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IES VisualShearWall v3.00.0009 Software
Integrated Engineering Software VisualShearWall v3.00.0009

IES VisualShearWall v3.00.0009

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry. What Will VisualShearWall do for you? Analysis of shear wall systems: rigid and semi-rigid diaphragms. With a program dedicated to this task your job is made easier. Integrates with IES VisualAnalysis.

More info.
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Akcelik SIDRA Intersection v7.0.5.6563 Software
Akcelik SIDRA Intersection v7.0.5.6563

Akcelik SIDRA Intersection v7.0.5.6563

Akcelik SIDRA Intersection is powerful traffic engineering software used by transport professionals in 90+ countries across the globe. These tools have been created to help achieve better solutions to challenges in the areas of road traffic operations, traffic engineering, management and control.

This is a major new version including the following new features:
  • Network signal timing calculations (Cycle Time, Phase Times, Signal Offsets).
  • Common Control Groups for multiple intersections under one signal controller.
  • Routes for performance reports and displays, and for signal Offset calculations.
  • Network output by Routes.
  • Route Output Comparison and Network Output Comparison by Routes.
  • Larger number of User Movement Classes.
  • New option for "HCM Edition 6" roundabout capacity model.
  • Various model improvements.
  • "Convert (Batch)" function to convert old version Project files.
  • "View Layout" function with lane highlighting in Lane Geometry, Lane Movements and Roundabouts input dialogs.
  • A large number of user interface improvements including new output reports and displays.
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Aurel Systems CADSIM Plus v3.2.2 Software
Aurel Systems CADSIM Plus v3.2.2

Aurel Systems CADSIM Plus v3.2.2

CADSIM Plus is chemical process simulation software which allows you to draw a process flowsheet while creating a process simulation model. It is an engineering tool that can balance flowsheets and simulate dynamic conditions. CADSIM Plus combines a comprehensive computer assisted drawing (CAD) front end with a first-principles dynamic chemical process simulator. Pulp and Paper MillCADSIM Plus uses first-principles process simulation to perform precise heat and material balances of any chemical process.

Here is a partial list of applications:
  • Designing a process.
  • Finding solutions for process bottlenecks.
  • Tracking product grade changes.
  • Identifying process and operation problems.
  • Reducing energy and/or materials usage.
  • Improving process efficiencies.
  • Online Dynamic Data Reconciliation.
  • Real-time optimization.
  • Advanced process control.
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Control-Soft Enterprises FE-Sizer v4.2.2 Software
Control-Soft Enterprises FE-Sizer v4.2.2

Control-Soft Enterprises FE-Sizer v4.2.2

FE-Sizer is a valuable engineering tool for flow meter sizing software to size and select head-type flow meters in closed conduits. It is flexible, easy-to-use, and complete with pull-down menus and pop-up pick lists. The software includes meter tables, material tables and pipe data tables aiding selection of meter applications. Extensive built-in warnings flag potential application and data entry errors. 

Upgrades include the following added features:
  • More powerful toolbar - added tool icons for saving and retrieving individual tag number files as well as tag data from project database files.
  • Compatiable with Windows Vista, 7, 8, and 10 + server platforms.
  • Added stability of software operating under 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms.
  • Independantly selectible units per input data.
  • Selectable truetype fonts and page margins for all printouts.
  • Properties table that includes over 300 fluid components.
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Control Engineering FlowCalc v5.34 Software
Control Engineering FlowCalc v5.34

Control Engineering FlowCalc v5.34

FlowCalc32 CE is a Windows orifice plate sizing program for calculation of various differential pressure flow measurement devices. The program can be used to calculate orifice plates, venturi and nozzle flow meters or to calculate the effects of changes in operating conditions, variation of pipe and primary device bore diameters etc.

More info.
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Aurel Systems CADSIM Plus v2.5.6 Software
Aurel Systems CADSIM Plus v2.5.6

Aurel Systems CADSIM Plus v2.5.6

CADSIM Plus is chemical process simulation software which allows you to draw a process flowsheet while creating a process simulation model. It is an engineering tool that can balance flowsheets and simulate dynamic conditions. CADSIM Plus combines a comprehensive computer assisted drawing (CAD) front end with a first-principles dynamic chemical process simulator. Pulp and Paper MillCADSIM Plus uses first-principles process simulation to perform precise heat and material balances of any chemical process.

Here is a partial list of applications:

  • Designing a process.
  • Finding solutions for process bottlenecks.
  • Tracking product grade changes.
  • Identifying process and operation problems.
  • Reducing energy and/or materials usage.
  • Improving process efficiencies.
  • Online Dynamic Data Reconciliation.
  • Real-time optimization.
  • Advanced process control.
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CSI SAFE 2016 v16.0.2.1153 Software
CSI SAFE 2016 v16.0.2.1153

CSI SAFE 2016 v16.0.2.1153

CSI SAFE - програмный продукт, предназначенный для автоматизации расчетов и деталировки железобетонных плит и фундаментов от простых до сложных. Программа выполняет расчет и деталировку плит и плит по грунту произвольной формы, различной толщины, с капителями, проемами, балками по периметру. Фундамент фундамент можно смоделировать из плиты, ленточного и отдельно стоящего. Расчет выполняется МКЭ. Фундаменты расчитываются как толстая пластинка на упругом основании. Программа выполняет схему армирования с учетом расчета на продавливание плиты от колонны. Есть возможность также выполнить проверку по второй группе предельный состояний. Удобная опция экспорта из ETABS (другого программного продукта этой компании) для дальнейшего расчета.

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CSI PERFORM-3D v6.0.0 Software
with new extended license generator


CSI PERFORM-3D was designed for nonlinear analysis and performance assessment for 3D structures.

Displacement Based Design
  • Traditionally, earthquake-resistant design has been strength-based, using linear elastic analysis.
  • Since inelastic behavior is usually allowed for strong earthquakes, this is not entirely rational.
  • Strength-based design considers inelastic behavior only implicitly.
  • Displacement-based (or deformation-based) design considers inelastic behavior explicitly, using nonlinear inelastic analysis.
  • Displacement-based design recognizes that in a strong earthquake, inelastic deformation (or ductility) can be more important than strength.
  • PERFORM-3D allows you to use displacement-based design.
Implementation of ASCE 41
  • Procedures for displacement-based design using inelastic analysis are specified in ASCE 41, ”Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings”.
  • ASCE 41 applies to the retrofit of existing buildings, but the procedures can be applied to the design of new buildings.
  • PERFORM-3D implements the procedures in ASCE 41.
  • However, PERFORM-3D is a general tool for implementing displacement-based design. It is not limited to ASCE 41.
Capacity Design
  • The response of a structure to earthquake ground motion, whether elastic or inelastic, is highly uncertain.
  • Capacity design is a rational way to improve the response of a structure in a strong earthquake, by deliberately controlling its behavior.
  • Capacity design controls the inelastic behavior of a structure, by allowing inelastic behavior only in locations chosen by the designer. In these locations the structural components are designed to be ductile. The rest of the structure remains essentially elastic, and can be less ductile.
  • Controlling the behavior in this way improves reliability, reduces the amount of damage, and can reduce construction costs.
  • PERFORM-3D allows you to apply capacity design principles.
  • PERFORM-3D has powerful capabilities for inelastic analysis, but it is not intended for general purpose nonlinear analysis.
  • If you have no idea how your structure will behave when it becomes inelastic in a strong earthquake, PERFORM-3D can probably help you to identify the weak points, and hence can guide you in improving the design.
  • However, PERFORM-3D is not intended for ”design by analysis”, where the engineer expects the analysis to determine exactly how a structure will behave.
  • PERFORM-3D is a powerful tool for implementing displacement-based design and capacity design. It will help you to produce better designs, but it will not do the engineering for you.
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nanoSoft nanoCAD СПДС Стройплощадка v6.0.3637.2329.328 Software
nanoSoft nanoCAD СПДС Стройплощадка v6.0.3637.2329.328

nanoSoft nanoCAD СПДС Стройплощадка v6.0.3637.2329.328

nanoCAD СПДС Стройплощадка — приложение, расширяющее функционал nanoCAD СПДС и предназначенное для разработки ПОС и ППР. Графическим ядром является nanoCAD, а в качестве инструментов оформления используется весь встроенный функционал nanoCAD СПДС. Цель программы — ускорить подготовку графической и текстовой конструкторской документации в рамках разделов ПОС и ППР.

Задачи, решаемые программой:

  • работа с иерархической структурой выполняемых работ из классификаторов ГЭСН и ЕНИР в составе проекта и генерация выходной документации по ним;
  • экспорт структуры проекта в сметные программы и системы управления проектом;
  • расчеты временного электро- и водоснабжения;
  • оформление строительного генерального плана;
  • нанесение обозначений временных дорог, перекрестков, уширений и площадок;
  • простановка различных видов зон с привязкой к технике и по произвольной траектории;
  • параметрические обозначения откосов, насыпей и выемок;
  • работа с базой данных дорожных знаков и знаков безопасности;
  • выбор из базы по заданным критериям и простановка на чертеже параметрических видов различной строительной техники;решение задачи горизонтального (наклонного) направленного бурения (ГНБ).

По всем решаемым задачам автоматически формируются необходимые выходные документы в виде табличных форм. Программа успешно прошла сертификацию и имеет соответствующий сертификатом соответствия.

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nanoSoft nanoCAD ОПС v8.2.4130 Software
nanoSoft nanoCAD ОПС v8.2.4130

nanoSoft nanoCAD ОПС v8.2.4130

Программный продукт nanoCAD ОПС предназначен для автоматизированного проектирования охранно-пожарной сигнализации, систем контроля и управления доступом (СКУД) зданий и сооружений различного назначения. nanoCAD ОПС сочетает в себе удобный, специально сконструированный интерфейс, точно подобранные и настроенные инструменты графического отображения, возможность выполнения необходимых расчетов при подборе оборудования.

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