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Split Engineering Split-Desktop v4.0.0.42 Software
Split Engineering Split-Desktop v4.0.0.42 x64

Split Engineering Split-Desktop v4.0.0.42

Split-Desktop is the industry approved software standard for manual, off-line coarse rock fragmentation size determination. More than 500 licenses have been sold in its 16 year history. Digital images acquired in the field can be analyzed on a laptop or at the office to determine the particle size distribution of your fragmented rock at any stage in the comminution process. The source of these images can be a muck pile, haul truck, leach pile, draw point, waste dump, stockpile, conveyor belt, rip rap, sediment or any other situation where clear images of rock fragments can be obtained. Within Split-Desktop, the images are manually scaled and edited for optimum accuracy.

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LizardSystems Wi-Fi Scanner v4.2.0.167 Software
LizardSystems Wi-Fi Scanner v4.2.0.167

LizardSystems Wi-Fi Scanner v4.2.0.167

Wi-Fi Scanner allows you to easily locate visible wireless networks and its corresponding information. The tool obtains the network name (SSID), signal strength (RSSI) and quality, MAC address (BSSID), channel, maximum and achievable data rate, security, and much more. Wi-Fi Scanner is useful for normal access point users who need to find out the signal strength distribution for their wireless network at home, or choose a position for their access point for optimal signal quality. Using Wi-Fi Scanner, you can evaluate the allocation of wireless networks by channel and select the least congested bandwidth for their access point, allowing them to increase their connection speed significantly. In addition, Wi-Fi Scanner is an indispensable tool for corporate network administrators in performing tasks such as configuration, planning and monitoring security parameters on business wireless networks.

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LizardSystems Network Scanner v4.3.0.208 Software
LizardSystems Network Scanner v4.3.0.208

LizardSystems Network Scanner v4.3.0.208

Network Scanner is an IP scanner that is used for scanning both large corporate networks that have hundred thousands of computers along with small home networks with several computers. While the program can scan a list of IP addresses, computers and ranges of IP addresses, the number of computers and subnets is unlimited. Network Scanner will show you all the shared resources, including system and hidden NetBIOS (Samba) shared resources along with FTP and web resources. To audit network computers or use it to search for available network resources, both network administrators and regular users can use Network Scanner. Network Scanner will not only find network computers and shared resources, but also check its access rights which the user can mount as a network drive or open them in Explorer or in their browser. You can easily export the results of scanning the network to an XML, HTML or text file or store them in the program itself.

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Charm v11.43.0.12 Software
Charm v11.43.0.12

Charm v11.43.0.12

CHARM - Complex Hazardouus Air Release Model.

The potential for accidental release of hazardous chemicals (air dispersion and transport), fires (BLEVE, pool fire, and jet fire), and explosions (mechanical failure and air dispersion and transport followed by vapor cloud explosion), poses a risk that must be addressed on several levels. The EPA Risk Management Program (RMP, Rule 112r) requires hazard assessment and emergency response programs. To assure that you have adequate resources and that plans are well organized for any contingency, you need to plan for emergency response. Should such an accident occur, you need real-time data to guide the response activities. CHARM software helps you meet all of these needs. 

There are two versions of the CHARM software available; One assumes a single source in flat terrain. The second version allows for multiple sources in complex terrain but requires more input than the first. Both versions are available for downloading for a two week evaluation period on the Downloads page. Registration is required for trial version downloads - no financial information is required or requested if checkout is directly from Your Cart. They both provide calculations of air transport and dispersion, mechanical and vapor cloud explosions, and BLEVE, jet fire, and pool fire radiation.
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WipWare WipFrag v3.3.14.0 Software
WipWare WipFrag v3.3.14.0

WipWare WipFrag v3.3.14.0

WipWare invented optical granulometry at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada more than 30 years ago with the creation of WIEP (Waterloo Image Enhancement Process), later renamed WipFrag. The commercial introduction of WipFrag in 1986 positioned the company as the industry leader in optical granulometry of fragmented material.

What is WipFrag?
Analyze your fragmentation with the particle sizing software that started it all! Optimize blast performance using photographs. From desktop to tablet, WipFrag 3 puts particle sizing at your fingertips! WipWare technology empowers you with the tools you need to collect historical data, establish a statistical baseline and track subtle changes throughout the optimization process so you can make decisions based on fact instead of theory. WipFrag particle analysis is proven in the mining, forestry and aggregate industries.
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GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2018 R2 v9.1.1.16749 Software
GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2018 R2 v9.1.1.16749

GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2018 R2 v9.1.1.16749

GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio - программный комплекс для решения инженерно-геологических задач и моделирования грунтовых конструкций. Данны пакет состоит из 8 продуктов: SLOPE/W - анализ устойчивости откосов; QUAKE / W - динамический анализ землетрясения; AIR / W - анализ потока воздуха; SEEP / W - анализ просачивания грунтовых вод; TEMP / W - геотермальный анализ; VADOSE/W - анализ зон аэрации и анализ почвенного покрова; SIGMA / W - анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния; CTRAN / W - анализ загрязнений транспорта.

GeoStudio is a product suite for geotechnical and geo-environmental modeling, broad enough to handle all your modeling needs. The suite consists of 8 products: SLOPE/W for slope stability; SEEP/W for groundwater seepage; SIGMA/W for stress-deformation; QUAKE/W for dynamic earthquake; TEMP/W for geothermal; CTRAN/W for contaminant transport; AIR/W for air flow; VADOSE/W for vadose zone & covers.

More infoExamples can be found here.
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Analist 2019 Italian Software
Analist 2019 Italian

Analist 2019 Italian

Analist 2019 creates Cross Sections and Profiles, Contour Lines and Orthomosaics. Analist, highly performing software, imports data from Ground Total Stations, GPS, Google Earth. Analist 2018 CLOUD is the best tool for generating survey from flights with Drones. It superbly executes point clouds management, aerial imagery processing, survey data management, excavations, cut and fill, and much more. With Analist 2018 you will work with a Professional Autodesk licensed CAD.

More info
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Polymath v6.10.260 Professional Release Software
Polymath v6.10.260 Professional Release

Polymath v6.10.260 Professional Release

Polymath is a proven computational system that has been specifically created for professional use. The various Polymath programs allow the user to apply effective numerical analysis techniques during interactive problem solving on personal computers. Results are presented graphically for easy understanding and for incorporation into papers and reports. Engineers, mathematicians, scientists, students, or anyone with a need to solve problems will appreciate the efficiency and speed of problem solution.

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R&L CAD Services Plate'n'Sheet v4.12.12 eVersion Software
R&L CAD Services Plate'n'Sheet v4.12.12 eVersion build 22.06.2018

R&L CAD Services Plate'n'Sheet v4.12.12 eVersion

Plate'n'Sheet разработана для быстрой развёртки наиболее распространённых деталей из листового материала: цилиндров, конусов, призм, пирамид (в том числе и усечённых), различных соединений труб и т.п.

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GeoMax X-PAD Office Fusion v4.1.700 Software
GeoMax X-PAD Office Fusion v4.1.700

GeoMax X-PAD Office Fusion v4.1.700

A new concept of software for processing all types of geospatial data with real integration of different information. Experience easy import of data, calculations, adjustments, scan registration and management of the clouds, points, measurements, surfaces and images, topographical utilities and drawing functions all in one application.

X-SCAN Module

Import, Record, Done
From import to registration with a single guided wizard. Powerful registration functions allow you to quickly and easily match your clouds also by using topographic points. During the registration you are constantly accompanied by visual information and controls that helps to avoid mistakes. Even if it is your first job with the laser scanner a good result is guaranteed.
Registration and bundle adjustment
Robust algorithms are able to process point clouds and return the best results considering all the scans as a whole. Several options allow to improve the results according to the specific type of work and target recognition offers alternative way to have faster and better results. The automatic registration module is an irreplaceable tool that generates the final results with one single click.
Millions of points? Handling made easy
Powerful selection tools allow you to capture the closest, the lowest, highest, or the average point of the surroundings of selection. With Smart Magnifier you have the direct view of points in the identified area and you can choose your point with absolute precision without constantly change the point of view. 

Images inside a bubble
The pictures are always the best way to understand reality; the laser scanner is no exception. The bubble view of X-PAD Office Fusion allows you to indicate the points for drawing directly on the images and the software will choose the right coordinates.

Orthophotos and cross-sections
The typical results required from a set of scans are the orthophotos and cross-sections. X-PAD Office Fusion allow to generate them with very few and intuitive steps. 
Measurements turn into 3D digital model
Surfaces and mesh 3D can be extracted from the point clouds and take the color of the points or texturized with the scanner’s photos or texturized from a panoramic photo previously imported and linked to the scan. 
X-TOPO module

Everything under control
The measures are the essence of the work of the professional surveyor; with X-PAD Office Fusion you can import the measures from your instruments and you always have the control of all the information to verify at any time the quality of your work. You can edit and correct any mistakes made in the field and then recalculate the coordinates. If you've collected photos and audio recordings in the field, then you can access to this information and use it in the creation of the final drawings.

The points, the result of your work
With X-PAD Office Fusion you can customize the representation of the point in all aspects to create the best drawing possible. The point is the element to which all other entities in the drawing are referring to; if the point coordinates are recalculated, or you have changed the coordinate system, the drawing continues to maintain the link with the points.

Calculations is its job
X-PAD Office Fusion calculates and solves all kinds of surveys, GNSS, total station, digital level and mixed with the least squares algorithms for precise calculation. You have the ability to define cartographic systems, apply geoid corrections, reduce the distance to your reference level. Reliability and precision, this is what you need and this is what X-PAD Office Fusion offers.

Surfaces, Volumes and cross-sections with one click
No matter if you have topographic points or point clouds or both; you can create 3D models, contour lines, calculate cross-sections and volumes out of it using several methods. Powerful tools and options allow you to customize the final drawings to obtain the best results possible for you customers.

Georeference raster maps
Raster maps can be imported and translated, rotated and scaled to fit to the right position. Specific tools allow to reduce the input time of the control points and the localized transformation supports to act locally to each part of the maps and adjust local errors without their propagation in other part of the raster. The result is a map that matches exactly the reference points.

One software for all workflows

From import to final drawings, X-PAD Office Fusion offers you the best tools without having to pass data from one program to another. You can load data from total stations, GPS, digital levels and laser scanners, and calculate, view and manage in one software. You can connect TPS survey, GPS survey, levels, laser scanner sessions and see everything together.

Visualisation and working comfort

A modern working environment, designed to manage geospatial data, and a powerful CAD 3D are the basic framework on which topographic and laser scanner modules have been developed. Data can be viewed and managed on table grids with countless powerful functions for searching, filtering and editing.

Data organisation

With X-PAD Office Fusion you can handle different types of data: measures, points, drawings, surfaces, cross-sections and point clouds. With the Project Manager you can organise the data within the same job file. Multiple survey sessions and different groups of drawings can be managed and data made visible or invisible at any time.

A topographic CAD

The X-PAD Office Fusion CAD combines both, a CAD designed to operate according to the standards defined by AutoCAD but also made for topographic use. When you have to indicate a coordinate, you can type the name of the corresponding point, or you can select topographic objects (points and lines) according to the survey code. If you are a surveyor, you will find special commands for the creation of your drawing.
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