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Landmark GVERSE GeoGraphix 2022.1 build 21669 Software
Landmark GVERSE GeoGraphix 2022.1 build 21669

Landmark GVERSE GeoGraphix 2022.1 build 21669

GeoGraphix (fondly referred to as GGX), was founded in Denver, Colorado to build the world's first geoscience software on Windows. GVERSE GeoGraphix is the latest evolution in G&G software that delivers advanced geological and geophysical interpretation at an exceptional price. The latest release of GVERSE GeoGraphix includes revamped geophysics, fast subsurface modeling and a laser-like focus on the core workflows geoscientists use every day. GVERSE GeoGraphix is a complete geoscience platform offering leading-edge mapping, geological, geophysical & petrophysical interpretation, structural modeling, well and field planning, and state-of-the-art 3D visualization.

Key Strengths:
  • Tight integration that combines industry-leading technologies supported by a common data and project architecture.
  • Scalability that meets everyday workflow requirements of consultants as well as multinational oil companies.
  • Flexible licensing that allows you to pay for what you need/use.
  • Functionality tailored to both conventional and unconventional workflows.
  • Low requirement of IT support in-terms of hardware requirements, installation, and set-up time.
  • Cost efficient, at 30% less than comparable offerings, it is the smart solution for today's geoscientist.
GVERSE GeoGraphix consists of geoscience and engineering solutions focused on workflow optimization and enhancing the productivity of teams working on diverse geological and geophysical projects. GVERSE GeoGraphix applications give you fast, easy-to-use scalable tools that are interoperable with other known geoscience software suites, creating a truly collaborative ecosystem built around future technology trends leveraging big data, cloud, and deep learning.
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Halliburton Landmark Engineer's Desktop (EDT) 5000.14.0 Software
Halliburton Landmark Engineer's Desktop (EDT) 5000.14.0

Halliburton Landmark Engineer's Desktop (EDT) 5000.14.0

Landmark enables the design of wellbore geometries for maximum contact with the most productive reservoir zones. Similarly, completions and interventions can be designed with an eye on long-term productivity.  With Engineer’s Desktop suite of applications, the most sound and cost-effective wellbore schemes and paths can be engineered. Modeling fluid flow through complex completions is beyond traditional reservoir simulation and nodal capabilities because it should combine an accurate reservoir inflow with a highly detailed wellbore model.

Faced with ambitious drilling schedules, reduced budgets, and more complex reservoirs, the exploration and production industry today requires a solution that brings together asset teams with the goal of faster, smarter, safer results. The one complete and integrated well construction software suite on the market is Landmark Engineer’s Desktop (EDT) 5000.14

This application continually adds new science to help companies thrive in the age of drilling intelligence. Engineer’s Desktop (EDT) 5000.14 application runs on a shared data model, facilitating business process management and supporting the Well Construction Lifecycle through aiding in enhanced drilling operation efficiency. Thereby, allowing operators to take control of their well data, and through deep integration with the industry's broadest portfolio of well engineering solutions, help drive better well construction decisions.

Engineer’s Desktop software contains the following application areas:
  • Engineer's Data Model software - EDM Administration Utility, SQL Server Utility, Drilling and Well Services Data Migration
  • Drilling Engineering - CasingSeat, COMPASS, StressCheck, WELLPLAN, WELLCAT, and Well Cost applications
  • Data Management—OpenWells, Data Analyzer, PROFILE, and Real-Time View applications.
More info
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Landmark GeoGraphix Discovery v2012.0.1 build 8661 Software

Landmark GeoGraphix Discovery v2012.0.1 build 8661 hotfixes 1, 2

Landmark GeoGraphix Discovery v2012.0.1 build 8661

Усовершенствования в технологиях гидроразрыва и микросейсмического мониторинга стали причиной повышенного интереса к разработке нестандартных залежей углеводородов на суше. Эти технологии сделали возможной экономически прибыльную добычу на малорентабельных месторождениях. Сейчас основной задачей становится создание и развитие новых технологий, облегчающих поиск залежей и определение наилучших методов их разработки.

Первая версия GeoGraphix Discovery появилась в 1999 г. В настоящее время это мощный комплекс, содержащий полный спектр приложений по интегрированной геолого-геофизической интерпретации с использованием единой базы данных и мощной и развитой системой динамической интеграции между приложениями.

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Landmark GeoGraphix Discovery v5000.0.2.0 build 8183 Software

Landmark GeoGraphix Discovery v5000.0.2.0 build 8183

Landmark GeoGraphix Discovery v5000.0.2.0 build 8183

Усовершенствования в технологиях гидроразрыва и микросейсмического мониторинга стали причиной повышенного интереса к разработке нестандартных залежей углеводородов на суше. Эти технологии сделали возможной экономически прибыльную добычу на малорентабельных месторождениях. Сейчас основной задачей становится создание и развитие новых технологий, облегчающих поиск залежей и определение наилучших методов их разработки.

Первая версия GeoGraphix Discovery появилась в 1999 г. В настоящее время это мощный комплекс, содержащий полный спектр приложений по интегрированной геолого-геофизической интерпретации с использованием единой базы данных и мощной и развитой системой динамической интеграции между приложениями.

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