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Rocscience Dips v7.016 Software
Rocscience Dips v7.016

Rocscience Dips v7.016

Dips is a program designed for the interactive analysis of orientation based geological data. The program is a tool kit capable of many different applications and is designed both for the novice or occasional user, and for the accomplished user of stereographic projection who wishes to utilize more advanced tools in the analysis of geological data. Dips allows the user to analyse and visualise structural data following the same techniques used in manual stereonets. In addition, many computational features are available, such as statistical contouring of orientation clustering, mean orientation calculation and qualitative and quantitative feature attribute analysis. Dips has been designed for the analysis of features related to the engineering analysis of rock structures, however, the free format of the DIPS data file permits the analysis of any orientation based data.

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Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.6.0 build 9217 Software
Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.6.0 build 9217 x64

Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.6.0 build 9217

Agisoft Metashape Professional - это передовое программное обеспечение, максимально раскрывающее возможности фотограмметрии, а также включающее в себя технологии машинного обучения для анализа и пост-обработки, что позволяет получать максимально точные результаты.

Metashape позволяет обрабатывать изображения, получаемые с помощью RGB- или мультиспектральных камер, включая мультикамерные системы, преобразовывать снимки в плотные облака точек, текстурированные полигональные модели, геопривязанные ортофотопланы и цифровые модели рельефа/местности (ЦМР/ЦММ).

Дальнейшая постобработка позволяет удалять тени и искажения текстур с поверхности моделей, рассчитывать вегетационные индексы и составлять файлы предписаний для агротехнических мероприятий, автоматически классифицировать плотные облака точек и т.д.

Возможность экспорта во все внешние пакеты для постобработки делает Agisoft Metashape Professional универсальным фотограмметрическим инструментом.

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Deep Excavation DeepFND 2017 v6.0 Software
Deep Excavation DeepFND Premium 2017 v6.0

Deep Excavation DeepFND 2017 v6.0

DeepFND is a powerful interactive software for deep foundation and pile design. Axial, lateral, settlement, structural and geotechnical analysis options. Incorporates AASHTO, FHWA, IBC, and Eurocode 7 standards.

Pile types: drilled piles, driven concrete, driven steel, driven timbe piles, monotube, CFA piles, drilled-in-displacement piles, micropiles, caissons, helical piles (Premium version)

  • Settlement analysis, with linear, exponential, and other models
  • Lateral pile analysis
  • FHWA GEC10
  • AASHTO Norlund
  • Eurocode 7
  • IBC 2015 standards
  • NYC Building Code
  • Automatic pile length optimization based on geotechnical capacity
  • Automatic pile length optimization based on settlement response
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DotSoft MapWorks v8.0.6.5 Software
DotSoft MapWorks v8.0.6.5

DotSoft MapWorks v8.0.6.5

MapWorks is Civil/Survey Mapping & GIS software for AutoCAD and BricsCAD.  It is a modular system covering the major areas of alignments, design, geotech, parcels, points, sections, surfaces, and more.

More info
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Deep Excavation DeepEX (ex. DeepXcav) 2017 v17.0 Software
Deep Excavation DeepEX (ex. DeepXcav) 2017 v17.0

Deep Excavation DeepEX (ex. DeepXcav) 2017 v17.0

DeepEX is an innovative, easy to use, software program for deep excavations, developed by experts for engineers like you. It can perform both geotechnical and structural design for many wall types that include soldier pile walls, sheet pile walls, and diaphragm walls with multiple sections of reinforcement. DeepEX can also perform slope stability analysis with soil nailing. It comes packed with all structural and geotechnical design codes. DeepEX is an upgrade to our DeepEX 16 and DeepXcav 2012 versions.

What does DeepEX do?

Deep excavation design: DeepEX helps you design deep excavations by offering the most comprehensive software in the world. Many clients have performed designs within 25% of the original time required time.

Cost estimation: DeepEX is now the only software that offers preliminary cost estimation and quantity take offs.

Slope stability: DeepEX also performs slope stability analyses so that you do not have to export data to another package, thus saving you time. Checkout below a slope stabilization analysis in Portland, Oregon, with reinforced concrete piles and ground anchors, during an extreme seismic event.

Analysis methods: DeepEX is the only software in its category that can analyze a wall with limit-equilibrium or elastoplastic methods. In the elastoplastic analysis, the soil is divided in active and passive non-linear soil springs. In the elastoplastic analysis, the lateral soil pressures depend on the soil properties and the proposed construction stage history.

Building Damage Assessment: DeepEX is the only software that can easily assess the damage potential of ajdacent buildings next to an excavation. DeepEX uses thorough methods to estimate potential crack widths and building settlement in three dimensions. The program then accesses for critial building elemens the damage potential as negligible, slight, moderate, severe, or very severe.

Design standards: DeepXcav implements a wide range of US and European design standards. These include: AISC, ACI, AASHTO, AS 3600, BS, BS 5950-2000, EC2, EC3, EC7, DIN, DM08, etc.

Frame Analysis: DeepEX allows you to create the full frame of your deep excavation, and optimize all members within typically 5 minutes:

Export to DXF: DeepEX has a new module that allows you to export 80% drawings to DXF. You can export multiple stages and create stage sequencing diagrams. You can also export stages with result diagrams.

Pile Supported Abutments: Evaluate pile supported abutments with all pile types for lateral and vertical pile loads, and also examine their effects on an adjacent excavation.
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Trimble Tekla Structural Designer 2019i SP1 v19.1.1.42 Software
Trimble Tekla Structural Designer 2019i SP1 v19.1.1.42

Trimble Tekla Structural Designer 2019i SP1 v19.1.1.42

Tekla Structural Designer - мощный инструмент для анализа и проектирования зданий, созданного для инженеров-проектировщиков, работающих в сфере проектирования коммерческих строительных объектов. Tekla Structural Designer дополняет основную программу Tekla Structures и позволяет полноценно использовать все преимущества 3D-моделирования, благодаря единому рабочему процессу, включающему и анализ и проектирование. Tekla Structural Designer - это интеллектуальная загрузка данных, широкий набор аналитических функций, полная  автоматизация проектирования, высокое качество документации и готовая полноценная система BIM-моделирования. Все это помогает инженерам повысить эффективность и сократить расходы/издержки при создании проектов.

Tekla Structural Designer предлагает мощные инструменты для работы с железобетонными и металлическими конструкциями, позволяя инженерам быстро сравнивать различные варианты схем проектирования, эффективно управлять изменениями, а также создавать удобную среду для совместной работы. Полностью автоматизированное проектирование и анализ, улучшенные инструменты и повышенная производительность позволяют инженерам  предлагать больше альтернативных вариантов проектов, независимо от размера и сложности объекта, тем самым обеспечивая высокое качество обслуживания заказчика.

Эффективное использование BIM-технологий - именно это было в умах разработчиков при создании Tekla Structural Designer. Используя Tekla Structural Designer, инженеры могут неоднократно синхронизировать модели с Tekla Structures и другими программами без ущерба для ключевых проектных данных. Постоянный аудит инструментов в Tekla Structural Designer позволяет инженерам видеть, что было добавлено, изменено или удалено в процессе интеграции, тем самым уменьшая риск ошибок и повышая эффективность сотрудничества с другими членами команды проекта, в том числе техниками, переработчиками и архитекторами. Tekla Structural Designer создает внутреннюю связь и  эффективную коммуникацию между всеми специалистами, работающими над проектом.

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Isograph Availability Workbench v4.0 Software
Isograph Availability Workbench v4.0

Isograph Availability Workbench v4.0

Availability Workbench is flagship suite of availability simulation software. It includes the latest versions of Isograph’s AvSim+ and RCMCost software for system availability simulation and reliability centered maintenance. In addition it includes Weibull Analysis and Life Cycle Costing modules. Availability Workbench is used to optimize maintenance and spares policies, predict system availability and throughput and estimate life cycle costs. It includes well known modeling methods such as FMECA, Reliability Block Diagram Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis.

Availability Workbench provides a fully integrated environment for:
  • Reliability Centered Maintenance. Developing and maintaining a Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) program to optimize your reliability and maintenance strategy.
  • Availability Simulation. Performing full system availability predictions taking into account complex dependencies on spares and other resources.
  • Life Cycle Cost Analysis. Performing a Life Cycle Cost Analysis to calculate the expected costs of your system during its lifetime.
  • Weibull Analysis. Analyzing historical failure data to model the failure characteristics of equipment.
  • SAP Interface. The AWB SAP Interface allows you to transfer data between AWB and SAP.
Availability Workbench can help answer questions such as:
  • Is planned maintenance cost effective? How often should it be performed?
  • What design improvements are cost and safety effective?
  • What is the optimum level of spares to be held on site and at a depot?
  • How can labor and equipment usage be improved?
  • How can buffers best be employed to maintain capacity?
  • How can risk be reduced?
  • What are the likely life cycle costs?
  • What is the best frequency for performing major overhauls?
  • Is predictive maintenance worth doing?
  • How do ageing assets affect life cycle costs?
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Isograph Reliability Workbench v14.0 Software
Isograph Reliability Workbench v14.0

Isograph Reliability Workbench v14.0

Reliability Workbench is Isograph’s flagship suite of reliability, safety and maintainability software. The software has been in continuous development since the 1980s. It is easy to use and is a great tool for all reliability and maintenance professionals.

The Reliability Workbench suite includes all the tools you will need to manage your reliability and safety studies:
  • FMECA and FMEA
  • FaultTree+ Fault Tree Analysis
  • Reliability Block Diagram analysis
  • Reliability Allocation and Growth
  • Event Tree and Markov Analysis
  • Weibull Analysis of historical failure data
  • Integrated Parts Libraries
  • Extensive Reporting Tools
  • Import and Export Facilities
  • Enterprise class collaboration tools
Reliability Workbench allows you to develop projects using one or more of the integrated analysis modules. Using the various modules you can answer questions such as:
  • What is the predicted reliability of a system?
  • Which are the critical components in my system?
  • What maintenance or design changes will improve the system reliability?
  • What are the consequences and risks of system failures?
Each of the modules is a powerful application in its own right and can be used independently, but more power is gained by the integration of the modules in the application environment. The modules can dynamically share data for ease and consistency. Users only need to input data once but can use it several times.
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IronCAD Multiphysics 2019 v21.00 Software
IronCAD Multiphysics 2019 v21.00

IronCAD Multiphysics 2019 v21.00

IronCAD recently announced the newest release of its Multiphysics for IronCAD (MPIC) finite element analysis (FEA) tool with several technologies added specifically for analyzing CAD assemblies.

Multiphysics for IronCAD is an integrated multiphysics FEA simulation tool that works directly in the IronCAD interface. To use it, users simply add material, forces and constraints to an IRONCAD model and press the "Auto Solve” button to generate analysis results. If subsequent modifications are made to the model, associativity updates and re-solves the model. This free version has node limits and can be used for relatively small assemblies.

For an additional cost, the next step up for MPIC provides fully coupled multiphysics for stress, thermal and electrostatic analysis. Included at this level of the integrated multiphysics simulation software are the following analysis types: static/steady state, dynamic/transient response, modal/vibration modes, instability buckling and frequency domains.

For advanced and specialized users, MPIC can be augmented with optional add-ons. The Advanced package includes large deformation and large rotation features and can be used to model nonlinear elastic, plastic and foam materials. The Advanced Dynamic add-on includes stress stiffened modal and arc-length nonlinear buckling analysis. The Fluid package covers flow physics impact.

Highlights for the new MPIC release include:
  • New rigid body kinematic (RBK) capabilities that combine rigid body and finite element technologies for faster analysis. Parts needing critical accuracy are analyzed using Strain-Enriched FEA (SEFEA) multiphysics technology. SEFEA takes parts of finite element, boundary element and mesh-free technologies for general simulation accuracy and speed.
  • Non-crucial parts or connecting mechanisms are treated as rigid bodies for transmitting constraints, loads or motion for assembly analysis. Mechanism assemblies, gearing systems and camscan have complex motion. If you want to find the motion of a specific point in these systems, you will need to know how to use kinematics of a rigid body. Kinematics allow you to determine position, velocity and acceleration. After determining the acceleration, you can then use kinetics to determine forces. This chain of events can be complicated, but MPIC lessens the load with just a few relatively simple steps.
  • An updated user interface with an expandable/customizable material database of more than 500 types of material data.
  • Enhanced multithread controls that can take advantage of scalable CPUs for enhancing performance.
According to Chuck Paulsen, business director for AMPS Technologies, an IronCAD simulation development partner, the newest version of MPIC, "is a first in CAE applications to easily and seamlessly utilize both rigid and flex body formulations to analyze CAD assemblies quickly and accurately from early concept to final stage design.”
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IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2019 v21.0 Update 1 SP Software
IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2019 v21.0 Update 1 SP1 x64

IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2019 v21.0 Update 1 SP

IronCAD - профессиональная программа для трехмерного твердотельного моделирования, а также моделирования с помощью поверхностей. В программе используются как классические методы параметрического моделирования, так и инновационный метод прямого редактирования. В итоге пользователь получает Гибридную систему Прямого моделирования и на основе Истории построения, одновременно с поддержкой интеллектуальных правил объединения этих методов в единой детали. Имеется встроенный рендер, для создания фотореалестичных изображений. IronCAD основан одновременно на двух ядрах (ACIS и Parasolid), позволяя пользователю переключаться между ними. Такой подход позволяет выполнять самые сложные построения и обеспечивает совместимость данных со всеми основными САПР. IronCAD представляется альтернативой САПР, основанным только на параметрическом моделировании, с сохранением полной истории построения. Развивая свои стратегические деловые отношения с компанией CAXA, IRONCAD, LLC интегрировал систему двухмерного проектирования и оформления чертежей в состав своих программ. Это полнофункциональная система двухмерного черчения дает возможность генерировать чертежи с трехмерной модели, избавляя от необходимости экспортировать 3D геометрию в какие-либо другие продукты с потерей ассоциативной связи. По своим возможностям программа сравнима с такими САПР, как AutoCAD и SolidWorks и др.

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