Автор: Williams Дата: 5 декабря 2017
Просмотров: 2 934
GEOTEC ELPLA Professional v9.2 SP1
ELPLA (ELASTIC PLATE) is a program for analyzing raft foundations of arbitrary shape with the real subsoil model. The mathematical solution of the raft is based on the finite element method. The program can analyze different types of subsoil models, especially the three-dimensional Continuum model that considers any number of irregular layers. A good advantage of this program is the capability to handle the three analyses of flexible, elastic and rigid foundations. In addition, the mesh of the rigid and flexible foundations can be constructed to be analogous to the finite elements mesh of the elastic foundation. Therefore, the three analyses can be compared easily and correctly. ELPLA can also be used to represent the effect of external loads, neighbouring foundations, tunnelling and the influence of the temperature difference on the raft.