Автор: Williams
Дата: 26 апреля 2016
Просмотров: 816 |
GlobalCAD Organizer 2016 v1.2

GlobalCAD Organizer gives you tools to create and manage design content for maximum results! GlobalCAD Organizer gives you the tools to create and manage drawing objects like never before! Its unique object-authoring suite includes Block Manager, Hatch Manager, Linetype Wizard and Attribute Wizard. Now you can instantly publish intelligent block libraries, stunning hatch patterns and complex linetypes from existing drawing content. With GlobalCAD Organizer, objects are organized within distinct libraries with advanced viewing capabilities. They can be identified fast and are accessible right when you need them. Management tools ensure the library database is always up to date, with the ability to view and print library content and other details. Objects including blocks and hatch patterns can be contained on local drives or on a network.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 25 апреля 2016
Просмотров: 1 905 |
GlobalCAD Symbols Packs 1-4 2016 v1.2
GlobalCAD Symbols Pack 1 serves the essential needs of architects, land planners and irrigation professionals (2D).
GlobalCAD Symbols Pack 2 serves the essential needs of architects, land planners and irrigation professionals (3D).
GlobalCAD Symbols Pack 3 serves the essential needs of landscape designers, land planners and irrigation professionals (2D).
GlobalCAD Symbols Pack 4 serves the essential needs of landscape designers, land planners and irrigation professionals (3D). |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 24 апреля 2016
Просмотров: 1 922 |
GlobalCAD Terrain 2016 v1.2
The essential tools in GlobalCAD Terrain make it easy to create accurate and intelligent site surveys and stunning 3D terrain models with a single mouse click.
Working with site survey data forms a critical component of any project. Information can be presented as anything from 2D markers to points in 3D space or contours. GlobalCAD Terrain gives you the tools to generate 'intelligent' surveys, either by converting an existing drawing or starting from scratch. Move any intelligent survey point marker and its associated XYZ value automatically updates to suit the new location.
Furthermore, you can generate 3D surface terrain models covering vast areas with a single mouse click. The terrain is developed by connecting the given survey points and forming triangles to create a surface model. Using advanced algorithms, GlobalCAD Terrain can produce these models as polyface meshes or solids (including volumetric data).
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 23 апреля 2016
Просмотров: 1 913 |
GlobalCAD Landscape 2016 v1.2
GlobalCAD Landscape is the integrated landscape design solution that simplifies the way you work with AutoCAD 2007-2016 and Bricscad 11-16. In today's competitive environment, GlobalCAD Landscape boosts productivity and helps you deliver winning designs ahead of time.
Key Features:
- Freedom to investigate design concepts with professional 2D symbol libraries.
- Published in association with industry experts, design libraries are indexed into familiar categories, saving valuable drafting time.
- Instant ribbon/toolbar access to symbols, hatch patterns and complex linetypes.
- Create stunning presentations with an outstanding array of 3D models, featuring landscape GIS and civil.
- All models are render-ready with applied materials for fast, effortless photorealistic results directly within AutoCAD/Bricscad.
- Options also exist for seamless export to visualization packages such as Autodesk 3DS Max and AccuRender.
- Browse and compare blocks and drawing details fast within libraries.
- Create extensive libraries containing 2D, 3D and attributed blocks within seconds - with no user intervention necessary.
- Generate surveys with ‘intelligent’ survey markers - for ultimate accuracy.
- Move any markers in your drawing and their associative XYZ label automatically updates to reflect their new position!
- Easily create 3D surface terrains (mesh and solids options) covering vast areas with a single mouse click.
- Conversion tools to instantly transform any existing surface mesh to solids.
- Quickly attach attribute and cost information to drawing objects and symbols.
- Query drawings and export data to popular formats including MS Excel and Access.
- Bi-directionally link drawings and corresponding spreadsheets.
- The most complete reference with extensive data on over 10,000 plants.
- Uniquely expandable, add your own plant data, photographs and more.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 22 апреля 2016
Просмотров: 1 392 |
GlobalCAD Architecture 2016 v1.2
Компания GlobalCAD анонсировала новую версию продукта Architecture 2016 (ex-LandARCH), превосходного решения для архитекторов и ландшафтных дизайнеров, использующих инструменты на базе платформы AutoCAD и, внимание, Bricscad!
GlobalCAD Architecture 2016 поможет значительно повысить продуктивность труда перечисленных выше специалистов благодаря превосходному набору инструментов для двухмерного и трехмерного проектирования, наличию встроенного модуля расчета затрат и составления спецификаций материалов (BOM), и механизмов управления проектами. В комплект поставки входит впечатляющая библиотека 3D-моделей, которые могут обрабатываться в приложениях AutoCAD и Bricscad или передаваться для последующего рендеринга в специализированные пакеты, такие, как Viz Render и 3DS Max.
GlobalCAD Architecture 2016 поддерживает версии AutoCAD 2007-2016 и Bricscad 11-16.
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