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Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7 Software
Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7 x64

Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7

Quick Terrain Modeler is the world's premier 3D point cloud and terrain visualization software package. Designed for use with LiDAR, but flexible enough to accommodate other 3D data sources, Quick Terrain Modeler provides an easy to use software experience that allows users to work with significantly more data, render larger models, analyze data faster, and export a variety of products. These benefits enable very powerful, yet simple and intuitive, terrain exploitation.

More infoSample and training data can be found here.

Whats new in version 8.0.7:
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Gstarsoft GstarCAD 2018 build 170930 Software
Gstarsoft GstarCAD 2018 build 170930 x64

Gstarsoft GstarCAD 2018 build 170930

GstarCAD - это программа для создания чертежей в формате DWG/DXF, ставшем общепринятым стандартом.Она является не только достойной заменой AutoCAD, но и по соотношению цена/качество отличной альтернативой распространенным российским и зарубежным «аналогам автокад» и САПР, таким как Bricscad, Btocad, Nanocad, progeCAD, ZWCAD, Infrasoftcad. Благодаря применению в GstarCAD современных технологий производства систем проектирования, основанных на новейших разработках Open Design Alliance и ITC (консорциум Intellicad ), САПР GstarCAD обеспечивает практически полную совместимость со всеми существующими САПР-системами и cad программами, использующими формат векторной графики DWG (OpenDWG или RealDWG). Файлы, подготовленные в этих форматах, не только открываются и редактируются в GstarCAD, измененные в GstarCAD файлы Вы можете отправлять вашим партнерам, не беспокоясь о потере информации.

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Geo-Plus VisionLidar Ultimate v28. Software
Geo-Plus VisionLidar Ultimate v28. x64

Geo-Plus VisionLidar Ultimate v28.

Introducing the new AI object recognition tool. Now integrating artificial intelligence, VisionLidar object recognition tool allows to manage a point cloud in a much simpler way. Automatically detecting clusters of points, and recognizing any object's geometry. The most complete Point Cloud software so far, VisionLiDAR allows to use 50, 100 and more billions of points.

More info.
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Flaretot Pro v1.3.9.0 Software
Flaretot Professional v1.3.9.0

Flaretot Pro v1.3.9.0

Flaretot is total flare system design & analysis software. Flaretot is created for all aspects of flare design. This software is developed and compiled by 4 engineers with combined total over 100 years of experience in flare system design, fabrication and operation.

More info.
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CerebroMix v10.1 Software
CerebroMix v10.1

CerebroMix v10.1

The CerebroMix program is the unique software that design and analyses pressure vessel and mixing systems. CerebroMix calculates pressure vessel calculations per ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1. The mixing system is analyzed by and mathematical method develop by Cerebro S/A over the last 20 years. The program wizard format allows users to enter data very fast, in safe mode and with a short learning time. The program can design pressure vessels under internal or external pressure with the following components:
  • Elliptical, Torispherical, Conical, Toriconical, Hemispherical and Welded Flat covers (UG-34).
  • Cylindrical shells.
  • Nozzles, with large opening analysis per Appendix 1-7.
  • Legs supports for vertical vessels.
  • Saddles supports for horizontal vessels (Zick analysis).
  • Wind loads and Earthquake loads per UBC-97.
  • NR-13 report for Brazilian users.
  • Special Heads for atmospheric tanks with impellers.
  • Paddle Impellers.
  • High Efficiency and Propeller Impellers.
  • Flat and Concave Radial Turbines.
  • Flat and Tubular Anchors, with and without Wipers.
  • Mixing of Liquid-Liquid, Liquid-Solid, Liquid-Gaseous and Liquid-Gaseous-Solid.
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CSoft PlanTracer Pro v7.0.2956.1680.765 Software
CSoft PlanTracer Pro v7.0.2956.1680.765

CSoft PlanTracer Pro v7.0.2956.1680.765

PlanTracer Pro - флагманский продукт серии – профессиональный инструмент кадастрового инженера, предназначенный для создания технических и межевых планов на все виды объектов ка дастрового учета. Документы формируются в текстовом формате для печати и в электронном формате *.xml в строгом соответствии с xml-схемами и требованиями Росреестра. Поддерживается автоматическое формирование пакета выгрузки с электронной подписью для передачи в АИС ГКН. Программа позволяет выполнять кадастровые работы для объектов учета любой сложности и объема, таких как многоконтурные комплексные или протяженные объекты, состоящие из сотен контуров и нескольких тысяч характерных точек. Этот программный продукт не только с легкостью сформирует необходимые документы, но и поможет вам не допустить ошибок. Графический редактор включает в себя уникальный функционал для работы с поэтажными, ситуационными планами и планами линейных сетей, а также инструментарий для обработки и распознавания сканированных изображений.

Подробнее тутВидео уроки.
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ASDIP Structural Retain v3.7.1 Software
ASDIP Structural Retain v3.7.1

ASDIP Structural Retain v3.7.1

ASDIP Retain is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of retaining walls, based on the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

ASDIP Retain includes the design of the following two types of retaining walls:
  • Cantilever Retaining Walls: Design of a retaining wall supported only at the base under the combination of earth pressure, surcharge, wind and seismic loads. The module designs the wall per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
  • Restrained Retaining Walls: Design of a retaining wall supported at the base and laterally restrained at the top, also known as a basement wall, under the combination of earth pressure, surcharge, wind and seismic loads. The module designs the wall per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
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ASDIP Structural Foundation v3.2.3 Software
ASDIP Structural Foundation v3.2.3

ASDIP Structural Foundation v3.2.3

ASDIP Foundation is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete footings, based on the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

ASDIP Foundation includes the design of the following types of concrete footings:
  • Spread Footings: Design of a concrete spread footing under the action of vertical load, horizontal load and biaxial bending. This module designs the footing per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
  • Strap Footings: Design of a concrete strap footing under the action of vertical loads, horizontal loads and bending moments. This module designs the two footings and the strap beam per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
  • Combined Footings: Design of a concrete combined footing under the action of vertical loads, horizontal loads and bending moments. This module designs the combined footing per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
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ASDIP Structural Concrete v3.3.5 Software
ASDIP Structural Concrete v3.3.5

ASDIP Structural Concrete v3.3.5

ASDIP Concrete is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete members such as beams, columns and walls, based on the latest ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.

ASDIP Concrete includes the design of the following types of concrete elements:
  • Concrete Columns: design of a concrete column under the action of axial loads and bending moments. This module calculates the magnified moments for slenderness of ASCE 7 load combinations, and generates the column strength interaction diagram.
  • Concrete Beams: design of a concrete muti-span continuous beam under the action of uniform and concentrated loads. This module accurately calculate the bending and shear strength for different types of beams. Load combinations per ASCE 7.
  • Bearing Walls: design of a concrete wall under the action of vertical and out-of-plane lateral loads. This module calculates the magnified moments for slenderness of ASCE 7 load combinations, and generates the wall strength interaction diagram.
  • ASDIP Concrete is an integrated, interactive system that combines the flexibility of a fill-in-the-blanks format with the power of Windows Forms to effortlessly develop either an optimal design or a quick investigation.
Using a screen with tabbed pages, ASDIP Concrete allows you enter your data directly onto the forms and see the result immediately.  This way you are always in control of the design process, since what you see is really what you get. In addition, the detailed results and the graphics are always available for you to follow by the touch of a tab.
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ASDIP Structural Steel v4.1.5 Software
ASDIP Structural Steel v4.1.5

ASDIP Structural Steel v4.1.5

ASDIP STEEL is structural engineering software utilized by engineers for design of steel base plate, steel and composite beam, steel columns, and other structural steel members. ASDIP STEEL is based upon the latest AISC specifications (AISC 360). ASDIP STEEL substantially simplifies time-consuming calculations for structural engineering design.

More info.
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