Автор: Williams
Дата: 31 августа 2018
Просмотров: 730 |
Survey CAD System pfCAD disCAV v15.0.91
Discav и lo strumento indispensabile per la progettazione di cave e discariche e per i controlli periodici di movimentazione, la stesura di piani di coltivazione, per la gestione di contabilitа e stati di avanzamento dei lavori.
- Inputi da dati topografici e calcolo dei volumi per sezioni e per prismoidi secondo vari metodi
- Rappresentazione a triangoli, a griglia, a curve di livello in 2D e 3D
- Gestione avanzata del disegno e del calcolo delle sezioni
- Gestione dei punti quotati e del Modello Digitale del Terreno in un unico archivio all'interno del quale si possono inserire piщ rilievi topografici
- Computo del movimento terra per spianamenti, vasche artificiali, cave, laghetti, ecc.
- Solutore per poligonali, celerimetrico, planoaltimetrico
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 30 августа 2018
Просмотров: 1 170 |
Survey CAD System pfCAD Catasto v22.0.154
- Input da tutti gli Strumenti Topografici, da file ASCII, da PREGEO, da file DXF
- Solutore per poligonali, celerimetrico, planoaltimetrico
- Artifici per calcolo di nuovi punti e Divisione di Aree
- Gestione avanzata del DATABASE CENSUARIO
- Calibrazione e compensazione di mappe lette da scanner o digitalizzate compresa l'unione di piщ mappe raster e sovrapposizione al rilievo topografico
- Gestione avanzata e disegno della Maglia dei PF
- Procedure automatizzate per Riconfinamenti con il sistema della rototraslazione baricentrica
- Ampia libreria di Problemi Topografici: Fuori Centro, Snellius, Hansen, Intersezioni, triangoli
- File DXF e collegamento bidirezionale ad AutoCAD
- Disegno Piano Quotato con curve di livello, sezioni e profili
- Rilievo e restituzione in automatico di facciate di fabbricato
- Generazione dell'estratto di mappa Autoallestito in modalitа PREGEO e modalitа CAD
- Compatibilitа con PREGEO10
- Collegamento con GOOGLE MAPS con possibilitа di visualizzare il libretto di rilievi GPS sulla mappa
- Aggiornamento continuo dell'importazione di file da strumenti GPS di diversi marchi e modelli
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 28 августа 2018
Просмотров: 4 071 |
HONEYWELL UniSim Design R451 Fully Patched
Honeywell’s UniSim Design Suite is an intuitive process modeling software that helps engineers create steady-state and dynamic models for plant design, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, business planning, and asset management. The process simulation market is under transformation. Triggered by technological advancements and new customer requirements, process simulation models, which have traditionally been desktop analysis and decision-making tools, are now leveraged into new high-value solutions, such as ”connected” operational monitoring. Find out more about how Honeywell delivers value to customers, with the UniSim Design’s new platform and refining offering.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 августа 2018
Просмотров: 1 094 |
CounterTack Responder Pro v3.1.4.9
CounterTack’s Responder PRO memory forensics tool is the preeminent tool for reverse engineers. With powerful memory forensics and malware analysis capabilities, Responder PRO enables incident response professionals to collect and analyze malware attack residue and artifacts from memory forensics. Users can leverage information found in physical memory to validate endpoint security incidents and drill down to determine root cause and the potential impact.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 22 августа 2018
Просмотров: 761 |
Truth Concepts v2.00.0.59
Truth Concepts enables you to educate your clients on strategic investment choices:
- ”Should we purchase with cash or finance major purchases?”
- ”What effect will fees and taxes have on wealth-building?”
- ”Which mortgage will help us build more long-term wealth?”
- ”Is this rental house worth purchasing?”
- ”What’s more important: reducing taxes, debt, and other expenses, or earning a higher rate of return?”
- ”How can we help our children with college without sabotaging ourselves?”
- ”What kind of life insurance makes the most sense for us?”
Advisors, agents, and other finance professionals use Truth Concepts to:
Consult and Compare - Provide personalized answers to client questions and concerns by comparing any strategy, investment, mortgage or other financial vehicle. With Truth Concepts, you’re a trusted advisor, not a salesperson.
Communicate and Educate - Invite interactive discussions with our comprehensive calculators. Show key concepts such as opportunity costs, funding strategies, true qualified plan returns, the benefits of diversifying with life insurance, and much more.
Build Trust with Total Transparency - Although the software is designed for financial professionals, anyone can purchase Truth Concepts™, attend a Truth Training, or take an online class to learn how to use Truth Concepts software. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 21 августа 2018
Просмотров: 3 964 |
3Dsurvey v2.7.0
3Dsurvey is a software solution for land surveying data processing. Take a photo with any standard digital camera, import images into 3Dsurvey and produce your own orthophoto maps, digital surface models and calculate volumes faster and more easily. Data is processed automatically based on matching algorithms. Use our smart tools to be even more efficient.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 20 августа 2018
Просмотров: 1 521 |
HONEYWELL UniSim Design R451
Honeywell’s UniSim Design Suite is an intuitive process modeling software that helps engineers create steady-state and dynamic models for plant design, performance monitoring, troubleshooting, business planning, and asset management. The process simulation market is under transformation. Triggered by technological advancements and new customer requirements, process simulation models, which have traditionally been desktop analysis and decision-making tools, are now leveraged into new high-value solutions, such as ”connected” operational monitoring. Find out more about how Honeywell delivers value to customers, with the UniSim Design’s new platform and refining offering.
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