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Hexagon GeoMedia Suite 2022 v16.7.0.210 Software
Hexagon GeoMedia Suite 2022 v16.7.0.210

Hexagon GeoMedia Suite 2022 v16.7.0.210

Maps present data visually, allowing you to visualize location and gain other information from your data. Making the information-gathering process easier—making a good map—requires powerful analytical tools and clear symbolization. Whether updating land and tax records, analyzing traffic flow and accidents, or determining the best locations for evacuation centers, GeoMedia combines tabular and geographic data to produce actionable information.

GeoMedia is a powerful, flexible GIS management platform that lets you aggregate data from a variety of sources and analyze them in unison to extract clear, actionable information. It provides simultaneous access to geospatial data in almost any form and displays it in a single unified map view for efficient processing, analysis, presentation, and sharing. GeoMedia’s functionality makes it ideal for extracting information from an array of dynamically changing data to support informed, smarter decision-making.

Utility organizations use GeoMedia to better plan, operate, and manage assets using geospatial intelligence and smart workflows.

GeoMedia tools and analytics help city leaders increase the quality of urban services, engage with the community, and decrease overall costs and resource consumption.

Public safety agencies use GeoMedia to analyze live queries for fast results, determine event hotspots for mitigation, and run historical queries for future insight.

GeoMedia assists transportation agencies with managing and analyzing their networks, generating reports, and determining appropriate actions to ensure safety on their roadways.

GeoMedia gives defense analysts immediate data integration and visualization to detect targets and points of interest in order to make fast, informed, mission critical decisions.
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Leica Hexagon GeoCompressor 2022 v16.7.0.1963 Software
Leica Hexagon GeoCompressor 2022 v16.7.0.1963

Leica Hexagon GeoCompressor 2022 v16.7.0.1963

GeoCompressor 2022 (Windows), is a stand-alone data preparation tool to rapidly compress imagery data to ECW or JPEG 2000 file formats. This release extends this core capability to also cover a variety of user experience improvements, including regional localization support.

GeoCompressor 2022 also provides incremental performance improvements and bug fixes, valued by our Data Provider customers seeking to compress ever-growing project sizes on commodity hardware.
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Hexagon ERDAS IMAGINE 2022 v16.7.0.1216 Software
Hexagon ERDAS IMAGINE 2022 v16.7.0.1216

Hexagon ERDAS IMAGINE 2022 v16.7.0.1216

Geographic imaging professionals need to process vast amounts of geospatial data every day — often relying on software designed for other purposes and add-on applications that create almost as many problems as they solve. Save both time and money, leverage existing data investments, and improve your image analysis capabilities with ERDAS IMAGINE.

ERDAS IMAGINE provides true value, consolidating remote sensing, photogrammetry, LiDAR analysis, basic vector analysis, and radar processing into a single product.

ERDAS IMAGINE simplifies image classification and segmentation, orthorectification, mosaicking, reprojection, elevation extraction, and image interpretation.

Powerful algorithms and data processing functions work behind the scenes so you can concentrate on your analyses.

ERDAS IMAGINE offers K-Means, ISODATA, object-based image segmentation, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

The Spatial Modeler’s graphical editing environment provides flexibility to capture domain expertise and turn it into re-usable algorithms.

ERDAS IMAGINE fully enables the display, editing, and analysis of point clouds derived from LiDAR or point correlation of stereo pairs.
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Hexagon CAESAR II 2019 v11.00.00.4800 build 190424 Software
Hexagon CAESAR II 2019 v11.00.00.4800 build 190424

Hexagon CAESAR II 2019 v11.00.00.4800 build 190424

CAESAR II is the world’s most widely used pipe flexibility and stress analysis software, CAESAR II is a complete solution that enables quick and accurate analysis of piping systems subjected to a wide variety of loads, taking into account weight, pressure, thermal, seismic and other static and dynamic conditions, based on user-defined variables and accepted industry guidelines. CAESAR II analyzes piping systems of any size or complexity, whether the need is to design a new system or trouble-shoot an existing one. And, CAESAR II features the only bi-directional link between analysis and CAD design, allowing engineers and designers to easily share information while keeping the drawing and related data in sync.

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Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726 Software
Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726 repack

Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726

Intergraph CAESAR II определяет напряженно-деформированное состояние трубопроводов и поведение конструкций по международным нормам и стандартам. Являясь эталоном для сравнения, программа стала мировым стандартом прочностного анализа трубопроводных систем.

Ensuring your plant’s piping systems adhere to international codes and standards plays an integral role in keeping your plant operational. Intergraph CAESAR II software makes it easy to input and display all the data needed to accurately define a piping system analysis model. It evaluates the structural responses and stresses of your piping systems to international codes and standards, and enables you to access and modify, if necessary, input element by element or globally. As pipe flexibility and stress analysis software, CAESAR II makes quick work of developing analysis models while clearly indicating areas of concern via color-coded stress models and animated displacements for any stress load case. Included are tools and wizards to help you create expansion loops or view plant models, removing the guesswork from producing accurate analysis and recommending practical design changes.
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Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726 Software
Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726

Intergraph CAESAR II 2018 v10.00.00.7700 build 170726

Intergraph CAESAR II определяет напряженно-деформированное состояние трубопроводов и поведение конструкций по международным нормам и стандартам. Являясь эталоном для сравнения, программа стала мировым стандартом прочностного анализа трубопроводных систем.

Ensuring your plant’s piping systems adhere to international codes and standards plays an integral role in keeping your plant operational. Intergraph CAESAR II software makes it easy to input and display all the data needed to accurately define a piping system analysis model. It evaluates the structural responses and stresses of your piping systems to international codes and standards, and enables you to access and modify, if necessary, input element by element or globally. As pipe flexibility and stress analysis software, CAESAR II makes quick work of developing analysis models while clearly indicating areas of concern via color-coded stress models and animated displacements for any stress load case. Included are tools and wizards to help you create expansion loops or view plant models, removing the guesswork from producing accurate analysis and recommending practical design changes.
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Intergraph CADWorx 2017.01 Software
Intergraph CADWorx (Plant, P&ID, Equipment, IP, SpecEditor) 2017.01

Intergraph CADWorx 2017.01

Intergraph CADWorx Plant Design Suite is an integrated, complete AutoCAD-based software series for plant design that provides intelligent drawing and database connectivity, advanced levels of automation, and easy-to-use drafting tools. The comprehensive series of design tools includes structural steel, equipment, process and instrument diagrams, and design review, plus automatic isometrics and bills of material. CADWorx is quick and easy to set up and use, so you can start designing right away. The bi-directional links between CADWorx and analysis programs for pipes and vessels enable designers and engineers to easily share information while keeping the drawings, models, and related information continuously synchronized as changes are made. And, the fast processing and highly refined user-interface features in CADWorx empower users to work efficiently together, even on large models. Since its introduction, CADWorx has revolutionized the plant design industry with its ease of use, flexibility, interconnectivity, and scalability.

CADWorx – объединенный комплекс инструментов на основе AutoCAD для промышленного проектирования, предоставляющий возможность интеллектуальной связи между чертежом и базой данных, высокий уровень автоматизации, легкие в использовании инструменты оформления чертежа, а также, впервые в данной отрасли, связь между CAD-программами и инженерно-аналитическими приложениями.

Комплекс CADWorx Plant обеспечивает наиболее полный набор инструментов для промышленного проектирования без лишних затруднений. Сюда включается проектирование трубопроводов, оборудования, металлоконструкций, систем отопления и вентиляции, кабельных трасс, а также связи с базой данных. CADWorx Plant Professional, кроме того, содержит CADWorx Equipment, ISOGEN и действующие связи с базой данных. Доступны также дополнительные модули: санитарно-технический модуль и модуль гибких труб.

CADWorx P&ID предоставляет пользователю гибкие возможности создания технологических схем различного уровня информативности при минимальных затраченных усилиях. CADWorx P&ID Professional включает в себя также CADWorx Loops, CADWorx IP (Internet Publisher) и действующие связи с базой данных.

CADWorx Steel – это полнофункциональный пакет для моделирования металлоконструкций, позволяющий пользователям быстро вставлять элементы металлопроката в свои чертежи или создавать комплексные металлоконструкции с перекрытиями, с возможностями применения базы данных. Модуль CADWorx Steel включен в CADWorx Plant, модуль CADWorx Steel Professional включен в CADWorx Plant Professional.

CADWorx Equipment предназначен для параметрического моделирования оборудования и имеет все необходимые средства для легкого 3D -моделирования оборудования для промышленных объектов. Этот пакет позволяет Вам безошибочно, быстро и просто проектировать такие элементы, как сосуды, теплообменники, емкости, насосы и т.д. Также, модели сосудов и теплообменников могут быть переданы с помощью двунаправленной связи в программу PVElite для проведения расчета.
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Intergraph PV Elite 2017 v19.00.00.0000 Software
Intergraph PV Elite 2017 v19.00.00.0000

Intergraph PV Elite 2017 v19.00.00.0000

Intergraph PV Elite – наиболее полное решение для анализа и расчета проектируемых аппаратов, работающих под давлением, и теплообменников. PV Elite легко определяет предельное значение давления для сосудов и теплообменников, в том числе при сочетании нагрузок с заданием большого объема данных. Исходные данные в PV Elite собраны в логические группы, что упрощает их ввод. Для получения справки по любому значению достаточно один раз нажать кнопку. Графическое представление расчетной модели в PV Elite помогает определить ошибки в исходных данных и удостовериться в результатах. С PV Elite вы сможете легко и просто просматривать расчетную модель и управлять ей. PV Elite выполняет расчеты в соответствии со следующими стандартами: ASME Глава VIII Разделы 1 и 2, PD 5500 и EN 13445. Также для оценки текущего состояния и остаточного ресурса действующего оборудования используется методика API 579 (пригодность к эксплуатации). Для проверки точности расчетов в PV Elite перечисляются основные уравнения, такие как расчет толщины и максимально допустимое рабочее давление (МДРД); программа также группирует результаты по типу (например, для внутреннего или внешнего давления, для напряжения изгиба, штуцера или фланца). Программа суммирует общие результаты и определяет элемент или узел для контроля МДРП всего аппарата.

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Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical 2015 Software
Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical 2015

Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical 2015

Design and maintain a safe, reliable power distribution system from load identification to plant startup. Fast-track project execution for engineering companies and lower operational risk for plant owners are keys to business success, and Intergraph can help you achieve these goals. Intergraph SmartPlant Electrical is a task-specific, rule-driven, and data-centric solution that helps you gain a competitive edge in the industry.

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Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 2013 Software
Intergraph (INtools) SmartPlant Instrumentation 2013

Intergraph SmartPlant Instrumentation 2013

SmartPlant Instrumentation – the industry-leading instrumentation solution – helps EPCs better design plants. Owner operators can prevent failure by better managing and storing the history of your instrumentation and control system as well as prevent unscheduled shutdowns by better planning maintenance. This solution also assists in planning plant expansions or control system modernizations.

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