Repute provides a rich set of tools for designing/analyzing onshore piles, including:
various types of single pile, using current and historical design standards (such as Eurocode 7 & BS 8004)
pile groups under generalized 3-dimensional loading, using linear or non-linear soil models
The program includes a wide range of engineering capabilities for designing single piles to modern design standards and analysing pile groups in 3-dimensions using linear and non-linear soil models.
Автор: Williams Дата: 5 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 1 034
Geocentrix ReActiv v1.7
ReActiv is an interactive computer program for designing reinforced slopes in a wide variety of soil types, using reinforced soil or soil nails. ReActiv's user interface has been designed to make the program simple to use and quick to learn - without sacrificing the level of control over calculations that engineers demand.