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AVEVA PRO/II Simulation 2022 Software
AVEVA PRO/II Simulation 2022

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation 2022

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation optimizes plant performance by improving process design and operational analysis and performing engineering studies. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, AVEVA PRO/II Simulation offers a wide variety of thermodynamic models to virtually every industry.

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation offers a comprehensive library of components, thermodynamics and physical property data, and unit operations. Rigorous refinery reactor models now available.

You can create custom models and reporting via Microsoft Excel. AVEVA PRO/II Simulation integrates with industry-standard licensors including HTRI, OLI, Koch-Glitsch, and MySep. Import assay information via Unified Supply Chain Management.

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation can be used in virtually every industry, including oil and gas production, refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and polymer plant modelling.

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation is available via the cloud in addition to the traditional on-premise access method. This new infrastructure allows for secure user access control, seamless maintenance, and simplified IT overhead.
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AVEVA Process Simulation 2022 v6.0.0.645 Software
AVEVA Process Simulation 2022 v6.0.0.645

AVEVA Process Simulation 2022 v6.0.0.645

AVEVA Process Simulation brings agility to the entire process lifecycle of design, simulation, training, and operations to deliver the process side of the Digital Twin and accelerate the engineering cycle.

Find the optimal design through fast evaluation of design alternatives with flexible specifications and continuous solving. Specify optimal equipment by modeling interacting systems and directly populating the engineering database. Design verification discovers errors earlier and saves time and money spent correcting them. Reduce risk of delays and lost revenue by ramping up quickly. Predict problems before they occur. Train a highly competent workforce.

Engineers can collaborate across disciplines in a single integrated platform to explore all dimensions of a potential design and quantify the impact on sustainability, feasibility, and profitability.
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AVEVA PRO/II Process Engineering 2021 Software
AVEVA PRO/II Process Engineering 2021 x64

AVEVA PRO/II Process Engineering 2021

PRO/II Process Engineering optimises plant performance by improving process design and operational analysis and performing engineering studies. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, PRO/II Process Engineering offers a wide variety of thermodynamic models to virtually every industry. PRO/II Process Engineering offers a comprehensive library of components, thermodynamics and physical property data, and unit operations. You can create custom models and reporting via Microsoft Excel. PRO/II Process Engineering integrates with industry-standard licensors including HTRI, OLI, Koch-Glitsch, and Cost Engineering. Import assay information via Unified Supply Chain Management. PRO/II Process Engineering can be used in virtually every industry, including oil and gas production, refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and polymer plant modelling. PRO/II Process Engineering is available via the cloud in addition to the traditional on-premise access method. This new infrastructure allows for secure user access control, seamless maintenance, and simplified IT overhead.

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AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v4.1.0 Software
AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v4.1.0

AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v4.1.0

SimSci SimCentral Simulation Platform is a new platform to manage how processes are engineered across their entire lifecycle. With this platform, users can streamline process utility design, collaborate for process improvement and simplify modeling complexity. Benefits include reduced time and cost, an appealing user experience for the next generation of engineers and accelerated process simulation and design.

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AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v3.1.0 Software
AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v3.1.0

AVEVA SimCentral Simulation Platform v3.1.0

SimSci SimCentral Simulation Platform is a new platform to manage how processes are engineered across their entire lifecycle. With this platform, users can streamline process utility design, collaborate for process improvement and simplify modeling complexity. Benefits include reduced time and cost, an appealing user experience for the next generation of engineers and accelerated process simulation and design.

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AVEVA PRO/II Process Engineering v10.2 x64 Software
AVEVA (ex. Schneider Electric, Invensys) PRO/II Process Engineering v10.2 x64

AVEVA PRO/II Process Engineering v10.2 x64

PRO/II Process Engineering optimises plant performance by improving process design and operational analysis and performing engineering studies. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, PRO/II Process Engineering offers a wide variety of thermodynamic models to virtually every industry. PRO/II Process Engineering offers a comprehensive library of components, thermodynamics and physical property data, and unit operations. You can create custom models and reporting via Microsoft Excel. PRO/II Process Engineering integrates with industry-standard licensors including HTRI, OLI, Koch-Glitsch, and Cost Engineering. Import assay information via Unified Supply Chain Management. PRO/II Process Engineering can be used in virtually every industry, including oil and gas production, refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and polymer plant modelling. PRO/II Process Engineering is available via the cloud in addition to the traditional on-premise access method. This new infrastructure allows for secure user access control, seamless maintenance, and simplified IT overhead.

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AVEVA Instrumentation & Electrical v12.1 SP3 Software
AVEVA Instrumentation & Electrical v12.1 SP3

AVEVA Instrumentation & Electrical v12.1 SP3

AVEVA's Instrumentation engineering software for systems engineering,  design and through-life maintenance on all types of ships and industrial plants. A feature-rich instrumentation and control engineering software for systems engineering, design and through-life maintenance on all types of ships and industrial plants. AVEVA Instrumentation’s four integrated program modules support the entire instrumentation and control system life cycle from engineering and design, through installation, maintenance and modification.

AVEVA Electrical is a feature-rich software suite for electrical engineering and design. With its advanced graphical user interfaces, use of design rules and catalogues, and maximum workflow flexibility, AVEVA Electrical is the preferred choice for all sizes of project. Fully integrated with ETAP, the industry-leading electrical analysis tool, AVEVA Electrical supports the round-tripping of data between both applications. Projects can be initiated in either AVEVA Electrical or ETAP and the integrity of data between the applications can be ensured. Combined with AVEVA Everything3D, the integration enables the whole life cycle of electrical design to be realised, from analysis, to functional design, to physical layout.

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AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1 Software
AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1

AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1

AVEVA Engineering allows multi-disciplinary engineering teams to work  effectively and efficiently on projects in the marine and plant industries. A highly configurable data model allows it to meet a wide range of project, customer and industry requirements, and to manage virtually any scope of engineering data. Typical ways you can benefit includes facilitating the exchange of information between disciplines, managing tag registers and achieving controlled integration with other data sources. Each discipline retains full control of its information relating to any item. Configurable consistency checks can be applied across the database at any time to check data quality, while built-in tools enable the status of individual objects to be carefully controlled and made visible to other users. A wide variety of fully formatted reports can be generated automatically, such as master tag registers, line lists, equipment lists or valve lists, and any kind of ad hoc or departmental report. 

More info.
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AVEVA PDMS v12.1.SP4.29 Software
AVEVA PDMS v12.1.SP4.29

AVEVA PDMS v12.1.SP4.29

AVEVA Group – один из крупнейших и наиболее успешных мировых поставщиков решений и услуг в области информационных технологий для проектирования, инжиниринга и управления проектами в нефтегазовой, энергетической, химической и судостроительной промышленности.

С 1967 г., на протяжении более сорока лет, компания развивает информационные технологии, обеспечивая 100% наследование проектных данных от одной версии к другой.

AVEVA PDMS - набор интегрированных инженерных приложений в сочетании с открытыми и гибкими решениями для управления предприятием на всем протяжении его жизненного цикла. AVEVA PDMS реализует наиболее быстрое, продуктивное и надежное проектирование, строительство и эксплуатацию объектов любой сложности.

Основные характеристики пакета:
  • Набор функций для управления жизненным циклом предприятия (рабочие процессы, изменения, настройка, управление документами), что позволяет интегрировать и эффективно управлять всеми рабочими процессами и информационными сетями.
  • Интегрированные схематическая модель и 3D модель.
  • Гибкость выбора средств для проектирования в P&ID и других приложениях.
  • Самое производительное в мире решение для 3D-проектирования предприятий.
  • Выполнение территориально-распределенных проектов.
  • Нейтральное к формату данных решение для хранения информации в соответствии со стандартом ISO 15926, которое позволяет хранить объединенные структурированные данные (схемы, 3D, XML и документы) независимо от приложений, в которых они были разработаны.
Электронная 3D модель с использованием PDMS – это не только трехмерная визуализация объекта проектирования, позволяющая выявить геометрические коллизии еще на стадии проектирования, но и точная информационная база данных по всем элементам будущего объекта. Эта база данных позволяет быстро в автоматическом режиме получать любую необходимую информацию. В частности: проектную документацию - плоскостные и изометрические чертежи, заказные спецификации; а также любую другую информацию, позволяющую отслеживать как ход выполнения проекта, так и строительства объекта, а также его эксплуатацию и модернизацию. Достоверность конечной информации однозначно определяется корректностью исходной 3D модели, что практически исключает возможность искажения информации в процессе вывода документации. Одновременное совместное участие проектировщиков различных дисциплин в построении наглядной 3D модели, позволяет оперативно принимать решение в ходе проектирования.
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AVEVA Marine v12.1 SP4.29 Software
AVEVA Marine v12.1 SP4.29

AVEVA Marine v12.1 SP4.29

AVEVA Marine представляет собой интегрированную линейку технологий для судостроительных и шельфовых проектов любого типа. Aveva Marine - комплекс интегрированных решений для проектирования и постройки судов, в составе которого технологии для управления жизненным циклом судна в целом. Aveva Marine объединяет в себе опыт сотрудничества с судостроительными компаниями мира и широкий функционал для разработки чертежей, трехмерных моделей и визуализации. Сотрудничество на основе единой для всех модели судна позволяет вести параллельную работу всем дисциплинам - проектирование корпуса, насыщения, разработка схем, чертежей и комплексной трехмерной модели. Подобный подход обеспечивает эффективную совместную работу по проекту, поддерживает актуальность данных с развитием работ. Широкий выбор средств для разработки части P&ID и кастомизации инженерных приложений позволяет интегрировать систему с уже существующими методами работы. Конструкторские чертежи и схемы могут быть настроены в соответствии с требованиям к оборудованию и материалам конкретной судоверфи, что гарантирует безошибочный высококачественный процесс сборки. Сочетаемость технологий Aveva Outfitting и Aveva PDMS помогает наладить сотрудничество со специалистами промышленного проектирования, а решение AVEVA Global поддерживает работу нескольких территориально удаленных офисов на базе единой для всех "виртуальной верфи".

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