Автор: Williams
Дата: 15 июля 2016
Просмотров: 2 509 |
ASDIP Structural Concrete v3.2.2
ASDIP Concrete is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete members such as beams, columns and walls, based on the latest ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office.
ASDIP Concrete includes the design of the following types of concrete elements:
- Concrete Columns: design of a concrete column under the action of axial loads and bending moments. This module calculates the magnified moments for slenderness of ASCE 7 load combinations, and generates the column strength interaction diagram.
- Concrete Beams: design of a concrete muti-span continuous beam under the action of uniform and concentrated loads. This module accurately calculate the bending and shear strength for different types of beams. Load combinations per ASCE 7.
- Bearing Walls: design of a concrete wall under the action of vertical and out-of-plane lateral loads. This module calculates the magnified moments for slenderness of ASCE 7 load combinations, and generates the wall strength interaction diagram.
ASDIP Concrete is an integrated, interactive system that combines the flexibility of a fill-in-the-blanks format with the power of Windows Forms to effortlessly develop either an optimal design or a quick investigation.
Using a screen with tabbed pages, ASDIP Concrete allows you enter your data directly onto the forms and see the result immediately. This way you are always in control of the design process, since what you see is really what you get. In addition, the detailed results and the graphics are always available for you to follow by the touch of a tab. |
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