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Carlson SurvCE v4.01 Software
Carlson SurvCE v4.01 build 07/09/2014


Carlson SurvCE v4.01

Carlson SurvCE – это мощное программное обеспечение для полевого контроллера или КПК, предназначенное для сбора и обработки полевых данных.

Carlson SurvCE позволяет осуществлять сбор данных и управлять работой ГНСС-приемников, тахеометров и цифровых нивелиров ведущих мировых производителей.

Carlson SurvCE предназначен для использования в следующих областях:
  • топографии;
  • промышленном и гражданском строительстве;
  • горном деле;
  • проектировании;
  • строительстве автодорог;
  • геофизических работах;
  • ландшафтном дизайне.

Carlson SurvCE предлагает для потребителей следующие модули:

  • TS – базовый модуль - предназначен для работы с механическими электронными тахеометрами;
  • GPS – модуль для работы с GNSS приемниками;
  • RTS – модуль для работы с роботизированными электронными тахеометрами;
  • Roads – модуль для работы с тахеометрами и GNSS приемниками при дорожном строительстве.
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Carlson Civil Suite 2015 build 140721 Software
Carlson Civil Suite 2015 build 140721 

Carlson Civil Suite 2015 build 140721

Carlson 2015 - пакет прикладных программ на плаформах AutoCAD 2000-2015 и IntelliCAD для работ по геодезии, геологии, построения цифровых моделей местности, проектирования генпланов, ГИС, добычи полезных ископаемых. Полная версия Carlson 2015 включает в себя данные программы: Survey, Civil Design, Hydrology, GIS, Construction, Takeoff, Field, Natural Regrade, Point Cluids, Basic Mining, GeoTech, Geology, Underground Mining, Surface Mining и SurvGNSS. Эти модули могут работать как совместно, так и раздельно.

Функциональные возможности:
  • автоматизация обработки данных геодезической съемки;
  • ввод и анализ данных по скважинам, построение геологической модели месторождения;
  • построение геологических карт в изолиниях, разрезов;
  • оценка запасов;
  • проектирование открытых и подземных работ;
  • планирование добычи и определение графиков загрузки оборудования.

Видеоролики по работе программы можно найти здесь.

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Carlson FAST Survey v4.1.11 Software
Carlson FAST Survey v4.1.11

Carlson FAST Survey v4.1.11

FAST Survey software is a graphical field solution designed to optimize the functionality, performance and control of the receivers for topography and construction applications. FAST Survey provides innovative, flexible support for a wide range of instruments and data formats (including other GNSS receiver and total station brands).

FAST Survey is a graphical, easy-to-use field solution. A scaleable map view displays points and lines as they are surveyed, offering large-print controls for rapid, reliable data collection. Background maps and color lines can be defined. An intuitive UI combining tabs and icons means that mission critical menus are visible from all screens and no time is spent scrolling through menus in the field.

Specifically designed to optimize the advanced features of receivers, FAST Survey features innovative UHF radio control and GSM/GPRS modem operation. These advanced communication technologies reduce time troubleshooting RTK data links and keep your focus on productive surveying. Full wireless control ensures a robust, reliable, cable-free RTK rover, reducing the cost and trouble of being wired to the equipment. The ability to collect single coordinate shots, full RTK vectors, raw GNSS data or all data types concurrently provides flexible solutions for changing needs.

Integrated control of GNSS systems, conventional total stations and robotic total stations (options) is a snap, with seamless transitions within the same job file. The flexible, modular structure of FAST Survey enables you to meet the changing needs of today’s job and tomorrow’s opportunity. Rich attributing, full editing in the field and export to industry standard data formats provides true field-to-finish capability, saving time and effort. Advanced features like offset staking, slope staking, cut-sheet export and road templates (option) deliver productivity for road construction projects, putting even large projects within reach. Support for industry standard file formats like DXF, SHP, LandXML and RW5 opens channels of compatibility with client software. Take control and work with the best tool for the job – FAST Survey.

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Carlson SurvPC v4.0 Software
Carlson SurvPC v4.0 

Carlson SurvPC v4.0

Carlson SurvPC – это мощное программное обеспечение для персонального компьютера (аналог SurvCE для КПК), предназначенное для сбора и обработки полевых данных.

With SurvPC, get the world's most flexible & powerful data collection software on the PC platform. This means: increased hardware capability; increased virtual memory & increased ability to work with large sets of data; increased screen size & more convenient touch screen usage.

Like Carlson SurvCE, SurvPC supports the widest range of popular and new release RTK GPS and conventional/robotic total stations. Carlson SurvCE and SurvPC are complete data collections systems for Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS and Total Stations with in-field coordinate geometry. SurvPC can be utilized on standard Windows PC computers such as ruggedized laptops.

Advantages include: Bigger screen display; Bigger buttons (on touchscreen computer); More graphic power; More processing power; Full Windows PC compatibility; File formats same as Carlson office products (.fld vs .fcl files for field-to-finish); Compatible symbol libraries; Import Microstation .dgn files; Import and Export AutoCAD .dwg files; Aerial photo overlays; Output to Excel.

New from Carlson SurvPC is the ability to work in the Esri ArcGIS system, yet with a familiar interface, achieving seamless accuracy in GIS. New functionality allows users to use Esri’s Map Objects to perform all survey functions with no downtime learning new software.

In the new ArcGIS-enabled version of Carlson SurvPC, Esri’s Desktop can be used intuitively to perform all survey functions; ArcGIS points, lines and polygons can be used for staking. ArcGIS Nodes can be used for resections and localization; and users will be able to query GIS feature attributes at any time with the Store Points, Stake Points, and Map View screens.

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Carlson SurvCE v4.0 Software
Carlson SurvCE v4.0

Carlson SurvCE v4.0

Carlson SurvCE – это мощное программное обеспечение для полевого контроллера или КПК, предназначенное для сбора и обработки полевых данных.

Carlson SurvCE позволяет осуществлять сбор данных и управлять работой ГНСС-приемников, тахеометров и цифровых нивелиров ведущих мировых производителей.

Carlson SurvCE предназначен для использования в следующих областях:
  • топографии;
  • промышленном и гражданском строительстве;
  • горном деле;
  • проектировании;
  • строительстве автодорог;
  • геофизических работах;
  • ландшафтном дизайне.

Carlson SurvCE предлагает для потребителей следующие модули:

  • TS – базовый модуль - предназначен для работы с механическими электронными тахеометрами;
  • GPS – модуль для работы с GNSS приемниками;
  • RTS – модуль для работы с роботизированными электронными тахеометрами;
  • Roads – модуль для работы с тахеометрами и GNSS приемниками при дорожном строительстве.
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Carlson SurveyGNSS 2014 Software
Carlson SurveyGNSS 2014

Carlson SurveyGNSS 2014

For surveyors and positioning professionals looking to achieve centimeter accuracy when working on the edge of their RTK infrastructure, perform sub-centimeter positioning, and/or provide the highest quality assurance to their customers, Carlson Software Inc. has developed the all new Carlson SurveyGNSS post-processing program. This simple, yet powerful data post-processing solution is tightly integrated into the Carlson field and office workflow. In keeping with the Carlson hallmark of interoperability with the greatest amount of GNSS hardware, SurveyGNSS is designed to accept GNSS data from any receiver in RINEX format. Furthermore, it will also accept proprietary GNSS data in an increasing number of manufacturer formats including NovAtel, Hemisphere GNSS, Altus/Septentrio, and Javad. Additional manufacturer formats will be added in concert with manufacturer cooperation and customer demand. Carlson SurveyGNSS will process GNSS observations in traditional static, "stop and go” (static-kinematic), and kinematic (moving) antenna positioning modes. The software provides a straightforward, workflow-oriented user interface, which includes an overview map and the observation files, computed vectors, and positions presented in fully functional spreadsheet-like grids.

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Carlson SurvPC v3.01 build 30.07.2013 Software
Carlson SurvPC v3.01 build 30.07.2013

Carlson SurvPC v3.01 build 30.07.2013

Carlson SurvPC – это мощное программное обеспечение для персонального компьютера (аналог SurvCE для КПК), предназначенное для сбора и обработки полевых данных.

With SurvPC, get the world's most flexible & powerful data collection software on the PC platform. This means: increased hardware capability; increased virtual memory & increased ability to work with large sets of data; increased screen size & more convenient touch screen usage.

Like Carlson SurvCE, SurvPC supports the widest range of popular and new release RTK GPS and conventional/robotic total stations. Carlson SurvCE and SurvPC are complete data collections systems for Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS and Total Stations with in-field coordinate geometry. SurvPC can be utilized on standard Windows PC computers such as ruggedized laptops.

Advantages include: Bigger screen display; Bigger buttons (on touchscreen computer); More graphic power; More processing power; Full Windows PC compatibility; File formats same as Carlson office products (.fld vs .fcl files for field-to-finish); Compatible symbol libraries; Import Microstation .dgn files; Import and Export AutoCAD .dwg files; Aerial photo overlays; Output to Excel.

New from Carlson SurvPC is the ability to work in the Esri ArcGIS system, yet with a familiar interface, achieving seamless accuracy in GIS. New functionality allows users to use Esri’s Map Objects to perform all survey functions with no downtime learning new software.

In the new ArcGIS-enabled version of Carlson SurvPC, Esri’s Desktop can be used intuitively to perform all survey functions; ArcGIS points, lines and polygons can be used for staking. ArcGIS Nodes can be used for resections and localization; and users will be able to query GIS feature attributes at any time with the Store Points, Stake Points, and Map View screens.

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Carlson CSI Office 2013 buid 130307 Software
Carlson CSI Office 2013 buid 130307

Carlson CSI Office 2013 buid 130307

Расследование несчастных случаев и преступлений:
  • Реконструкция дорожных происшествий.
  • Замер и картографирование мест преступления.
  • Просмотр событий происшествия.
  • Определение способа действий преступников.
  • Мощные возможности построения судебных диаграмм с пакетом CSI Office для эффективной реконструкции дорожно-транспортных происшествий в комплексе с возможностями для просмотра в трёх измерениях.
  • Программы для расследований в офисе поставляются с встроенным модулем IntelliCAD и разработаны специально для нужд полицейского департамента города, округа или штата, а так же консалтинговых компаний, занимающихся реконструкцией аварий.

Новые свойства CSI:

  • Автоматизированное картографирование происшествий и мест преступления.
  • Мастер построения ускоряет выгрузку данных чертежа до нескольких секунд.
  • Простая в использовании панель инструментов для реконструкции аварии.
  • Передача данных из приложения CSI Mobile и других систем сбора данных.
  • Выпуск пользовательских отчетов вместе фотографиями, размещенными на карте сцены аварии; включая аэрофотоснимки места события.
  • Обширная библиотека символов и простое редактирование чертежей с возможностью многократной отмены и повторения команд.
  • Обновленная база данных для определения скорости до катастрофы, в том числе размеры более чем 20.000 марок и моделей автомобилей.

More info.

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Carlson SurvNET v7.0.0.3 Software
Carlson SurvNET v7.0.0.3

Carlson SurvNET v7.0.0.3

This program, unlike other Network Least Squares program, automatically means all horizontal and vertical angles including slope distances. No need to manually mean and input all multiple direct or reverse or closed horizon pairs of angles and distances, SurvNET does this automatically.

SurvNET also automatically weights redundant angle and distances, it applies and reports these new standard errors after adjusting. SurvNET Network Least Squares reports include mean angle and distance splits prior to adjustment, error ellipse reports, and positional tolerance inversing for Alta Survey compliance. 
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Carlson AgStar 2013 Software

Carlson AgStar 2013

Carlson AgStar 2013
AgStar - Agricultural & Irrigation Software - offers a complete package of land-leveling tools for agricultural and irrigation purposes. It carries a versatile suite of commands designed to simplify and speed up the professional surveyor’s work, as well as reduce costs by minimizing the amount of dirt to move.

AgStar handles both the survey and the design sides of land-leveling, allowing you to survey large fields with GPS, and then determine the optimal field design requiring the least amount of dirt moved. The field design tool can be set to a user-specified field slope, or to search for the optimal slope. A host of other design parameters can be specified, including cut/fill ratio, amount of dirt to import or export, and constraints on the range of slopes to search. With AgStar, you can also subdivide the field and assign different designs to each subdivision, which is useful if you want crowns in the field.

For data collection, AgStar supports a wide range of GPS RTK receivers, including such popular brands as Navcom, Ashtech, Leica, Sokkia, and Trimble; if you have it, AgStar probably supports it, which means you may not even need to upgrade your hardware.

AgStar runs on IntelliCAD, which is built-in, so there is no need to buy an additional CAD engine to run the software. The new release includes updated GPS drivers for new receivers from John Deere, Ashtech and others. There’s also the ability to work with geo-referenced aerial images and shape files.
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