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SAPROTON NormCAD v11.2 Software
САПРОТОН NormCAD v11.2 x86+x64


NormCAD выполняет расчеты строительных конструкций по СНиП и готовит проектную документацию для представления заказчику и в органы экспертизы:

  • расчет стальных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн сплошного и составного сечения, профнастила и узлов ферм из гнутых профилей);
  • расчет железобетонных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн, стен и плит: подбор арматуры, проверка сечений - в т.ч. тавровых и двутавровых, косое внецентренное сжатие, расчет круглых колонн и колонн с распределенной арматурой, трещиностойкость, проверка прогиба, расчет на смятие и продавливание);
  • расчет каменных и армокаменных конструкций (проверка сечений - прямоугольных и тавровых на центральное и внецентренное сжатие, растяжение, срез, трещиностойкость и смятие);
  • расчет фундаментов;
  • теплотехнический расчет (сопротивление теплопередаче и паропроницанию стен, покрытий, перекрытий и светопрозрачных конструкций)
  • другие строительные и машиностроительные расчеты.
Главное преимущество - на сегодня это единственная программа, в которой расчет оформляется в виде текстового документа (в формате Word), подобному созданному опытным конструктором вручную, что позволяет легко проконтролировать любую часть расчета.

О новом в версии 11.2 тут
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StrataGen Fracpro 2019 v10.10.13.0 Software
StrataGen Fracpro 2019 v10.10.13.0

StrataGen Fracpro 2019 v10.10.13.0

Fracpro - это наиболее широко используемое в мире программное обеспечение для проектирования гидроразрыва. 

Fracpro содержит четыре полностью интегрированных модуля для проектирования ГРП, анализа ГРП, экономической оптимизации и разработки пласта. Программа позволяет моделировать безграничное число комбинаций конструкции скважины, закачки пропанта, изменения проводимости и размера трещины для любых геологических условий.

Fracpro обладает большой встроенной библиотекой жидкостей и пропантов. Программа также может получать данные и производить их калибровку в режиме реального времени, обеспечивая пользователей возможностью адаптировать модели к определенным требованиям. При непревзойденной функциональности, универсальности и гибкости, неудивительно, что Fracpro является программным продуктом для моделирования ГРП, ставшим отраслевым стандартом.
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Anthony Furr Sofware Structural Toolkit v5.3.3.2 Software
Anthony Furr Sofware Structural Toolkit v5.3.3.2

Anthony Furr Sofware Structural Toolkit v5.3.3.2

Save time and money by allowing Structural Toolkit to quickly and accurately do your calculations for you. Our straightforward and familiar spreadsheet based interface requires no specialised training or set-up. Easily and quickly produce calculations for discrete members in timber, steel, masonry and concrete while having the confidence to know that you are always up to date with current Australian Standards. Structural Toolkit also handles footing, retaining wall, connection and storm-water detention design.

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Deltares Wanda v4.5.1208 Software
Deltares Wanda v4.5.1208

Deltares Wanda v4.5.1208

Wanda is a powerful and user-friendly program for the hydraulic design, control and optimization of pipeline systems. Design engineers and operators use WANDA to assess the steady state characteristics of the system and the dynamic and multi-phase (transient) behaviour of different media transported through their often complex, pipeline networks.

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Howden Group PumpSim Premium v3.1.0.2 Software
Howden Group (ex. Chasm Consulting) PumpSim Premium v3.1.0.2

Howden Group PumpSim Premium v3.1.0.2

As part of Howden’s strategy to become the world’s leading provider of mine ventilation solutions, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Chasm Consulting and its world leading products Ventsim/PumpSim. Providing industry-leading 3D design and simulation capability, the Ventsim/PumpSim software is widely used among the global mine ventilation community. Howden will now offer a full suite of solutions for mine ventilation, from modelling and design software to full turnkey projects including main and auxiliary fans, instrumentation, automation and Ventilation on Demand via the Simsmart product line.

PumpSim provides a full 3-dimensional dynamic environment to generate the most accurate pumping simulation and data from your network.

Use Pumpsim software to:
  • Easily construct pipe models in true scale 3D.
  • Estimate optimum pipe sizing.
  • Model and simulate flow, pressure and pump performance.
  • Import designs and solids from AutoCAD (DXF).
More info. Pricing.
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Howden Group Ventsim Design Premium v5.2.5.5 Software
Howden Group (ex. Chasm Consulting) Ventsim Design Premium v5.2.5.5

Howden Group Ventsim Design Premium v5.2.5.5

As part of Howden’s strategy to become the world’s leading provider of mine ventilation solutions, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Chasm Consulting and its world leading products Ventsim/PumpSim. Providing industry-leading 3D design and simulation capability, the Ventsim/PumpSim software is widely used among the global mine ventilation community. Howden will now offer a full suite of solutions for mine ventilation, from modelling and design software to full turnkey projects including main and auxiliary fans, instrumentation, automation and Ventilation on Demand via the Simsmart product line.

Ventsim was originally introduced to mining operations in 1994 to help visually design, improve and optimize underground ventilation systems. It is now licensed to over 1000 mine sites, consultants, universities, governments and research agencies around the world. The new Ventsim Visual ventilation software was released in 2009 and offers a graphically rich and dynamic ventilation environment with many more features than the original Ventsim Classic. Ventsim Visual is available in three versions: Standard, Advanced and Premium.

Ventsim Visual Standard is a lower cost version based on incompressible flow simulation routines and includes dynamic animated 3D graphics showing real airway dimensions and shapes together with animated air flows. Colours show over 30 different data types including airflow, velocities, various pressures and costs. In addition, the Standard version comes with contaminant spread routines to help predict steady state flow of gases, dust, fumes and smoke.

Ventsim Visual Advanced uses advanced compressible flow modelling, including automatic density and fan curve adjustment, automatic natural ventilation simulation and prediction of temperatures and humidity due to rock strata, auto compression, diesel equipment and electric motors.

Ventsim Visual Premium includes all features of Ventsim Visual Advanced as well as VentFIRE fire simulation, VentLog ventilation survey record software, and the optional LiveView remote data connection and display module.
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Leica MineSight v11.00-5 build 71065-395 Software
Leica MineSight v11.00-5 build 71065-395

Leica MineSight v11.00-5 build 71065-395

MineSight answers all your mining needs. Whether underground or surface, from precious to base metals, for coal, tar sands and industrial minerals, MineSight tackles all geomodeling mining applications. And, thanks to its extensive set of applications, it handles all levels of geology, engineering, surveying, and mine operations. Use MineSight for the exploration phase of mine development through geological interpretation, feasibility, mine planning, and daily mine operations management. It operates on a standard Windows PC platform with several key open database applications. No wonder mining companies, consultants, and universities worldwide are solving complex geology and mine planning problems with this comprehensive and fully integrated Geomodeling and Mine Planning Software system.

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Pitney Bowes MapInfo Pro v17.0.3 Release Build 19 Software
Pitney Bowes MapInfo Pro v17.0.3 Release Build 19 Multilingual

Pitney Bowes MapInfo Pro v17.0.3 Release Build 19

MapInfo Professional - географическая информационная система, предназначенная для сбора, хранения, отображения, редактирования и анализа пространственных данных. Приложение предназначено для картографии и географического анализа. Визуализация связей между данными и географией открывет совершенно новые возможности, превращая данные в ценную информацию. Инструментарий MapInfo Professional для создания и редактирования графических и табличных данных позволяет быстро и удобно вносить изменения как на картах, так и в семантические данные. MapInfo Professional легко интегрируется в любую информационную систему, удобный интерфейс позволит быстро адаптироваться и начать полноценно использовать функционал даже новому пользователю. 
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Transferring ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2019 SP2 TUR to ENG Software
Transferring ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2019 SP2 TUR to ENG

Transferring ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2019 SP2 TUR to ENG

Just follow the instructions.

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Bridge Software Institute FB-MultiPier v5.5 Software
Bridge Software Institute FB-MultiPier v5.5

Bridge Software Institute FB-MultiPier v5.5

FB-MultiPier is a nonlinear finite element analysis program capable of analyzing multiple bridge pier structures interconnected by bridge spans. The full structure can be subject to a full array of AASHTO load types in a static analysis or time varying load functions in a dynamic analysis. Each pier structure is composed of pier columns and a cap. This structure is supported on a pile cap and piles/shafts with nonlinear soil. This analysis program couples nonlinear structural finite element analysis with nonlinear static soil models for axial, lateral and torsional soil behavior to provide a robust system of analysis for coupled bridge pier structures and foundation systems. FB-MultiPier performs the generation of the finite element model internally given the geometric definition of the structure and foundation system as input graphically by the designer. This allows the engineer to work directly with the design parameters and lessens the bookkeeping necessary to create and interpret a model. As is a necessity for design-oriented applications, FB-MultiPier automatically generates finite element models given a parametric, geometric definition of the structure and foundation system. Both input and analysis results are handled through a streamlined combination of form-based, 2D graphics, and 3D graphics windows.

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