Автор: Williams
Дата: 6 августа 2019
Просмотров: 1 122 |
Valmet (ex. Metso) WinGEMS v5.4.324
WinGEMS is the Pulp&Paper industry's premier process simulation tool that combines the ease of use of a graphical interface with twenty-five plus years of experience and process knowledge contained in the GEMS modular simulator. Application of WinGEMS can be used to perform mill financial modeling, steam plant optimization, VOC emission prediction, full mill process simulation, and steam monitoring to name a few. WinGEMS is very user friendly and easily communicates with an Excel spreadsheet.
With new features, including over 75 new pre-built process unit blocks, Valmet WinGEMS can save days in the development of a full mill simulation. These blocks contain a wealth of knowledge and experience to assist in modeling all areas of the pulp and paper making process.
- Supports faster and more accurate planning and decision-making
- Provides a common basis for evaluating proposed process changes
- Allows quick assessment of operation and capital planning scenarios that can’t be tested in a real-world situation
- Allows plant designs to be "operations tested” during the design phase, avoiding costly design errors
- Helps eliminate costs associated with over/under capacity
- Enhances understanding of the "big picture” through better understanding of process relationships, bottlenecks, and interactions
- Provides savings in time and materials with ongoing daily troubleshooting and equipment evaluation capabilities
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 31 июля 2019
Просмотров: 1 675 |
DotSoft ToolPac v19.0.2.1
In the never ending quest for faster AutoCAD/BricsCAD systems, users go the extra mile to purchase the fastest hardware. Faster processors, graphics cards, etc., are implemented in an attempt to speed up the processing of drawings. These improvements come at great expense and only provide a marginal gain in the amount of time it takes to actually complete a drawing. This expensive hardware is often underutilized as the operator wastes time doing repetitive tasks in the struggle to finalize a drawing.
If you do only one upgrade to your system this year, it should be the implementation of productivity software. Our ToolPac product was designed to eliminate the numerous bottlenecks in AutoCAD and BricsCAD. It contains over 750 functions designed with one purpose in mind, to save you time.
ToolPac is in use today by thousands of architects, engineers, and designers! This comprehensive collection of productivity tools works with AutoCAD 2007 or higher (LT not supported) or BricsCAD v12 Pro or higher. It works equally well in all environments, including Architectural, Engineering, Civil, Mechanical and Design.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 25 июля 2019
Просмотров: 2 771 |
САПРОТОН NormCAD v11.2 x86+x64
NormCAD выполняет расчеты строительных конструкций по СНиП и готовит проектную документацию для представления заказчику и в органы экспертизы:
- расчет стальных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн сплошного и составного сечения, профнастила и узлов ферм из гнутых профилей);
- расчет железобетонных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн, стен и плит: подбор арматуры, проверка сечений - в т.ч. тавровых и двутавровых, косое внецентренное сжатие, расчет круглых колонн и колонн с распределенной арматурой, трещиностойкость, проверка прогиба, расчет на смятие и продавливание);
- расчет каменных и армокаменных конструкций (проверка сечений - прямоугольных и тавровых на центральное и внецентренное сжатие, растяжение, срез, трещиностойкость и смятие);
- расчет фундаментов;
- теплотехнический расчет (сопротивление теплопередаче и паропроницанию стен, покрытий, перекрытий и светопрозрачных конструкций)
- другие строительные и машиностроительные расчеты.
Главное преимущество - на сегодня это единственная программа, в которой расчет оформляется в виде текстового документа (в формате Word), подобному созданному опытным конструктором вручную, что позволяет легко проконтролировать любую часть расчета.
О новом в версии 11.2 тут |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 21 июля 2019
Просмотров: 1 127 |
StrataGen Fracpro 2019 v10.10.13.0
Fracpro - это наиболее широко используемое в мире программное обеспечение для проектирования гидроразрыва.
Fracpro содержит четыре полностью интегрированных модуля для проектирования ГРП, анализа ГРП, экономической оптимизации и разработки пласта. Программа позволяет моделировать безграничное число комбинаций конструкции скважины, закачки пропанта, изменения проводимости и размера трещины для любых геологических условий.
Fracpro обладает большой встроенной библиотекой жидкостей и пропантов. Программа также может получать данные и производить их калибровку в режиме реального времени, обеспечивая пользователей возможностью адаптировать модели к определенным требованиям. При непревзойденной функциональности, универсальности и гибкости, неудивительно, что Fracpro является программным продуктом для моделирования ГРП, ставшим отраслевым стандартом. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 7 июля 2019
Просмотров: 973 |
Howden Group (ex. Chasm Consulting) PumpSim Premium v3.1.0.2
As part of Howden’s strategy to become the world’s leading provider of mine ventilation solutions, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Chasm Consulting and its world leading products Ventsim/PumpSim. Providing industry-leading 3D design and simulation capability, the Ventsim/PumpSim software is widely used among the global mine ventilation community. Howden will now offer a full suite of solutions for mine ventilation, from modelling and design software to full turnkey projects including main and auxiliary fans, instrumentation, automation and Ventilation on Demand via the Simsmart product line.
PumpSim provides a full 3-dimensional dynamic environment to generate the most accurate pumping simulation and data from your network.
Use Pumpsim software to:
- Easily construct pipe models in true scale 3D.
- Estimate optimum pipe sizing.
- Model and simulate flow, pressure and pump performance.
- Import designs and solids from AutoCAD (DXF).
More info. Pricing. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 6 июля 2019
Просмотров: 702 |
Howden Group (ex. Chasm Consulting) Ventsim Design Premium v5.2.5.5
As part of Howden’s strategy to become the world’s leading provider of mine ventilation solutions, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Chasm Consulting and its world leading products Ventsim/PumpSim. Providing industry-leading 3D design and simulation capability, the Ventsim/PumpSim software is widely used among the global mine ventilation community. Howden will now offer a full suite of solutions for mine ventilation, from modelling and design software to full turnkey projects including main and auxiliary fans, instrumentation, automation and Ventilation on Demand via the Simsmart product line.
Ventsim was originally introduced to mining operations in 1994 to help visually design, improve and optimize underground ventilation systems. It is now licensed to over 1000 mine sites, consultants, universities, governments and research agencies around the world. The new Ventsim Visual ventilation software was released in 2009 and offers a graphically rich and dynamic ventilation environment with many more features than the original Ventsim Classic. Ventsim Visual is available in three versions: Standard, Advanced and Premium.
Ventsim Visual Standard is a lower cost version based on incompressible flow simulation routines and includes dynamic animated 3D graphics showing real airway dimensions and shapes together with animated air flows. Colours show over 30 different data types including airflow, velocities, various pressures and costs. In addition, the Standard version comes with contaminant spread routines to help predict steady state flow of gases, dust, fumes and smoke.
Ventsim Visual Advanced uses advanced compressible flow modelling, including automatic density and fan curve adjustment, automatic natural ventilation simulation and prediction of temperatures and humidity due to rock strata, auto compression, diesel equipment and electric motors.
Ventsim Visual Premium includes all features of Ventsim Visual Advanced as well as VentFIRE fire simulation, VentLog ventilation survey record software, and the optional LiveView remote data connection and display module. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 2 июля 2019
Просмотров: 4 882 |
Leica MineSight v11.00-5 build 71065-395
MineSight answers all your mining needs. Whether underground or surface, from precious to base metals, for coal, tar sands and industrial minerals, MineSight tackles all geomodeling mining applications. And, thanks to its extensive set of applications, it handles all levels of geology, engineering, surveying, and mine operations. Use MineSight for the exploration phase of mine development through geological interpretation, feasibility, mine planning, and daily mine operations management. It operates on a standard Windows PC platform with several key open database applications. No wonder mining companies, consultants, and universities worldwide are solving complex geology and mine planning problems with this comprehensive and fully integrated Geomodeling and Mine Planning Software system. |
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