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Water Systems Analysis, Design, and Planning Bookware
Mohammad Karamouz - Water Systems Analysis, Design, and Planning

CRC Press, 2022
pdf, 959 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-367-52845-4

Water Systems Analysis, Design, and Planning

This book presents three distinct pillars for analysis, design, and planning: urban water cycle and variability as the state of water being; landscape architecture as the medium for built-by-design; and total systems as the planning approach. The increasing demand for water and urban and industrial expansions have caused myriad environmental, social, economic, and political predicaments. More frequent and severe floods and droughts have changed the resiliency and ability of water infrastructure systems to operate and provide services to the public. These concerns and issues have also changed the way we plan and manage our water resources.

Focusing on urban challenges and contexts, the book provides foundational information regarding water science and engineering while also examining topics relating to urban stormwater, water supply, and wastewater infrastructures. It also addresses critical emerging issues such as simulation and economic modeling, flood resiliency, environmental visualization, satellite data applications, and digital data model (DEM) advancements.

  • Explores various theoretical, practical, and real-world applications of system analysis, design, and planning of urban water infrastructures.
  • Discusses hydrology, hydraulics, and basic laws of water flow movement through natural and constructed environments.
  • Describes a wide range of novel topics ranging from water assets, water economics, systems analysis, risk, reliability, and disaster management.
  • Examines the details of hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling and simulation of conceptual and data-driven models.
  • Delineates flood resiliency, environmental visualization, pattern recognition, and machine learning attributes.Explores a compilation of tools and emerging techniques that elevate the reader to a higher plateau in water and environmental systems management.
Water Systems Analysis, Design, and Planning: Urban Infrastructure serves as a useful resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in the areas of water resources and systems analysis, as well as practicing engineers and landscape professionals.
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Computational Multiphase Geomechanics Bookware
Fusao Oka, Sayuri Kimoto - Computational Multiphase Geomechanics

CRC Press, 2022
pdf, 355 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-032-05955-6

Numerical methods are very powerful tools for use in geotechnical engineering, particularly in computational geotechnics. Interest is strong in the new field of multi-phase nature of geomaterials, and the area of computational geotechnics is expanding.

Alongside their companion volume Computational Modeling of Multiphase Geomaterials (CRC Press, 2012), Fusao Oka and Sayuri Kimoto cover recent progress in several key areas, such as air-water-soil mixture, cyclic constitutive models, anisotropic models, noncoaxial models, gradient models, compaction bands (a form of volumetric strain localization and strain localization under dynamic conditions), and the instability of unsaturated soils.

The text also includes applications of computational modeling to large-scale excavation of ground, liquefaction analysis of levees during earthquakes, methane hydrate development, and the characteristics of contamination using bentonite. The erosion of embankments due to seepage flow is also presented.
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Computational Fluid Dynamics for Mechanical Engineering Bookware
George Qin - Computational Fluid Dynamics for Mechanical Engineering

CRC Press, 2022
pdf, 385 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-367-68729-8

Computational Fluid Dynamics for Mechanical Engineering

This textbook presents the basic methods, numerical schemes, and algorithms of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Readers will learn to compose MATLAB programs to solve realistic fluid flow problems. Newer research results on the stability and boundedness of various numerical schemes are incorporated. The book emphasizes large eddy simulation (LES) in the chapter on turbulent flow simulation besides the two-equation models. Volume of fraction (VOF) and level-set methods are the focus of the chapter on two-phase flows. The textbook was written for a first course in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) taken by undergraduate students in a Mechanical Engineering major.

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Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition Bookware
Ansel Ugural - Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition

CRC, 2021
pdf, 1240 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-367-51347-4

Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition

Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition strikes a balance between theory and application, and prepares students for more advanced study or professional practice. Updated throughout, it outlines basic concepts and provides the necessary theory to gain insight into mechanics with numerical methods in design. Divided into three sections, the text presents background topics, addresses failure prevention across a variety of machine elements, and covers the design of machine components as well as entire machines. Optional sections treating special and advanced topics are also included.

  • Places a strong emphasis on the fundamentals of mechanics of materials as they relate to the study of mechanical design.
  • Furnishes material selection charts and tables as an aid for specific uses.
  • Includes numerous practical case studies of various components and machines.
  • Covers applied finite element analysis in design, offering this useful tool for computer-oriented examples.
  • Addresses the ABET design criteria in a systematic manner.
  • Presents independent chapters that can be studied in any order.
  • Introduces optional MATLAB® solutions tied to the book and student learning resources.
  • Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition allows students to gain a grasp of the fundamentals of machine design and the ability to apply these fundamentals to various new engineering problems.
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Practical Civil Engineering Bookware
P.K. Jayasree, K. Balan, V. Rani - Practical Civil Engineering

CRC, 2021
pdf, 676 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-138-03313-9

Practical Civil Engineering

The book provides primary information about civil engineering to both a civil and non-civil engineering audience in areas such as construction management, estate management, and building. Basic civil engineering topics like surveying, building materials, construction technology and management, concrete technology, steel structures, soil mechanics and foundations, water resources, transportation and environment engineering are explained in detail. Codal provisions of US, UK and India are included to cater to a global audience. Insights into techniques like modern surveying equipment and technologies, sustainable construction materials, and modern construction materials are also included.

Key features:
  • Provides a concise presentation of theory and practice for all technical in civil engineering.
  • Contains detailed theory with lucid illustrations.
  • Focuses on the management aspects of a civil engineer's job.
  • Addresses contemporary issues such as permitting, globalization, sustainability, and emerging technologies.
  • Includes codal provisions of US, UK and India.
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Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement Bookware
Jay Ameratunga, Nagaratnam Sivakugan, Braja M. Das - Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement

CRC Press, 2021
pdf, 480 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-138-31653-9

Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement

Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement covers the design and implementation of ground improvement techniques as applicable to soft clays. This particular subject poses major geotechnical challenges in civil engineering. Not only civil engineers, but planners, architects, consultants and contractors are now aware what soft soils are and the risks associated with development of such areas.

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Engineering Statics Bookware
M. Rashad Islam, Md Abdullah Al Faruque, Bahar Zoghi, ylvester A. Kalevela - Engineering Statics

CRC, 2021
pdf, 308 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-367-56106-2

Engineering Statics

Engineering Statics presents the cutting-edge topics in engineering statics, focusing on practical applications knowledge, with numerous real-world examples, practice problems, and case studies throughout. It covers theory concisely and uses plain language and coverage that can be completed in a one-semester course. It also covers the related concepts required to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.

  • Written in plain language, with numerous realistic step-by-step examples.
  • Covers topics required to understand and prepare for the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam.
  • Includes practical case studies, concise theory and numerous solved practice problems.
  • Engineering Statics is suitable for undergraduate students in civil and mechanical engineering courses, as well as those in Engineering Technology and Applied courses. This book includes material suitable for first and second-year undergraduate courses, as well as more senior students.
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Asphalt Mixture Selection Bookware
Cliff Nicholls, Arthur Hannah - Asphalt Mixture Selection

CRC, 2020
pdf, 165 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-138-61682-0

Asphalt Mixture Selection

This practical guide starts with a survey of the types of site and the asphalt properties which are required. Various external influences which may affect the relative importance of some properties are addressed, and the interplay of sites and external is considered. Asphalt mixture types and their properties are reviewed, largely as defined in the EN 13108 series but subdivided into further categories, and into maximum nominal coarse aggregate sizes using EN 13043 basic set plus set 2 sizes.

Guidance is given, including using flowcharts, of the different mixtures that are suitable for each situation. In some cases a range of choices or mixtures with different degrees of suitability is offered. The guidance covers surface course, binder course and base, but with more focus on the surface course where the external influence is most significant. The site and external influence combinations on which a mixture can be used successfully are also given.

The book is primarily intended for those who select asphalt on an occasional basis, such as architects or housing developers, but could be of use to other engineers with limited experience. It is also useful as an educational textbook for those studying asphalt technology.
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Traffc and Pavement Engineering Bookware
Ghazi G. Al-Khateeb - Traffc and Pavement Engineering

CRC, 2021
pdf, 575 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-0-367-14983-3

Traffc and Pavement Engineering

This book, comprising of two volumes and encompassing a total of fve parts, is the outcome of a great deal of effort and time spent over the years in studying and teaching at outstanding academic institutes like Jordan University of Science and Technology, Applied Science University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the American University of Sharjah, and the University of Sharjah, and in conducting advanced scientifc research at some of the highly recognized research centers worldwide like the Advanced Transportation Research and Engineering Laboratory (ATREL) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, the Federal Highway Administration’s Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC), advanced research labs at Jordan University of Science and Technology and the Advanced Pavement Research Lab at the University of Sharjah.

The book implements a unique kind of approach and categorizes transportation engineering topics into fve major key areas, as shown below:

  • Volume I: Traffc and Pavement Engineering
    • Part I ”Traffc Engineering” deals with the functional part of transportation systems and introduces engineering techniques, practices, and models that are applied to design traffc systems, control traffc fow and movement, and construct proper roads and highways to achieve safe and effcient movement of people and traffc on roadways.
    • Part II ”Pavement Materials, Analysis, and Design” deals with both the structural and functional parts of transportation facilities and introduces engineering techniques and principles of the uses of high-quality and sustainable materials that are employed to design, maintain, and construct asphalt-surfaced road pavements and concrete rigid pavements. The ultimate goal of pavement engineering is to provide a pavement structure that is safe, durable, sustainable, and capable of carrying the predicted traffc loads under prevailing climatic conditions. Proper structural design of pavements is one that takes into consideration the mechanistic analysis of pavements for stresses and strains that can predict the performance of the pavement with time. This section fulflls this goal by presenting the subject in a unique manner.
  • Volume II: Highway Planning, Survey, and Design
    • Part I ”Urban Transportation Planning” presents a process that involves a multi-modal approach and comprehensive planning steps and models to design and evaluate a variety of alternatives for transportation systems and facilities, predict travel demand and future needs, and manage the facilities and services for the different modes of transportation to fnally achieve a safe, effcient, and sustainable system for the movement of people and goods.
    • Part II ”Highway Survey” presents the basic concepts and standard procedures necessary to make precise and accurate distance, angle, and level measurements for highway alignment, cross-sections, and earth quantities used in the design of highways.
    • Part III ”Geometric Design of Highways” deals with engineering design techniques, standards, and models that control the three main elements of highway geometric design: horizontal and vertical alignments, profle, and cross-section to achieve the primary objectives of geometric design: safety, effciency, and sustainability.
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Highway Engineering Bookware
Athanassios Nikolaides - Highway Engineering
Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality

CRC, 2015
pdf, 868 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-1-4665-7997-2

Highway Engineering

Highway engineering is the term that replaced the traditional term road engineering used in the past, after the introduction of modern highways. Highway engineering is a vast subject that involves planning, design, construction, maintenance and management of roads, bridges and tunnels for the safe and effective transportation of people and goods.

This book concentrates on design, construction, maintenance and management of pavements for roads/highways. It also includes pavement materials since they are an integral part of pavements. It has been written for graduates, postgraduates as well as practicing engineers and laboratory staff and incorporates the author’s 30 years of involvement in teaching, researching and practicing the subject of highway engineering.

Advancements in pavement materials, design, construction, maintenance and pavement management and the globalisation of the market make it imperative for the highway engineer to be aware of the techniques and standards applied globally.

One of the objectives of the book is to provide integrated information on the abovementioned disciplines of highway engineering.

Another objective is to include in one book both European and American standards and practices (CEN EN, ASTM, AASHTO and Asphalt Institute). This would result in a more useful reference textbook to pavement engineering courses taught in European and American educational establishments.

Another objective of this book is to provide a reference textbook to practicing pavement engineers and materials testing laboratory staff, working in countries employing European or American standards and techniques.

Apart from information regarding European and American practices, the reader can also find some specific information on practices employed in countries such as the United Kingdom, France and Greece, as well as Australia.

In addition, this book also aims to provide integrated information related to pavement materials (soil, aggregates, bitumen, asphalts and reclaimed material), material testing for acceptability and quality assurance, asphalt mix design, flexible and rigid pavement design, construction, maintenance and strengthening procedures, quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts, pavement evaluation, asphalt plants and pavement recycling. It also covers the basic principles of pavement management.

The book in its 18 chapters contains many tables, graphs, charts and photographs to assist the reader in learning and understanding the subject of pavement engineering and materials. It also contains a great number of references, a valuable tool to help the reader seek more information and enhance his or her knowledge.

The short description of all pavement material testing procedures, required by Europeanand American standards, as well as pavement design and maintenance procedures covered, does not, by any means, substitute or replace the standards and procedures developed by the various organisations and agencies. The reader is advised to always consult the standards or manuals developed when engaged in testing, design, construction or maintenance works.

It is hoped that this textbook will not only contribute to the understanding of the wide and challenging subject of pavement engineering but also enable a more effective and economical design, construction and maintenance of pavements by employing updated standards, practices and techniques.
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