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Black Mint Concise Beam v4.61j Software
Black Mint Concise Beam v4.61j

Black Mint Concise Beam v4.61j

Concise Beam is a complex and yet easy to use CAD application that enables users to design and analyze precast concrete beams. The application performs its tasks in accordance to ACI 318, CSAA23.3 and AS3600 codes. Users can model cross-sections to meet their demands as well as create prismatic variations over the length of the beam. Using Concise Beam you can choose from multiple beam layouts such as simply supported beams, cantilevers, load distribution and cast-in-place pours.

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Analist 2018 Software
Analist 2018

Analist 2018

Analist 2018 creates Cross Sections and Profiles, Contour Lines and Orthomosaics. Analist, highly performing software, imports data from Ground Total Stations, GPS, Google Earth. Analist 2018 CLOUD is the best tool for generating survey from flights with Drones. It superbly executes point clouds management, aerial imagery processing, survey data management, excavations, cut and fill, and much more. With Analist 2018 you will work with a Professional Autodesk licensed CAD.

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HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 repack 2 Software
HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 repack 2

HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 repack 2

Honeywell’s UniSim Design Suite is an intuitive process modeling software that helps engineers create steady-state and dynamic models for plant design, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, business planning, and asset management. The process simulation market is under transformation. Triggered by technological advancements and new customer requirements, process simulation models, which have traditionally been desktop analysis and decision-making tools, are now leveraged into new high-value solutions, such as ”connected” operational monitoring. Find out more about how Honeywell delivers value to customers, with the UniSim Design’s new platform and refining offering.​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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LARSA 4D v8.00.8101 Software
LARSA 4D v8.00.8101

LARSA 4D v8.00.8101

LARSA 4D is structural analysis and design program for bridges and structures.

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Willmer Project Tracker v4.5.1.228 Software
Willmer Project Tracker v4.5.1.228

Willmer Project Tracker v4.5.1.228

Project Tracker is a Windows based application that imports project information from Primavera P6, Microsoft Project and Asta Powerproject to create S-Curves which are used to analyze the progress of the project. Most project management software does not provide in built S-Curve capability; therefore users must export data to spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel to plot the curves. This method requires a number of steps and a certain level of knowledge including how to add resources or costs to the plan, how to create time phased exports from the PM tool, how to open the data in the spreadsheet and how to create graphs from the data. Project Tracker eliminates all of these steps. Aside from the number of steps required to export data from PM software to a spreadsheet; this method can be acceptable as a reporting medium but the problem with this method is that the analytical possibilities are not available as the data is now disconnected from the actual plan. Therefore rather than just importing the data required to plot a curve Project Tracker imports the activity data and is able to optionally plot a Gantt Chart under the S-Curve allowing the project manager to assess which activities may be causing issues and what action can be taken. One of the key benefits of Project Tracker is that it will create an S-Curve using the durations of activities. To produce S-Surves using the spreadsheet method it has been necessary to add resources and/or costs to all the activities in a project. Project Tracker will of course plot resource and cost curves but can the ability to use duration data is unique.

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HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 Software
HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1 repack

HONEYWELL UniSim Design Suite R460.1

Honeywell’s UniSim Design Suite is an intuitive process modeling software that helps engineers create steady-state and dynamic models for plant design, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, business planning, and asset management. The process simulation market is under transformation. Triggered by technological advancements and new customer requirements, process simulation models, which have traditionally been desktop analysis and decision-making tools, are now leveraged into new high-value solutions, such as ”connected” operational monitoring. Find out more about how Honeywell delivers value to customers, with the UniSim Design’s new platform and refining offering.​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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KIDASA Software Milestones Professional 2017 rev 09.14.2018 Software
KIDASA Software Milestones Professional 2017 rev 09.14.2018

KIDASA Software Milestones Professional 2017 rev 09.14.2018

Milestones Professional – решение для быстрого и легкого составления расписания и управления выполнением проектов. 

Основные возможности:
  • программа предоставляет простой в использовании мастер импорта для быстрого преобразования файлов Microsoft Project в разнообразные готовые к показу расписания с привязкой их к датам. Если даты изменяются в MS Project, то для обновления дат в Milestones нужно использовать «refresh»;
  • Milestones Professional предлагает несколько вариантов управления большими проектами и согласования их с групповыми проектами. Можно создать итоговый свод по групповым расписаниям, используя основной график, получить доступ ко всем документам проекта из центрального расписания (при помощи гиперссылок), следить за ключевыми датами множества отдельных графиков в одном обзорном расписании (символьная связь) и т.д.;
  • широкие возможности форматирования расписаний – полный контроль за расположением страницы, датами, текстовыми стилями, цветом, диаграммами, опциями печати и т.д.;
  • продукт обладает возможностью вычислений и построения графиков;
  • при помощи мастера Internet Publishing Wizard возможно создание HTML страниц и диаграмм для одного расписания или для иерархии связанных между собой расписаний. Технология "drill-down" позволит легко управлять доступом к данным проектов. Нет необходимости изучать HTML, мастер выполнит всю работу;
  • если есть необходимость создать расписания с полной информацией по планированию, хранящейся в базе данных, то можно разработать собственную программу, которая может быть объединена с механизмом планирования Milestones.
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IRIS Readiris Corporate v17.0 build 11519 Software
IRIS Readiris Corporate v17.0 build 11519

IRIS Readiris Corporate v17.0 build 11519

Readiris - идеальное решение для тех, кому нужно быстро и точно переводить бумажные документы в форматируемый текст с максимально полным сохранением исходного оформления. Благодаря уникальной технологии распознавания Readiris, программа с 99% точностью распознает тексты и максимально полно сохраняет исходное оформление документа. Readiris распознает документы на 107 языках, включая русский, белорусский, казахский, украинский. Readiris легко и быстро экспортирует результаты распознавания в популярные офисные приложения, включая Word, Excel и многие другие. Распознанный текст можно сохранить в различные форматы: PDF, HTML, Microsoft Word, DOC, RTF, CSV и TXT.

Readiris is a powerful OCR software designed to convert all your paper documents, images or PDF into editable and searchable digital text (Word, Excel, PDF…) in just a click.

Readiris Pro can scan 50 pages at a time. It is not possible to scan or open more than 50 pages inside a single Readiris project. Readiris Corporate can open an unlimited number of pages inside a single project.
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Four Dimension Technologies GeoTools v19.08 Software
Four Dimension Technologies GeoTools v19.08

Four Dimension Technologies GeoTools v19.08

GeoTools is an add-on program for AutoCAD and Bricscad which provides you with a number of useful productivity tools that are designed exclusively for the geographic data user. It is a heterogenous collection of CAD tools that are useful for users in the mapping, surveying, GIS, facilities planning, real estate and infrastructure management industry. 

GeoTools is a time-saver productivity tools built for geo-data using CAD users who want to work smart and not hard. In the AutoCAD version of GeoTools, there are a large number of AutoCAD Map tools as well that making working with object data a breeze. 

GeoTools functions are arranged in easily categorized pull-down menus, toolbars and also as tabbed ribbons in AutoCAD 2013 and later versions. Some of the borad category of tools you will find in GeoTools are Polyline, Annotation, Drawing Cleanup, Digitizing, AutoCAD Map, Inquiry and so on.
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Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v19.08 Software
Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v19.08

Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v19.08

CADPower is an add-on software to help you increase your productivity with AutoCAD and Bricscad. It helps you work smarter, faster and eliminates various bottleneck you might face using just your CAD software. In short, CADPower adds more value and power to your CAD software. CADPower is a collection of frequently asked tools for various CAD operations. The tools are categorized in easily accessible categories like Polyline, Blocks, Attributes, Draw, Selection, Inquiry, Miscellaneous and so on. They are available as pull-down menus, toolbars, tabbed ribbons (AutoCAD 2012 and later), as well as from the command-line as directly callable commands. Most of the commands also offer command-line versions (without dialog boxes) which can also be used in automated processing using scripts.

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