Автор: Williams
Дата: 4 января 2019
Просмотров: 2 940 |
Bentley FlowMaster CONNECT Edition

Bentley FlowMaster - программа для гидравлического анализа открытых каналов, труб, плотин, и отверстий. FlowMaster позволяет быстро выполнить гидравлические расчеты для различных типов элементов систем канализации, для оптимизации входных отверстий и плотин. Выполняется проектирование и анализ водозаборных решеток, лотков, канав, и входных отверстий с использованием алгоритмов, основанных на методологиях FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 и Circular No. 22. Вычисляется наполнение и глубина желоба. Выполняется анализ течения жидкости в трубопроводе, исходя из длины трубы, начала и конца процесса изменения уровня и давления, наполнения и диаметра. Приложение FlowMaster рассчитывает потери напора на трение потока с помощью формул Куттера, Дарси-Вейсбаха и Хазен-Вильямса. Проектирование и анализ каналов, канав, и не заполненных объемов трубы любой формы, включая прямоугольные, эллиптические, параболические, и каналы произвольной формы. Проектирование размеров плотин, исходя из нагрузок, коэффициентов, верхнего бьефа и критического подъема воды для прямоугольных, круглых и произвольных отверстий, исходя из критического подъема воды. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 2 января 2019
Просмотров: 1 187 |
EzeJector Ejector Simulation 2017

Use EzeJector software as your ONE STOP SERVICE for ejector design. Get quick and accurate results to close in on your best alternative! Or do you need an ejector design done for you? We can size and specify ejectors for a wide range of applications. Or do a rating for an existing ejector. Go to our Case Design Page. Your challenge as a process engineer is working out whether an application will work and what the flow rates and conditions are to make it work.
How the ejector energy balance works:
The motive gas accelerates to sonic velocity in the nozzle throat (choked flow) with pressure decreasing by approximately 45% (depending of gas properties). The gas continues to accelerate to Mach >1 in the outlet section of the nozzle, with the pressure reducing to that required to draw in the entrained gas. The ejector nozzle is also known as a De Laval nozzle. Pressure reduction of the motive gas has thus been converted isentropically into usable kinetic energy. Some energy is lost because of isentropic efficiency <100%. The entrained gas is drawn into the mixing section and also accelerates to sonic velocity (there are cases where it does not reach sonic velocity but these are not described here). Once again there is some energy loss due to isentropic efficiency <100%. The motive gas and entrained gas have different velocities. Momentum is preserved as they mix, but kinetic energy is lost. In general, the greater the ratio of motive gas pressure to entrained gas pressure, the greater the loss of kinetic energy. The mixed gas is still supersonic as it leaves the mixing section. A shock wave then occurs as it enters the diffuser . Flow becomes subsonic and a step change increase in pressure occurs. The gas decelerates in the diffuser with kinetic energy being recovered as increased pressure. As above, some energy is lost due to isentropic efficiency <100%. Friction against the internal metal surfaces of the ejector causes additional energy losses. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 1 января 2019
Просмотров: 2 065 |
Diolkos3D WaterNET-CAD v2.0.1.155

WaterNET-CAD. Complete pipes network design software within autonomous CAD environment. Includes design modules for sewer, vacuum sewer and water distribution network facilities. Creates professional reports for bill of quantities (BOQ) as well as reports of hydraulic calculation.
Video tutorials can be found on this channel |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 1 января 2019
Просмотров: 358 |

From the
bottom of my heart let me congratulate you with the coming of the NEW YEAR!
Let me
wish you and your families happiness, health and prosperity for the coming year!
Have a good
celebration of this unforgettable day with your love ones!
In addition specially for Russian speaking members:
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 31 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 16 386 |
Bentley STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition V22 (
including Foundation Advanced (, RCDC (, Building Planner (

Bentley STAAD.Pro - лидер в области программного обеспечения для расчета строительных конструкций и проектирования. Bentley STAAD.Pro - выбор профессионала для проектирования любых структур, в том числе водопропускных труб, нефтехимических заводов, тоннелей, мостов, многоквартирных домов и многих других конструкций из стали, бетона, лесоматериалов, алюминия и холодногнутой стали. Bentley STAAD.Pro сертифицирован по системе сертификации ГОСТ Р.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 29 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 1 115 |
APF Nexus WoodPanel v1.1

APF WoodPanel lets you design timber slabs (XLAM or CLT), according to Eurocode 5 (EC5). All you have to do is specify the dimensions, the configuration and the actions. APF WoodPanel performs all the required checks for ULS, according to Eurocode 5. The results are displayed in the graphic environment and the user can save a detailed report with calculation details and images. The user interface is designed to simplify your work. You can change every value (cross sections’ size, timber beam length, etc.), recalculate and the results are immediately available. All the design variables, such as load coefficients, material properties (mechanical properties of timber), can be adjusted by you, according to your needs (or the requirements of any National Standard or National annex to the Eurocodes). APF WoodPanel performs a structural analysis of the panel calculating the normal and shear stresses in the crossed layers. The forces and stresses acting on the panel faces are displayed by the graphical interface, for each load case separately. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 28 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 3 230 |
Bentley RM Bridge Enterprise CONNECT Edition v11.04.00.17 Update 4

We are excited to introduce the new consolidated RM Bridge. Offered in three distinct product licenses, the new products provide richer capabilities and functionality for each product, and better align with specific bridge types, simplify licensing, standalone installers (no need to select/deselect modules), and overall provide a new cost-effective pricing.
Three products, specifically design to address various bridge types and advanced analysis needs, comprise the RM Bridge family: RM Bridge, RM Bridge Advanced, RM Bridge Enterprise.
RM Bridge is the basic application of RM Bridge family. This product is suitable for analysis, design, and load rating of concrete, steel, and timber bridges of all types: girder bridges, truss bridges, arch bridges, and segmental bridges. It covers the straight, curved, and skewed bridges. It supports over 20 international design codes. The advanced analyses methods include static and linear dynamic analysis, soil-structure interaction, time-dependent creep & shrinkage analysis. Support for unlimited number of construction stages makes the product suitable to address complex construction sequences. The product also offers Wizards for rapid model creation, interoperability with Bentley Civil software, and OpenBridge Modeler.
RM Bridge Advanced extends RM Bridge capabilities to non-linear analysis, FEM, Push Over and Time-History Analyses, High Speed Rail analysis. It includes the specialized Balanced Cantilever tool for easier generation of construction sequence for segmental bridges, and RM Cast tool for setting up segment geometry in the casting yard.
RM Bridge Enterprise includes all features RM offers. Extends RM Bridge Advanced capabilities to cable-stayed and suspension bridges. It also includes advanced hydrodynamic and wind analyses, and two specialized tools for advanced construction methods - Erection Control for shape adjustment during construction and Incremental Launching for building bridges overhead with no temporary support or false work. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 487 |
Kiwa Irene Pro v4.6.3.0

IRENE Pro is more than a gas network calculation program. It is an analysis tool for designing gas networks, performing network calculations and determining the level of risk or delivery reliability. The basic function in IRENE Pro is capacity calculation. However, extra modules can be added as required in order to extend the functionality of IRENE Pro. New modules are regularly developed in close collaboration with users and customers, leading to further expansion of the analysis options within IRENE Pro.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 26 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 1 857 |
APF Nexus WoodJoint v3.4

APF WoodJoint lets you design traditional carpentry connections or modern timber joints (nailed, screwed, bolted) in accordance Eurocode 5 (EC5). All you have to do is specify the dimensions, the configuration and the actions. APF WoodJoint performs all the required checks for ULS, according to Eurocode 5. The results are displayed in the graphic environment and the user can save a detailed report with calculations and images. The user interface is designed to simplify your work. You can change every value (size of the structural members, fastener type, etc.), recalculate, and the results are immediately available. All the design variables, such as load coefficients, material properties (mechanical properties of timber and fasteners), can be adjusted by you, according to your needs (or the requirements of any National Standard or National annex to the Eurocodes). APF WoodJoint performs a structural analysis of the connection, examining the fastener as well as the connected members. The forces acting on the structural elements are displayed by the graphical interface, for each load case separately. APF WoodJoint lets you design many types of connections: carpentry joints (front notched joint, mortise and tenon joint, with stirrups and tension ties), steel-plate to timber connections (bolts with side gusset steel plates, apex plate, heel plate, point plate, slice plate), connections to supporting beams (with screws, steel hangers, steel angles, dovetails). |
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