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ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v8.03 build 3 Software
ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v8.03 build 3 x64

ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v8.03 build 3

Groundwater Vistas (GV) is a sophisticated Windows graphical user interface for 3-D groundwater flow & transport modelling. GV couples a powerful model design system with comprehensive graphical analysis tools. Developed by the author of ModelCadTM, GV is a model-independent graphical design system for MODFLOW MODPATH (both steady-state and transient versions), MT3DMS, MODFLOWT, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOW2000, GFLOW, RT3D, PATH3D, SEAWAT and PEST. The advanced (stochastic) version of Groundwater Vistas provides the ideal groundwater risk assessment tool. Groundwater Vistas is the first modeling environment for the MODFLOW family of models that allows for the quantification of uncertainty. Stochastic Groundwater Vistas includes Monte Carlo versions of MODFLOW, MODPATH and MT3D , Geostatistical Simulators SWIFT support, 64-bit support and more. The Professional version includes Groundwater Vistas Advanced + AquiferWin32, Winflow, GW3D, MODHMS support, and GSFLOW support. The Premium version includes Groundwater Vistas Professional + SAMG Solver. GV displays the model design in both plan and cross-sectional views using a split window (both views are visible at the same time). Model results are presented using contours, shaded contours, velocity vectors, and detailed analysis of mass balance.

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ESI PipelineStudio v4.2.1.0 Software
ESI PipelineStudio v4.2.1.0

ESI PipelineStudio v4.2.1.0

PipelineStudio is the industry-leading pipeline management design software and engineering solution that combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry-proven simulation engines. It provides fast, accurate, robust and reliable answers to a wide range of steady-state and transient analysis challenges. PipelineStudio delivers rapid and accurate offline Pipeline management design, planning and hydraulic analysis for natural gas and liquid pipelines through advanced state-of-the-art simulation techniques.

Features: Flow assurance; Pipeline management design; Designing, routing, sizing of pipeline networks; Upset, leak and survival time analysis; Strategic, operational and capacity planning; Rapid assessment of unscheduled changes in operation; Operational prognosis; Compressor requirements; Fuel consumption calculations; Line pack management; Assessment of storage requirements; Surge Analysis.
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ESI AquiferWin32 v5.03 Software
ESI AquiferWin32 v5.03

ESI AquiferWin32 v5.03

Aquifer test analysis is an integral part of groundwater modeling, supplying critical hydraulic parameters to the model or other basic groundwater calculations. Aquiferwin32 is a sophisticated Windows program that supports the analysis of aquifer tests, slug tests, and step tests. Multiple observation wells can be analyzed individually or as a group. AquiferWin32 also evaluates test data using the derivative method and can be used to simulate aquifer tests.

Key Features:
  • Data Spreadsheet in Split Window
  • Site Map and Wells Displayed in Plan View
  • Generates Multi-Curve Type Curve Plots
  • Dockable Toolbars with Tool TipsTab Views Including Spreadsheet, Type Curve, and Map Views
  • Customizable Views - Text and Parameter Annotations, Legends, Symbols, Lines and Frames
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ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v7.08 build 6 Software
ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v7.08 build 6

ESI Groundwater Vistas Premium v7.08 build 6

Groundwater Vistas (GV) is a sophisticated Windows graphical user interface for 3-D groundwater flow & transport modelling. GV couples a powerful model design system with comprehensive graphical analysis tools. Developed by the author of ModelCadTM, GV is a model-independent graphical design system for MODFLOW MODPATH (both steady-state and transient versions), MT3DMS, MODFLOWT, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOW2000, GFLOW, RT3D, PATH3D, SEAWAT and PEST. The advanced (stochastic) version of Groundwater Vistas provides the ideal groundwater risk assessment tool. Groundwater Vistas is the first modeling environment for the MODFLOW family of models that allows for the quantification of uncertainty. Stochastic Groundwater Vistas includes Monte Carlo versions of MODFLOW, MODPATH and MT3D , Geostatistical Simulators SWIFT support, 64-bit support and more. The Professional version includes Groundwater Vistas Advanced + AquiferWin32, Winflow, GW3D, MODHMS support*, and GSFLOW support. The Premium version includes Groundwater Vistas Professional + SAMG Solver. GV displays the model design in both plan and cross-sectional views using a split window (both views are visible at the same time). Model results are presented using contours, shaded contours, velocity vectors, and detailed analysis of mass balance.

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ESI ITI SimulationX Pro v3.8.2.45319 Software
ESI ITI SimulationX Pro v3.8.2.45319 x86+x64

ESI ITI SimulationX Pro v3.8.2.45319

Discover new fields of application including non-Newtonian fluids and the simulation of medical equipment for toxicological and pharmacological analyses. Enhanced as well as new model libraries for hydraulic lubrication systems, hydraulic brake systems and energy analyses for urban districts, for instance, and a model library for 3D belt drives are just a few highlights. With powerful calculation methods and a fresh graphical user interface, system simulation has never been more efficient and convenient.

More info.
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ESI PipelineStudio v4.0.1.0 Software
ESI PipelineStudio v4.0.1.0

ESI PipelineStudio v4.0.1.0

PipelineStudio is the industry-leading pipeline management design software and engineering solution that combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry-proven simulation engines. It provides fast, accurate, robust and reliable answers to a wide range of steady-state and transient analysis challenges. PipelineStudio delivers rapid and accurate offline Pipeline management design, planning and hydraulic analysis for natural gas and liquid pipelines through advanced state-of-the-art simulation techniques.

Features: Flow assurance; Pipeline management design; Designing, routing, sizing of pipeline networks; Upset, leak and survival time analysis; Strategic, operational and capacity planning; Rapid assessment of unscheduled changes in operation; Operational prognosis; Compressor requirements; Fuel consumption calculations; Line pack management; Assessment of storage requirements; Surge Analysis.
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ESI PipelineStudio v4.0.0.0 Software
ESI PipelineStudio v4.0.0.0

ESI PipelineStudio v4.0.0.0

PipelineStudio is the industry-leading pipeline management design software and engineering solution that combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry-proven simulation engines. It provides fast, accurate, robust and reliable answers to a wide range of steady-state and transient analysis challenges. PipelineStudio delivers rapid and accurate offline Pipeline management design, planning and hydraulic analysis for natural gas and liquid pipelines through advanced state-of-the-art simulation techniques.

Features: Flow assurance; Pipeline management design; Designing, routing, sizing of pipeline networks; Upset, leak and survival time analysis; Strategic, operational and capacity planning; Rapid assessment of unscheduled changes in operation; Operational prognosis; Compressor requirements; Fuel consumption calculations; Line pack management; Assessment of storage requirements; Surge Analysis.
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ESI PipelineStudio v3.6.1.0 Software
ESI PipelineStudio v3.6.1.0

ESI PipelineStudio v3.6.1.0

PipelineStudio is the industry-leading pipeline management design software and engineering solution that combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry-proven simulation engines. It provides fast, accurate, robust and reliable answers to a wide range of steady-state and transient analysis challenges. PipelineStudio delivers rapid and accurate offline Pipeline management design, planning and hydraulic analysis for natural gas and liquid pipelines through advanced state-of-the-art simulation techniques.

Features: Flow assurance; Pipeline management design; Designing, routing, sizing of pipeline networks; Upset, leak and survival time analysis; Strategic, operational and capacity planning; Rapid assessment of unscheduled changes in operation; Operational prognosis; Compressor requirements; Fuel consumption calculations; Line pack management; Assessment of storage requirements; Surge Analysis.

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ESI PipelineStudio v3.5.0.0 Software

ESI PipelineStudio v3.5.0.0

ESI PipelineStudio v3.5.0.0

PipelineStudio is the industry-leading pipeline management design software and engineering solution that combines graphical configuration and reporting tools with industry-proven simulation engines. It provides fast, accurate, robust and reliable answers to a wide range of steady-state and transient analysis challenges. PipelineStudio delivers rapid and accurate offline Pipeline management design, planning and hydraulic analysis for natural gas and liquid pipelines through advanced state-of-the-art simulation techniques.

Features: Flow assurance; Pipeline management design; Designing, routing, sizing of pipeline networks; Upset, leak and survival time analysis; Strategic, operational and capacity planning; Rapid assessment of unscheduled changes in operation; Operational prognosis; Compressor requirements; Fuel consumption calculations; Line pack management; Assessment of storage requirements; Surge Analysis.

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ESI CFD Advanced v2013.0 Software

ESI CFD Advanced  v2013.0 x86+x64

ESI CFD Advanced v2013.0

CFD-Advanced относится к классу CFD & Multiphysics программного обеспечения, позволяющего моделировать поведение жидких, термических, химических, биологических, электрических и механических систем. CFD-Advanced является модульной и масштабируемой системой. Она включает в себя ряд числовых и физических моделей, а также продвинутые пре- и пост-процессорные модули. CFD-Advanced поддерживает все современные интерфейсы, начиная с мульти-блочного структурирования, и заканчивая деформационными сетками. Также поддерживается большинство из современных CAD/CAE/EDA форматов данных. CFD-Advanced заточена под параллельные вычисления на РС-совместимых и кластерных системах. CFD-Advanced предлагает в базовой комплектации модули моделирования жидкостных, тепловых систем и турбулентности. Помимо этого, существую блоки моделирования биотехнологических систем, плазмы, полупроводников, MEMS, космических и топливных элементов.

Пакет CFD-Advanced был разработан на основе принципов модульности и расширяемости, что обеспечивает ему большую гибкость при использовании. CFD-Advanced применяется более чем 400 компаниями и институтами во всем мире и включает в себя высокотехнологичные физические и цифровые модели, а также среду помощи в проектировании, основанную на моделировании. В программу заложены также все методы моделирования, в частности, структурное мультиблочное моделирование, неструктурное общее полиэдрическое моделирование, техника произвольных сопряжений, а также перемещение и деформация сеток, связанных данными, для самых распространенных форматов данных САПР, КАПР и EDA (автоматизированное проектирование электрических схем).

В состав ESI Advanced CFD v2013.0 входят:

  • CFD-Advanced (CFD-ACE+, CFD-FASTRUN, CFD-TOPO) - Advanced CFD and Multiphysics Solver
  • CFD-GEOM - Geometry Modeler and Mesh Generator
  • CFD-VisCART - Cartesian Mesh Generator
  • CFD-VIEW - Solution Analysis and Visualization Tool
  • CFD-CADalyzer - Unified Basic CFD Tool

Основные улучшения в версии 2013.0

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