v2.3.119.1 x64

RPM RESERVER Open Pit Metals Edition v2.3.119.1

The latest commodity based solution from Runge Pincock Minarco (RPM), Open Pit Metals Solution (OPMS), has received exceptional reviews from customers. The initial customer feedback supports the view that commodity based solutions represent the next evolution in mine scheduling. RPM’S CEO, Richard Mathews expressed surprise at the speed with which customers saw the value of the mining software. OPMS features a process-driven user interface that guides users step-by-step through the scheduling process. It takes the power of RPM’s industry leading scheduling product, XPAC and delivers it in a streamlined, simplified, commodity focused solution. This key benefit was a driving force behind the decision of Anglo American’s Kumba Iron Ore division to purchase OPMS after having performed an in-depth market evaluation. OPMS puts everything in one place and automates data consistency and validation in an off-the-shelf product. The simplified user interface turns a complex exercise into a swift, simple and iterative scheduling process. Given that they, like many organisations have limited time to make decisions, the OPMS allows them to run multiple scenarios in minutes rather than days, enabling their engineers to make informed recommendations. The removal of scripts dramatically reduces the time and complexity of implementing the product. The ability for users to quickly and easily master the solution and start producing practical schedules are just some of the benefits. OPMS has been described by users as a ‘best of both worlds’ solution with a streamlined user interface built on top of an industry-leading robust scheduling engine.

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RPM HAULNET v2.2.3305 Software
Runge Pincock Minarco HAULNET v2.2.3305 x64

RPM HAULNET v2.2.3305

HAULNET is a trusted haul route planning software that saves you money by choosing the most cost efficient haulage routes. HAULNET is part of the TALPAC family of mining productivity simulators. With HAULNET, you can visualise your many available haulage paths, investigate the different options available and choose the most cost effective haulage routes. Quickly determine the fastest and shortest haulage routes, across the millions of possible combinations. HAULNET interprets road geometry from your mine designs filtering thousands of data points into haul roads and profiles at a lightning pace. HAULNET’s high quality graphics simulate the productivity of your haul trucks’ routes at different phases of your mine’s life in true 3D.

  • Integrated with RPM’s Commodity-based Scheduling Solutions
  • Reporting capabilities on truck hours by source, material and destination
  • Model and analysis haulage options in a rigorous, yet practical manner
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RPM HAULSIM v2.0.1023 Software
Runge Pincock Minarco HAULSIM v2.0.1023 x64

RPM HAULSIM v2.0.1023

HAULSIM is 3D Discrete Event Simulation (DES) software, built specifically to model mine haulage systems. Because HAULSIM uses DES, it is able to model equipment interactions and infrastructure as well as the traditional haul cycle. Ground-breaking in functionality and capability, HAULSIM is an industry-leading haulage simulation solution that has saved countless dollars in capital investment for individual mining companies across the globe. With its simple user interface and intuitive design, HAULSIM allows users to simulate current operations and future mine plans with complete confidence. Capital investment decisions can now be made with accuracy and an understanding of the total impact, delivering a step change in your mine’s future.

  • Rapid deployment - models can be created in hours not months
  • Intuitive user interface; contains no scripting and gives the user immediate feedback via the 3D view
  • Integrated TALPAC travel time engine
  • Integrated TALPAC load time calculations
  • Road rules management including stop signs, one-way, one lane and no-through roads
  • Models infrastructure like crushing and conveying, stockpiles and ore passes
  • Integration with RPM’s Commodity-based Scheduling Solutions
  • Models multiple sources and destinations simultaneously
  • Models multiple equipment types simultaneously
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Golden Software Grapher v12.1.651 Software
Golden Software Grapher v12.1.651 x86+x64

Golden Software Grapher v12.1.651

Golden Software Grapher - мощный и одновременно простой в использовании графический пакет, позволяющий быстро создавать высококачественные графики. Grapher позволяет строить более 54 видов двухмерных и трёхмерных графиков. Кроме того, вы можете настраивать любую часть графика или создавать свои собственные графики, наилучшим образом описывающие ваши данные. Программа содержит 4 типа двухмерных графиков: линейные, столбчатые, полярные и специальные. Все эти типы графиков доступны и в трёхмерном исполнении. Если вам требуется отразить дополнительную переменную, вы можете воспользоваться графиками 3D XYZ, контурными картами или картами поверхности.

Спецификации Grapher:
  • Разноцветные столбчатые и пузырьковые диаграммы.
  • Градиентная заливка для всех объектов.
  • На графиках 3D XYZ можно добавлять вертикальные линии сетки.
  • Настройка любой части графика под вашу уникальную ситуацию. 
  • Простое создание своих собственных пользовательских графиков с помощью мастера.
  • Создание шаблонов и их сохранение для использования на других графиках.
  • Разбиение длинных подписей к осям.
  • Автоматизация процесса постороения графиков.
  • Запись процессов графика внутри сценария.
  • Экспортирование графиков для использования в презентации и публикации в одном из многочисленных форматов, в том числе векторных PDF, EMF, EPS и т.д.
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Golden Software MapViewer v8.4.406 Software
Golden Software MapViewer v8.4.406 x86+x64

Golden Software MapViewer v8.4.406

MapViewer - высокопроизводительный и точный инструмент для визуализации и анализа географической числовой информации с помощью построения информативных тематических карт. MapViewer преднезначен для консультантов в области ГИС-систем, учёных и картографов, руководителей и аналитиков предприятий. Позволяет проводить геологические, экологические и эпидемиологические исследования, выполнять анализ рынка, готовить материалы для презентаций и отчетов и прочее.
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Golden Software Strater v4.8.1800 Software
Golden Software Strater v4.8.1800 x86+x64

Golden Software Strater v4.8.1800

Golden Software Strater – инструмент пространственного отображения геологических разрезов и скважин в виде настраиваемых диаграмм на основе файлов баз данных, LAS файлов, ODBC и OLE DB источников данных.
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Salford Predictive Modeler Software Suite v8.0.0.576 Software
Salford Predictive Modeler Software Suite v8.0.0.576 x86+x64

Salford Predictive Modeler Software Suite v8.0.0.576

The SPM Salford Predictive Modeler software suite is a highly accurate and ultra-fast analytics and data mining platform for creating predictive, descriptive, and analytical models from databases of any size, complexity, or organization. This suite of data mining tools includes Salford Systems' flagship products of CART, MARS, TreeNet, and Random Forests. The SPM software suite's automation accelerates the process of model building by conducting substantial portions of the model exploration and refinement process for the analyst. While the analyst is always in full control, we optionally anticipate the analysts next best steps and package a complete set of results from alternative modeling strategies for easy review. Do in one day what normally requires a week or more using other systems!

More info.
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Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.2.09.42968 Software
Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.2.09.42968 ENG x86+x64 repack

Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.2.09.42968

Вышла новая версия BricsCAD v16 с расширенными возможностями BIM проектирования и 3D моделирования. BricsCAD v16 объединяет инструменты для 2D черчения, 3D моделирования, разработки деталей из листового металла и архитектурного проектирования (BIM). 

Подробнее тут.

Новое в версии 16 здесь.
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